Arkham Wiki
Arkham Wiki

Here are some thoughts for you:


Winnie The Pooh and Jack The Ripper both have the same middle name.

Coincidence? I think not.


The Force Awakens was a poorly written fanfiction based off of Episode IV with a pair of Mary Sue main characters (Rey and Po). It's author, J. J. (Jar-Jar) Abrams, should never be allowed near the Star Wars universe again, but he is apparently being allowed to direct Episode IX now. Ugh.

Postponed Endeavor

I was straightening out the massive mess that is our Category index here at the wiki.

It was my hope that I will be able to offer some much needed organizing in that area. I was seeking to do that by eliminating unnecessary and redundant categories, setting up viable category trees, and reducing the sheer number of categories appearing on each article.

That effort is currently postponed, but I am still seeking to reduce unnecessary categories whenever possible, and to keep the inclusion of new categories to a minimum.
