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Batman: Arkham Origins[]

Arkham Origins[]

  • "The Batman? You expect me to believe that? Listen. I happen to know that the Batman's got way more important things to do tonight than mess with our shipment, and that's saving his own ass. So next time you wanna make up a story, you'd better hope the person you're telling it to ain't dumber than you are! Oh, wait. That's right. THERE AIN'T NO ONE DUMBER THAN YOU!"
  • "I don't care what you think you saw. If you're not back 'ere with my money in the next ten minutes, I'll cut your damn eyeballs out. And then you won't have to worry about seeing nothin' ever again. Is that clear!?"
  • "All right, everyone. Listen up. I know I ought to cancel our annual Boiler Deck fights after what happened tonight in Jezebel Plaza, but just to show you what a nice guy I am, the fights are still on. So get yourself down to the ship right now if you want in on this. Do I make myself clear? Now get on down here. I ain't waiting for laggers."
  • "Welcome, welcome to this year's Boiler Deck fights! You know, I always get a laugh out of you first round lot. That's why I keep you boys 'round. Well that an' I need someone to clean out the pisser! An' don't think I didn't notice those of you who didn't bet on yourselves. You're either cheap or lacking confidence. Neither are desirable qualities. I'll sort you lot out after the tourney, but let's get started! Who's ready for some action?"
  • "Oh, come on, ladies! Stop trying to keep your dresses clean and fight."
  • "Come on now. I've seen school girls with more grit!"
  • "That the best you can do? You hit like a ponce!"
  • "Miserable. You're all miserable, ain't ya?"
  • "Come on, son! At least make a show of it."
  • "Ooh! You are a wanker, aren't ya?"
  • "Kick him in the hampsteads!"
  • "Crack on, now."
  • "All right, lads. The rest of you losers-to-be are gonna have to embarrass yourselves without me. God knows you can do it. I got some business to take care of in me office, and I don't want to be disturbed. Tracey will be running the fights till I get back."
  • "Now where were we, Candy?"
  • "Now you best listen, Falcone...'cause this is the last time I'll ask."
  • "What are you gonna tell your father?"
  • "I see your lips flapping, Berty, but they ain't makin' the sound I want to hear."
  • "You idiots better kill him-cos if not, you better hope he kills you."
  • "Punch him in the FACE!"
  • "Don't stand there! Kill him!"
  • "What are you waitin' for!?"
  • "Are you waitin' for a personal invitation?"
  • "Kill'em you bloody wankers!"
  • "C'mon now! Remind me why I pay you ponces!"
  • "Kick his arse you numpty prats!"
  • "Now hold on, hold on a bloody minute!"
  • "I seen your act. I ain't done nothing you'd not'a done."
  • "I don't keep tabs on every geezer with a grudge. You're not a popular bloke in this town."
  • "Eck...Wait-Wait...Lacey Towers. There was a murder...It was supposed to be his safehouse...But Ol' Black Mask-e's got problems of'is own, I'd say. Someone broke in there and-"
  • "Nice seein' ya, Batman. Feel free to let yourself out."
  • "You'll have more luck gettin' into a nun's skivvies than gettin' into this room. Go on, then. Beat it a bit harder. Really make me feel it."
  • "Well, as you can see, I got me 'ands full. 'ave a Merry Christmas, and piss off."
  • "Candy? What a treat! Where you been, luv?"
  • "Ah, yes. Catch anything interesting?"
  • "Oh?"
  • "Now, what would Roman want with that lot, I wonder? I think it's time to break out some our new hardware. We need to keep an eye on our friend, Black Mask."

Progress of henchmen[]

  • "You're curdling the herd, Batman. Taking out my weak links. Apparently there's a lot of weak links in that room."
  • "I never knew my mutts were poodles." (Deathstroke)
  • "You worthless poppets are getting exactly what you deserve." (Deathstroke)
  • "I'm starting to think I'm gonna fire the whole lot of ya!" (Deathstroke)
  • "And why are we losing?" (Deathstroke)
  • "Look. There's three of you. And only one of him. So I don't care how you do it. Just KILL him." (Batman)
  • "You two? Against the Bat? Oh, bloody 'ell."
  • "Already down to two are we? Don't worry, Batman. Plenty more where they came from."
  • "Do me a favor, Batman. Put these last two out of their misery so I don't have to listen to their bloody whining."
  • "Oh, I've got plans for you, Batman. BIG plans."
  • "You don't think I'm gonna forget this, do you Batman?"
  • "So. Last of the lot. And from the sounds I'm 'earing, my guess is, this won't be your finest moment." (Batman)
  • "Alright, son. Now is your chance to shine. So wipe away those tears and do your bloody job!" (Batman)
  • "My last three men." (Deathstroke)
  • "My last three. Oh, you're gonna pay, Deathstroke. You're gonna pay."
  • "My last two men. To hell with you, Wilson!"
  • "My last two. Oh, I'm gonna make you suffer, Deathstroke."
  • "You haven't beaten me yet, Deathstroke. I still have one more gutless mutt up my sleeve."
  • "It would seem, you sir, are the last lump of stupid standing. Good luck. I mean it." (Deathstroke)
  • "Listen now. Don't give up. A thousand Benjamins for the mercenary's head."
  • "Wonderful display, Wilson. Just wonderful."
  • "Lovely show, Slade! Lovely show!"

