
This famous lamb stew is still made in Extremadura, Castile La Mancha, and Castile and León. The historian Gervasio Manrique points out that an authentic shepherd's stew is made from blood, liver, and spices, as well as lamb meat, of course, with various vegetables such as peppers, onions, and tomatoes. All the animal's innards should be used in this dish. However, gentrified versions of the stew have made their way onto today's tables, and contain less offal and more lamb meat than the original. Paprika and bay leaf are also key flavors in this dish.


  • Title: Caldereta de Cordero
  • Date Created: 2020
  • Original Source: Sandra Jiménez Osorio
  • Photograph: Sandra Jiménez Osorio
  • Chef: Sandra Jiménez Osorio

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