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Arkham Wiki
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Officer Southwold first appeared in Rocksteady Game's Batman: Arkham City in October 2011.


Southwold is an officer in the Gotham City Police Department and a member of the volunteer strike team operation undercover in Arkham City.

Incident Reports[]

Before Arkham City Incident[]

Arkham City Incident[]

Southwold volunteered to join the strike team operating undercover in Arkham City. He and nine other members of the team infiltrated Penguin's gang. Unfortunately, the team was uncovered and taken hostage after Hugo Strange told Penguin during one of their interviews , where they were subjected to random beatings and torture inside the Museum, specifically the Iceberg Lounge.

Southwold, along with Officer Denning, are taken to the Iceberg Lounge when Batman infiltrates the Museum. Once outside the lounge, The Penguin comes on the intercom and forces Batman to listen as he freezes Denning's hand and shatters it with a hammer.

After Arkham City Incident[]