Predator Broadcasts (Terrified)[]

  • "I had no idea you were a lot of cream-puff, poncey wankers!"
  • "Oh man up, you numpty prats!"
  • "You mugs quite your moaning, or I'll come down there and give you something to moan about!"
  • "Well, it's only a matter of time now, ain't it? Bloody 'ell." (Batman)
  • "Careful, Batman. The terrified and desperate can be unpredictably lethal."
  • "Oh, please. Just finish 'em off so I don't have to witness anymore of this debacle." (Batman)
  • "Insolent cretins! Feed him to the fish, or I'll feed you to the fish!" (Deathstroke)
  • "Gutless morons! I want him in pieces!" (Deathstroke)
  • "Insolent, gutless, dribbling toads! I want Deathstroke dead. Now!"
  • "You bloody toads! I'll make you pay for your incompetence!" (Deathstroke)
  • "I'll use simple words to make sure you cretins understand. Get Deathstroke!"
  • "Warrior's code. Bullocks! Just kill 'em, I don't care. They're damaged goods anyway."
  • "What is this code you live by, Slade? Is it true? Do you save the "Deathstroke" for the worthy?"

Cold Cold Heart[]

  • "If this goes sideways, you come runnin'."
  • "I know you won't. Boyle's got the codes you need, an' I ain't givin' 'im up 'less I get what he's givin' ya."
  • "What I'm interest in is the weapons I was promised. I know you're holdin' out on me."
  • "Oh-ho! I think you're confused about what is about to 'appen 'ere."
  • "As soon as you show us that big fishbowl, my boys'll blow it open."
  • "And if that don't work, I'll be sure to blow your precious code right out of Mister Boyle's 'ere's brains."
  • "Gettin' what I was promised ain't got nothin' to do with gettin' what I want."
  • "Bloody'el. You're supposed to be the genius, aren'tcha? And you think you can out-muscle me? 'Ave a look around!"
  • "Yeah? So? SUE me! AFTER you give me what's hidin' in that back room, of course."
  • "You again!?" [to Batman]
  • "You. This is your fault. You get me out a'this!" (Batman)
  • "Boyle's got codes he needs access some kind of a'superweapon. And now you let'em have it!"
  • "Yeah. Yeah. Look-you want to save our friend, Mister Boyle, yeah? But you'll never break through this ice. GothCorp has a device.. a uh-it's like a drill-a cryodrill."
  • "I 'ad my men bring all our-acquisitions to the My Alibi night club. For safekeepin', of course."
  • "What are you waitin' for? Get to My Alibi, get that drill and get back here!"
  • "All those assassins and he still ain't dead. It's like a bad joke." (Batman)
  • "You gonna just stand there? I'm gonna freeze t'death!"
  • "You wanna save Boyle? You're gonna need that drill."
  • "You know what I'm gonna do when I out a'here? I'm gonna 'ave Candy pour me a nice, hot bath. And then I'm gonna drown you in it!"
  • "Are you completely and utterly dense?"
  • "Get-get over 'ere you numpty bugger! Put your scrawny little neck in my 'and so I can strangle some sense into you!"
  • "You're gonna get me out a'this damn iceberg?"
  • "But-you can't leave me here. I'll freeze to death."
  • "Oh. So, you come back to gloat, 'ave ya? I'll 'ang you with that bloody cape. You 'ear me!?"
  • "Let's be reasonable. You're not gonna let me die 'ere now are ya... Are ya?"
  • "I'm gonna make your life a livin' 'ell. You hear me you pointy-eared freak!?"
  • "C'mon, Batman. You got a price, yeah? Name it-it's yours."
  • "You can't leave me 'ere, Batman. I'm freezin' to death!"
  • "You're a cold-hearted bastard, you know that."

Arkham Origins Blackgate[]

