Arkham Wiki
Arkham Wiki

Is it neccesary to document the Grapnel Gun is a ficticious device?=[]

Many aspects of the game are clearly fictional and can not exist outside of the fictional universe they were created to fill. The entire story hinges on the ability for the reader to set aside their disbelief and accept they are real.

Accepting they are real, based on the concept of suspended disbelief, it seems unneccesary to include content in the wiki specifically pointing out the reality of items.

As an example, do we need to point out that it is unlikely a man exists proficient in most forms of martial arts who also dresses up like a bat and fights men with guns using only hand to hand combat and immesurable resources available to him due to a billion dollar inheritance?

I think the answer is, "No" and the paragraph discussing the plausibility of the Grapnel Gun could be removed without damaging the value of the article as an explaination of the item within the game. 18:27, October 25, 2013 (UTC) (No account)
