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Arkham Wiki

The Krank Co. Toys Building at Amusement Mile in Arkham City

The Krank Co. Toys Building was where Bane recuperated from his fight with Solomon Grundy.

Incident Reports[]

Arkham Origins Incident[]

That building didn't exist during the events of Batman: Arkham Origins.

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Bane and Batman in Krank co Toys

Arkham City Incident[]

The building worked as Bane's hideout in Arkham City. As Batman arrived, the two made a deal: of the final 12 containers of Titan, both of them would destroy 6. As Batman returned from dealing with his half, the two were attacked. After they defeated the attackers, Bane revealed that he didn't destroy the Titan Containers assigned him; he had tried to get the rest for himself to use. Bane then attempted to fight Batman, but was easily tricked and locked behind some bars by the Caped Crusader, who then proceeded to destroy the remaining containers with his Explosive Gel that Bane had conveniently moved inside the building.

After Arkham City Incident[]

After Arkham City, the Arkham Knight placed bombs inside of the building and blew it up with the intent of killing Bane, collapsing it in a fiery ball of dust. However, by this time Bane was long gone, so the Knight failed.

Arkham Knight Incident[]

By the events of Batman: Arkham Knight, the building was gone and could not be seen, because of said events after Arkham City.


  • If Batman had already destroyed some of the Titan containers, he corrected Bane with the right amount. To ensure that Batman couldn't already destroy them all, however, the container by the Steel Mill doesn't appear until after he talks to Bane.
  • If Batman returned to Bane before Protocol 10, he and Bane were attacked by the TYGER Guards. If Batman returned to Bane after Protocol 10, they were instead attacked by Joker's Henchmen.