  • "Batman! Welcome to my arena!"
  • "Much more entertaining than the usual exercise hour in the yard, I think you'll agree!"
  • "Your timing is perfect! We're fresh out of prison guards to challenge our reigning champion...Bronze Tiger! Simple rules, gentlemen-the one that doesn't die keeps fighting!"
  • "Tiger, you became my toy when you declined to join the ranks of my soldiers!"
  • "'s play or die!"
  • "Enough gabbin'! TO THE DEATH!!!"
  • "Come on! Finish him off! Do it!"
  • "Oh Turner, you fool! Don't dance with him! Kill him!"
  • "Come on! Show him what you're made of!"
  • "Punch him! Kick him! Do something!"
  • "Hope you learned your lesson, Batman!"
  • "To the death, Batman! Finish him!"
  • "This is my arena, Batman! You're my toy to play with!"
  • "Get in there! Make him pay for defying me!"
  • "Kill them both!" (after Penguin got shot in the arm by Bronze Tiger)
  • "Hurry, you fools! At this rate, I'll finish my entire sentence waiting for you!"
  • "Finally!" (after the munitions door unlocks)
  • "Wrong, Batman...I've claimed this turf, and you're the one who's trespassing!"
  • "With what's beyond this wall, I have everything I came to Blackgate to find!"
  • "Then I'll show everyone who thought I was finished!"
  • "Only the strong survive, like back in my arena! And I intend to survive!"
  • "I've got a name for you lad from where I come from, pansies!"
  • "Oh, please! Just finish them off so I don't have to witness anymore of this debacle!"
  • "You really think you're a match for my men?" (laughs)
  • "You messed with the wrong Cobblepot!"
  • "I'm sure we can be reasonable about this, Batman."
  • "I'm talking common sense...I mean obviously, I'm one of the least dangerous blokes in here."
  • "I mean, heh heh...look at me!"
  • "Aww, you flatter me, Batman."
  • "But what reason could there be to cage a poor, flightless bird like myself?"
  • "Down, you fool! Get me down!"
  • "As long as I'm paying you, I'll speak to you however I please, fool."
  • "Now, did you bring what I requested from the prisoner belongings lockup?"
  • "At least you've done one thing right today."
  • "You know, I thought it'd be easier to run my empire from in here than outside, where the Bat could interfere."
  • "Aw, well, I have many bases of operation in this city. How many men do we have?"
  • "I think you mean eleven." (kills the bribed guard that freed him with his umbrella)
  • "And hopefully they won't have as much trouble taking orders as you did."

Assault on Arkham[]

  • "Right. Right. Come in."
  • "Welcome to the Iceberg Lounge. I'm just finishing my supper."
  • "Lawton? I never pegged Deadshot for a team player."
  • "That's a good one!"
  • "This man is the best assassin I have ever seen, and I only work with the best." (Deadshot)
  • "I can, indeed."
  • "I've made arrangements to sneak you into the crazy farm. Follow them to...You!" (Harley Quinn)
  • "Clown!" (Harley Quinn)
  • "You cost me money, Funny Girl. Her and her loony boyfriend lit my truck of cigarettes and drove into the river just for a laugh!" (Harley Quinn and Joker)
  • "Nobody steals from me and walks away. It's bad business, luv." (Harley Quinn)
  • "Get her out of my sight, Lawton." (To Deadshot about Harley Quinn)
  • "There's your files. Rememorize the contents. You can grab some shut-eye in the rooms above."
  • "You deploy tomorrow night under the cover of darkness, and then I never want to see any of you on my turf again." (The Suicide Squad)
  • "Now get the hell out of here!"

Batman: Arkham City[]

