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"Whatever I drop in that tank, just... vanishes. Poof. (laughs) Problem gone."
—Penguin to Batman about Tiny[src]

Tiny is the giant great white shark that Penguin kept in his "Torture Chamber" in the Cyrus Pinkney's Institute for Natural History, and ate everything that entered the water tank.

Incident Report[]

Arkham City Incident[]

Tiny swam around in the tank of the former Terrors of the Deep exhibit at Cyrus Pinkney's Institute for Natural History, which had been repurposed into the Torture Chamber of Penguin's base. Tiny fed on anything that entered the tank's water. When Batman was hunting for Mr. Freeze within the Museum, the Penguin left three undercover cops on the frozen-over surface of the Torture Chamber to die of hypothermia and be eaten by Tiny.

Batman saved the undercover cops, and went on to rescue Mr. Freeze, and took a Disruptor from Freeze's Suit that disabled his Freeze Gun, which was being utilized by Penguin. On his way to the Iceberg Lounge, Tiny attacked Batman for getting too close, but Batman defeated the shark, and Tiny was never to be seen again.

Arkham Knight Incident[]

A shark resembling Tiny appears at the docks. During one of the random conversions Batman can eavesdrop on, one of Joker's former henchmen asks his buddy, who is one of the Penguin's Henchmen, what happened to the shark (referring to Tiny).

GCPD Lockdown[]

Tiny is seen in the first scenario of the episode; if Nightwing comes up to the aquarium with the plaque titled "Tiny" the shark will appear and jump scare him. He can also be seen in an idle position on this maps AR challenge: Shark Bait.



  • If Tiny killed Batman on the way to the Iceberg Lounge, the Game Over scene hint mentioned the Shark Spray from the 1966 Batman movie.
  • If Batman falls into the water after Penguin's defeat, Tiny will not attack.
  • The Shark's corpse found in Arkham Knight is also possibly a reference to another dead Shark who can be found in Batman: Arkham City, at the northeast of Amusement Mile near Bane's Hideout. The Shark that appears in Arkham City is found hanging the same way the Arkham Knight Shark is.
  • Tiny's skeleton is not detected by Detective Vision, due to the cartilage that forms it instead of bones.