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Police Brutality is a predator challenge map in Batman: Arkham CityThe map takes place inside the old GCPD building. This map Extreme variation has an hostage.



  • Blast Zone - Explode a weak wall into a henchman to knock him out.
  • Knockout Smash - During a Silent Takedown perform a Knockout Smash to takedown the henchman instantly.
  • Window Pain - Perform a Takedown through a glass window.


  • Whip Into Shape - Trip up a henchman with the Whip and then finish him off with a ground takedown.
  • Scare Tactics - Appear out of nowhere to surprise a terrified henchman.
  • Hit and Run - Punch an armed henchman.


  • Bullet Shield - Block a henchman's bullets before performing a Shield Bash, then take them down.
  • Feet First - While standing on a ledge directly above your target, perform a Reverse Ledge Takedown on the henchman below you.
  • Smash Landing - Smash through a glass ceiling onto a henchman below to take him down.


  • Pound the Beat - Knock down 1 henchman with the Electrical Blast, then take him down.
  • Grate Moves - While in a floor grate perform a takedown on a henchman.
  • Mind Your Head - Knock down a henchman with a Wing Ding and then finish him off with a ground takedown.

Medals (Extreme)[]


  • Don't Touch That Dial - Leave the henchman with the Jammer Backpack until last.
  • Feet First - While standing on a ledge directly above your target, perform a Reverse Ledge Takedown on the henchman below you.
  • Smash and Grab - Perform an Inverted Takedown from a vantage point through the glass ceiling.


  • Gun Thief - Disarm a henchman with an aimed Whip attack.
  • Knockout Smash - During a Silent Takedown perform a Knockout Smash to takedown the henchman instantly.
  • Bullet Proof - Take down all of the henchmen without taking damage.


  • Shield Bash - Knock a henchman down with the Shield Bash and then take him down.
  • Two for Two - Take down 2 henchmen with 2 different walls at once using Explosive Gel.
  • Smoke Detector - Use the smoke pellet to create a smoke cloud and take down a henchman as he panics in the smoke.


  • Triple Header - Use the Electrical Blast attack on three or more henchmen.
  • Chain Reaction - Kick 2 Henchmen in one move using the Line Launcher.
  • Confiscated Weapon - Use the Batclaw to disarm a henchman, then take him down (upgrade required).