  • "Well, look who it is." (Bruce Wayne)
  • "Welcome to hell, Brucey-boy."
  • "Nighty-night." (Bruce Wayne)
  • "Lights out, rich boy!" (Bruce Wayne)
  • "Wakey-wakey, Wayne!"
  • "Oh, what's up? Do you need me to call your butler?"
  • "Aw, you remember me. I'm touched."
  • "Your family destroyed mine, Wayne. This...well, let's just call this good, old-fashioned revenge."
  • "GET HIM!"
  • "Ah! Hurt him! I think he's broken my bloody hand!"
  • "Do you know who I am!? Open this damn gate now!"
  • "When this lot is done with you, I'll personally break every bone in both your hands!"
  • "Someone! Open this freakin' gate!"
  • "You're gonna pay for this, Wayne!"
  • "Get this gate open! Now!"
  • "Don't let him get away!"
  • "Help! Get me out of here!"
  • "I knew you were too chicken to face me, Wayne!"
  • "Go on! Run! Climb like a bloody monkey. It won't do you any good! I own Arkham City! You hear me? I own this town!"
  • "You can't run! You can't hide. I'll have a thousand people out looking for you and when they find you, you're going in my collection! Understand?"
  • "Can you hear me? What's going on? Oh, for the love of..."
  • "If any of you idiots at the GCPD are still capable of breathing, switch to channel Puffin-Zero."
  • "Do you understand. Puffin-Zero, now!"
  • "Good. Make sure it stays that way."
  • "Let's get this straight. Are you telling me that you all are so incompetent that you need me to come down there and help you search a room?"
  • "Well, it sounds like that's what you're saying."
  • "Good. Oh yeah, one last thing. I hear Batman's coming your way. Good luck."
  • "Keep him busy. I've shut down all access to the GCPD. He's not going anywhere!"
  • "I'll have to cut that tongue out of your head, boy. I don't like people tellin' tales on me."
  • "You can 'ave him, Batman. I'm safe and sound here in my Museum. Try and get me if you like."
  • "I've got plenty of surprises ready for you if you do, starting right now."
  • "See, I told you it would work. Blow the bridges and cut off the clown's forces. Easy."
  • "So?"
  • "And your point is?"
  • "Try to take some of them down before you die, son."
  • "I don't think I want you breaking into my little home, Batman."
  • "What's going on out there? One of the jammers' signal's disappeared!"
  • "Well find out! And while you're doin' it, make sure the other jammer's safe or I'll find you and I'll stick what's left of it up your..."
  • "Batman's done something to the jammers up top! Where are the rest of you idiots?"
  • "Just set it up wherever you are. Do it now! Batman's probably on his way down there! Understand?"
  • "What the hell is happening down there? Hello? Is someone going to answer me? I give you one simple task: stick up a couple of freaking machines. And what? You couldn't even get that right? I hope Batman broke every body in your stupid bodies. I hope you're lying there, desperately trying to breathe through fractured ribs and punctured lungs. If you're not, you'd better summon up whatever strength you've got left and run, 'cause after I'm done with the Bat, you're all next!"
  • "I wouldn't do that if I was you."
  • "Show 'im what we've got."
  • "So Batman, you'ere for the cops? The Ice-man? Or me?"
  • "Aren't you scary?" (Batman)
  • "Am I really?"
  • "Listen, I'm what you might call, a collector."
  • "If someone wants it, I like to think... I've got it."
  • "And if I don't have it, I'll get it."
  • "So here's the thing. Back there, I've got a cabinet with your name on it, just waiting to be filled. And as luck would have it, here you are, standing just where I want you." (Batman)
  • "So, what you do think? Are you going to be a good boy and give up nicely?" (Batman)
  • "I was hoping you'd say that. Look around you. This horrible bunch of psychopaths are all begging to join up with me, but unfortunately for them, I only take the best. And today, best means whoever can kill you." (Batman)
  • "Come on out, lads. It's initiation time!"
  • "Maybe you all didn't hear? If you don't kill him - then you don't get to work for me!"
  • "The only way to get in my nest is to kill Batman. You understand?"
  • "It's like you're not even trying. It's simple. Kill him, join me."
  • "I don't pay you lot to dance, I pay you to fight. So, fight!"
  • "What are you waiting for? Hurt him!"
  • "C'mon! Put some effort in!"
  • "Kill him! Kill 'im! Kill HIM!"
  • "Get 'round him! Hit him!"
  • "I want to see his face."
  • "Show-me-his-face!"
  • "Kill him! Kill him!"
  • "Hurt him!"
  • "You weren't supposed to do that, Batman."
  • "You're forcing me to bring out the big guns."
  • "Aw! He's doesn't look happy to see you, Batman! Good luck!"
  • "Stay where I can see you, Batman."
  • "You wouldn't believe the fight the old snow man put up. Still, I got what I wanted. That's all that matters." (Mr. Freeze)
  • "Hold still, boy!"
  • "When you're done in here, feel free to join me in the Iceberg Lounge so I can kick your arse again."
  • "Enjoy the copsicle!"
  • "Sorry about that Batman. Have you met my little friend down there?"
  • "Meet Tiny. Who'da thought a big fish could be so useful? Not me, that's for sure."
  • "He's like a mobile garbage truck. Whatever I drop in that tank, just...vanishes. Poof. (laughs) Problem gone."
  • "Hello, Batman. Can you hear me? 'Course you can."
  • "Thought you'd like a little entertainment to go along with the ice skatin'."
  • "Tell him your name, son."
  • "Oh! This piggy's still got some life in 'im. Good. Let's hear him squeal."
  • "What you're hearing is the sound of an undercover cop having his fingers frozen to sub-zero temperatures."
  • "Now, I wonder what would happen if I take this hammer and..."
  • "Well, what do you know? His whole bloody hand explodes."
  • "You better, son. Batman's on the way and the last time I saw him, he didn't look very happy."
  • "Tell the boys there's an extra hundred grand in it for whoever brings him in alive."
  • "Hello, Batman! I know it's you! What is it? Finally grown a pair and come to find me?" *"Well, good luck!"
  • "You again? What's wrong with you?"
  • "Don't you give up, Batman?"
  • "This place is mine, Batman. Piss off outta here!"
  • "Watch the birdie, Batman!"
  • "You can't win, Batman!"
  • "Stay still, you wanker!"
  • "Hold still, you wanker!"
  • "You're mine, Batman!"
  • "Hold still, Batman!"
  • "Stay still, Batman!"
  • "Tell you what, Batman. I'll give you this one for free."
  • "Come and 'ave a go. If you're not scared, that is."
  • "What is it? You think you can beat me?"
  • "Come on then, son. Give me your best!"
  • "What?"(Freeze Gun disabled)
  • "C'mon, fire, damn you!"(Freeze Gun disabled)
  • "What the hell is wrong with this thing?"(Freeze Gun disabled)
  • "Stay back, stay back!"(Freeze Gun disabled)
  • "Stupid. Piece. Of. Crap."(Freeze Gun disabled)
  • "Go in, damn you."(Freeze Gun disabled)
  • "What the hell is wrong with you?"(Freeze Gun disabled)
  • "Come on."(Freeze Gun disabled)
  • "No! I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me."
  • "Me neither."
  • "I tried to help you, Batman. I gave you the opportunity to end this and walk away, but oh no. You had to be the big man."
  • "Well, guess what? From up here, you look pretty small."
  • "Aw! Don't look so sad, I've got a little surprise for you down there."
  • "I found him down there when I bought this place. Comes in handy!" (Solomon Grundy)
  • "Looks like you made him angry, Batman. Good luck with that."(Solomon Grundy)
  • "I don't think you wanted to do that, did you? Oh, well."(REC on Solomon Grundy)
  • "Enough with the bloody explosives! I mean it!"
  • "Those things are antiques! Leave 'em alone!"
  • "No! What the hell are you doing?"
  • "What the hell are doing?!"
  • "Stop that!"
  • "No!"
  • "Oh, you're asking for it now, Batman! Let's see how much that ugly son of a bitch can take!" (Solomon Grundy)
  • "Oh, that looked like it hurt, didn't it? Good job that bugger's immortal!" (Solomon Grundy)
  • "What have you done? You little... You can't kill him! You can't!" (Solomon Grundy)
  • "Well what do you know? You really can't kill that bastard!" (Solomon Grundy)
  • "Oi!"
  • "Just you and me left! The Bat vs. the Bird!"
  • "Well, look who it is. Mr. Fr..."(Mr. Freeze)
  • "This isn't over!"
  • "I'm a patient man. I can wait!"
  • "You're going in my collection, Batman. I always get what I want."
  • "My family used to own Gotham. It will again."
  • "I'll take this all back. Just wait and see."
  • "Laugh, boy. I'll get outta here, and then you are gonna regret this."(Two-Face's Henchman)
  • "What!?"(Two-Face's Henchman)
  • "He wouldn't dare."(To Two-Face's Henchman about Two-Face)
  • "You tell Harvey that even if he sets one foot in this place, I'll kill him. I'll tear him in half, though, he'll probably like that, won't he?"(To Two-Face's Henchman about Two-Face)
  • "Piss off!" (Catwoman)
  • "Please, don't hurt me! I didn't mean it." (Catwoman)
  • "Well, look who is back to see me. What's up, Batman? Did a little bird tell you that Two-Face was back?"
  • "Who do you think you talking to? Oswald Cobblepot doesn't hide from anyone, understand? He just... he just didn't see me." (To Batman about Two-Face)

Museum Cases[]

  • "The joke is definitely on these losers! Tell me, what do I need to do to stop you sending these goons into my home, Joker? Kill you?"(Joker's Henchmen)
  • "A little bird told me that Bruce Wayne is on his way to be a part of my collection. When I get my hands on that spoiled little rich kid, I’ll make him regret what his family did to mine."(Bruce Wayne's Exhibit)
  • "Now this little minx is a real puzzle. Where did she come from? How did she kill eight of my men before we managed to hold her down and beat her into unconsciousness? All I know is... I like her pajamas."(League of Assassin's Ninja)
  • "Hugo Strange is watching you! Yeah, right. Pity he wasn't watching this TYGER Guard when we went to work on him with blow torches and iron bars."
  • "This will be the jewel of my collection! Coming soon!... the Batman!"
  • "Take a good look into the eyes of a monster! A deeply disturbed serial killer, a man responsible for the murder and subsequent mutilation of over one hundred men, women and children. You are looking at... Zsasz!"(Victor Zsasz)
  • "Don't send your boys over here Harvey. Next time I’ll cut 'em in two... come to think of it, you'd probably like that, wouldn’t you?"(Two-Face's Henchmen)
  • "Press the button and watch the puppet dance." (Scarface)
  • "This is all that's left of a man who spent too long in the shark tank."
  • "Can you smell that? That's the smell of someone who tried to steal from me and spent four hours in a hot oven as punishment."
  • "Recognize Joker's pets? Me too. That's why I had them shot and stuffed!"(Bud and Lou)
  • "This is what happens when you try and get clever with me. Look closer! Do you want this to happen to you?"
  • "This one's just waiting for the clown's girlfriend to show up. She'll be good for minutes of entertainment before I cut her head off!"(Harley Quinn)
  • "A prize-winning cryogenic scientist pushed to the edge of sanity by a desire to help his poor, dying wife... Or an old man, captured by me and stuck on the grill?" (Mr. Freeze)
  • "The Clown Prince of Crime... Bah! This guy needs putting down like a sick puppy. He's been an inconvenience to my operations too long and to be honest, I really don't find him that funny."(Joker)
  • "Who doesn't like machine guns? These little beauties fire over 100 rounds a minute and even better, are so inaccurate, you don't even need to try. Just pulling the trigger means somebody in the room will be lying in a pool of blood in seconds."
  • "You are looking at the world's most advanced refrigerator. Stick a sickly scientist inside it and you've got Mister Icebox himself." (Mr. Freeze's Suit)
  • "Look at all these lovely shotguns. I remember when these was all you needed to rob a Gotham bank or two."
  • "These sniper rifles can blow a single hair of a man at a thousand yards. Aim a little lower, and there won't even be a head left."
  • "Use these grenades to flush out all the dirty little vermin that likes to hide in dark corners."
  • "How good is this stuff?! Stops a nine millimeter at close range and keeps you warm in the cold." (TYGER Shield)
  • "Take a look at this lovely bit of kit. Pull the trigger and smile as three and a half pounds of explosives hurtle towards the sneaky little runt who thought he could get away from me."(Missile Launcher)
  • "Now when you really want to surprise the sneaky little bitch who's hunting you down, use these! Nothing yields surprise like a pound of C4 blowing your legs off when you least suspect it."(Mines)
  • "Check out these little beauties. State of the art military hardware means no one will be able to hide in the shadows."(Night Vision Goggles)
  • "Interference generators. At the flick of a switch, turns even the most technologically prepared attacker into a caveman feeling their way into the dark."(Backpack Jammer)

Progress of Henchmen[]

  • "Four left. Work - harder!"
  • "Three of you left? What is this a freakin' dance competition? Kill him now!"
  • "I want him found. He's taken out three of you."

Predator Broadcasts (Calm)[]

  • "If that disruptor stops working, Batman will be free to stroll right into my lovely museum, and if you let that happen, I'll make you you all get to see what I'm keeping under the Iceberg Lounge."(Signal Jammer)
  • "That disruptor is the only thing keeping you alive. If it stops working, it's not Batman you need to be worrying about."(Signal Jammer)
  • "I'm looking forward to sticking that ugly, pointy-eared freak on display. Make it happen."
  • "I want him stopped quick! Bundled up, and stuck on display. You understand?"
  • "You 'orrible lot look just like the people to stop Batman. Don't disappoint me."
  • "I'm paying you to protect that thing! Don't let me down."(Signal Jammer)
  • "Don't disappoint me again. Stop - Batman - Now!"
  • "Don't you dare let 'im get to my disruptor!"(Signal Jammer)

Predator Broadcasts (Nervous)[]

  • "I've got a lovely one-armed mercenary up here just waiting to come down and teach you lot what it means to fail me. Shall I let him out of his cage?"
  • "Do I need to remind you that I will personally choke the life out of everyone who's let me down?"
  • "Is it too much to ask that you just do your jobs and stop him? Tell me it's not."
  • "C'mon. Pull yourselves together. I'm paying you for results, give me them."
  • "You're supposed to be good at this! He's making you look like idiots!"
  • "This is not making me happy. He's making you lot look like fools."
  • "Stop 'im. He's making you lot look like a bunch of girls."
  • "Do not fail me. I will not forgive you. Understand?"

Predator Broadcasts (Terrified)[]

  • "Alright, listen to me now. If you don't stop him, I'm going to have someone drive around what is left of your poor, miserable families and hurt them. Then, I'll make them call you up and beg for your lives. Then, I'll kill them."
  • "Are you scared? Good. Fear makes you better. Fear makes you win. If you don't win, I'll make you more scared than you can possibly imagine."
  • "You're all that's left between me being happy and me being very, very, very sad. And if you make me cry, I'll make you cry."
  • "All alone, son. You better not piss me off by dying. I'd hate to have to wake you up to kill you again."
  • "You're all letting me down. I think that I am going to have you all killed."
  • "This is all wrong. Pull it together, or I'll get someone to pull you apart."
  • "None of you are on my Christmas list this year!"
  • "Find him! Kill him! Do it!"
  • "It's just you, son."

Predator (KO'd Henchman)[]

  • "I'm one man down. That's not good, is it? Still, I hope that the rest of you do your best not to disappoint me."
  • "I'm running out of patience, you're running out of people. Let's see what runs out first."
  • "I've lost one of you idiots. Let's end it there."
  • "Are you mucking me about? Find him!"

Batman Arkham Knight[]

Harley Quinn Story Pack[]

  • "Harley! Quit wasting time you stupid mug. We need Poison Ivy in Gotham now if our plan to destroy Batman is gonna work."
  • "My, my, touch a nerve, did I? Good. Now hurry up and find Ivy."
  • "MOVE IT!"
  • "What's the hold up?"
  • "You're taking too long."
  • "What are you waiting for?"
  • "Move it Harley!"
  • "Get a move on!"
  • "Rescue Ivy and we'll make ol' pointy ears pay for killin' your clown"
  • "You useless harlot! I knew we should have sent one of my men to do this job. I told Scarecrow you were nothing but trouble."
  • "I bet you do."
  • "I must say I'm impressed by the way you handled yourself back there. I could really use a girl like you in my organization."
  • "Aw. How much, luv? How much to get you on my payroll?"
  • "Quinn! Keep it quiet. You don't want to attract too much attention."
  • "If I was you I'd check to see if these coppers got Ivy on the wire."
  • "Just get to the computer and find Ivy!"
  • "C'mon then, let's finish this thing before we upset Scarecrow. And neither of us want that."
  • "What's it matter? If Scarecrow says we need Ivy to take out the Bat-trash, then we need Ivy to take out the Bat-trash."
  • "That's what I meant, Harley, that's what I meant..."
  • "Quinn. Better move your arse. My men spotted Nightwing just outside."
  • "And you don't want unnecessary complications."
  • "Right, well... I don't even know how to respond to that."
  • "Well, well. Ain't that a bloody surprise. Now grab Ivy and bring her outside. I've got a car waiting for ya. Scarecrow will be very pleased with our work."
  • "Why you little..."
  • "Just get back to Gotham."

Arkham Knight[]

  • "Gotham's finest." (To Two-Face about the dead GCPD Officer)
  • "Batman?! Don't worry about Batman. He's about to become extinct." (Henchmen)
  • "You see? I told you. He couldn't even keep up with you two in crappy little truck. He's overrated!. Anyway, listen up. I've got something to say." (Henchmen)
  • "As you're aware -- and this truly breaks my heart, lads -- we've been working with the other freaks to take down the Bat together. I know, I know. It's been hard., but look on the bright side. We're bloody rich!" (Henchmen)
  • "Look at it all! Lovely, lovely money! And it's all mine."
  • "Don't worry son. You'll get yours, I promise. Now, any more stupid bloody questions?" (Henchman)
  • "We wait. Just keep handing out guns to any loser who comes in here with a fistful of cash. This arrangement with Scarecrow is strictly short-term. The clown's dead and Batman soon will be. Then Gotham's ours for the taking. And I am going to take. I want it all. If someone even looks at this city, I want my cut." (Henchmen)
  • "Now that's not very nice, is it?" (Henchman)
  • "Give that man a cigar! Of course we're gonna to kill that ugly, twisted son of a bitch]]! We're gonna kill 'em all, lads!" (To Henchmen about Two-Face and the rest of the villains)
  • "So that's who he had? The commissioner's little girl?" - Penguin recognizing the Arkham Knight from Batman's interrogation.
  • "They were going to see some geezer called Simon Stagg. I think he runs a pharmaceutical company or something!" (Batman)
  • "I'm not! I swear! They said he's about to leave Gotham. Those airships over the West River belong to him!" (Batman)
  • "It won't do you any good!" (Batman)
  • "Scarecrow's gonna break you! You are going down, Batman!"
  • "What is it?" (Henchman)
  • "Well lose him!" (Henchman)
  • "I don't wanna hear that. If you bring him anywhere near my guns, I'll do you some serious damage." (Henchman)
  • "Where is he now?" (Henchman)
  • "Just cause you can't see him doesn't mean he can't see you!" (Henchman)
  • "Next I hear from ya, it better be good news!" (Henchman)
  • "Good until you called. Why am I hearing your bloody voice?" (Henchman)
  • "What now?" (Henchman)
  • "Why are you all so sodding useless?" (Henchmen)
  • "Oh, that's alright then. Apology accepted." (Henchman)
  • "NO, NOT REALLY! He's already gotten two of my caches. If he gets number three, your family jewels are comin' off. Now lose him!"(Henchman)
  • "Cocky little bastard." - Penguin insulting Nightwing after he punched him in the face
  • "You've been takin' from me all night Batman. It's time I did a little takin' of my own."
  • "Well, ain't this cozy!" (Gun to Nightwing's head)
  • "You need to keep an eye on this one, Batman. He's a bit too careless for my liking." (Nightwing)
  • "Come any closer and you get to see the contents of his head!" (Nightwing)
  • "Flying who? What you on about?" (Nightwing)
  • "Shut up, ya fairy!" (Nightwing)
  • "I said, shut it!" (Nightwing)
  • "You're about to suck down your last breath, boy. I'd make sure you say your goodbyes." (Nightwing)
  • "You hear that, Batman?! You're gonna wished you never messed with me." (Gun to Nightwing's head)
  • "Nobody takes from Penguin, nobody!" (Batman)
  • "You've ripped me off one too many times." (Batman)
  • "Maybe he thinks I ain't gonna do it. Is that it, Batman? You think I ain't got the balls?!" (Nightwing and Batman)
  • "Everyone's gonna know your boy died and you stood ther and did nothin'!" (Batman)
  • "It's you that ain't got the guts to take me out!" (Batman)
  • "Going soft in your old age, eh!" (Batman)
  • "You're time in this city's over Batman! You better hang up the cape!" (Batman)
  • "He can't. He's lost his bottle! That's right ain't it, Batman?!" (Batman)
  • "After I've put one in the boys head, you're next!" (Batman)
  • "But you ain't getting' off that easy. You're gonna suffer." (Batman)
  • "Before I'm through, you're gonna beg me for death!" (Batman)
  • "This is it, boy, time to paint this room with your brains!" (Nightwing before executing him)
  • "No! Stop!" (Batman)
  • "I'll kill you!" (Batman)
  • "Don't you dare!" (Batman)
  • "You bastard! I swear to God, you better kill me Batman, otherwise I'm gonna kill you! I'm gonna -" (Before being knocked out by Batman)
  • "Ooh, my head... eh... wh-where am I?" (Regaining consciousness inside the Batmobile)
  • "No!... NO!"(Batman)
  • "Those guns... they were mine!" (Penguin's Weapons Caches)
  • "You're nothing without your little helpers. I nearly had your boy, didn't I?" (To Batman about Nightwing)
  • "What's the matter, got you rattled?" (Batman)
  • "Empty threats, Batman. We all know you don't kill."
  • "Heh heh! I'm sure you'll feel better tomorrow. Good nights kip can do wonders mate." (Batman)
  • "You smug bastard. I might've known it was a Wayne under that mask. What's the matter? Bankrupting my family's business wasn't enough, you had to go and kick ten tons of crap outta people too!" (Batman)
  • "Yeah, and yours are dead!" (Bruce's parents)
  • "Ah, what's the matter, touched a nerve? This caped crusader lark really work when everyone knows who you are, does it?" (Batman)
  • "Face it, after tonight Batman's dead in the water. You better find a new costume old boy! What will it be next? Ooh, I know, how about a Squirrel?" (Batman)
  • "Keep ya cape on. I'm coming." (Batman)
  • "See that Batman? That's loyalty." (To Batman about his henchmen locked up at the GCPD Lockup)
  • "I could've told Scarecrow a long time ago getting you involve in all this was a big mistake!" (To Two-Face)
  • "Keep talking, Harv! I'll wipe that smile off your other side of your face if you ain't careful!" (To Two-Face)
  • "Not happy unless ya sticking that pointy little nose into my business, are ya? You stopped me this time, but I'll be out soon enough, don't you worry 'bout that." (Batman)
  • "Awww... you look tired, mate. It's taken it outta ya putting me in here. I can tell. Only so much the human body can take before it gives up!" (Batman)
  • "I'll wipe that smug look off your face, just you wait!" (Batman)
  • "Oh, now you wanna to talk! Well I've got bugger all to say to you." (Batman)
  • "Get outta my sight. I've just about had a gullet full. Now piss off!" (Batman)
  • "I'm getting out of this cell, Batman. And when I do, I'm coming for you." (during Scarecrow's attack on the GCPD)
  • "I'm not in the mood for your games, Batman. Not by a long shot."
  • "I want my phone call. My lawyer's gonna have a field day - entrapment, assault, not providing adequate sanitation while in custody. You watch., I'll have this lot banged up by morning!" (Batman)
  • "Well, ain't this a treat? You don't even know if you're coming or going, old boy!" (during Scarecrow's attack on the GCPD)
  • "I'm gonna get you back.You better believe it. I'm gonna stick my umbrella where the sun don't shine!" (Batman)
  • "Well well, would you Adam and Eve it. Bruce bloody Wayne and Batman: the two people I hate most in this world standing right in front of me!" (Batman)
  • "I've never forgiven you, Wayne. The Cobblepots should be running this city, not your stinking family!" (Batman)
  • "My old man lost all that money and who did he take it out on? Muggin's here! Shipped me off to that poxy boarding school." (To Batman about Stanley Cobblepot)
  • "I could've told Scarecrow a long time ago that getting you involved in all this was a big mistake!" (Two-Face)
  • "Get your snout out of my face, pig man!" (Professor Pyg)
  • "That's the last time I work with you, Dent!" (Two-Face)
  • "Let me know how the praying works out for ya!" (Deacon Blackfire)
  • "I'm always looking for talent. Let's talk." (Deathstroke)
  • "Tell me, Nigma. If you're such a smart-arse, what are you doing in here?" (Riddler)
  • "Nobody said this was fancy dress!" (Azrael)
  • (Repurposed for Azrael) "Nobody said this was fancy dress!" (Mad Hatter)
  • (Unused) "Hahaha, another short-arse. I don't feel so out of place." (Mad Hatter)
  • "This son of bitch killed fifty of our men." (Joker Hallucination)
  • "Tracking US down? We caught you!" (Joker Hallucination)
  • "What's going on? What happened to the bastard!?" (Joker Hallucination)
  • "It's me. Please. What'll it take for you to stop?" (Joker Hallucination)
  • "Please don't shoot. Think of all we've been through." (Joker Hallucination)
  • "Thank... you." (Joker Hallucination)

GCPD Lockdown[]

  • "What the bloody hell's going on up there? Why am I stuck in a lift with no lights?" (Henchman)
  • "After, you moron! Cut the power after I get out!" (Henchman)
  • "Someone talk to me! What's going on?!"
  • "Why the bloody hell not?"
  • "Hang on. Who's...? Oh, no. Not you." (Nightwing)
  • "Piss off, pretty boy!" (Nightwing)
  • "Yeah. I'm having the time of life in here." (Henchman)
  • "No, you idiot! It's pitch black. I hate the dark. Brings back memories...bad ones."
  • "Ha-ha-ha-ha! Yes! The light's on! I'm getting out of here, pretty boy! I can hear the welcome party as we speak." (Nightwing)
  • "No!" (Elevator power and lights cut off by Lucius Fox)
  • "You are? Where's Nightwing?"
  • "Oh, I do."
  • "Oh, sod off." (Nightwing)
  • "Get stuffed." (Aaron Cash)