Arkham Wiki
Arkham Wiki

"My dad was a saint dammit!"
—Kid Shark[src]

Kid Shark was the teenage son of King Shark. He had superhuman strength and a taste for human flesh but lacked the size and bulletproof skin of his father.

His main motivation seemed to be to keep his father's memory alive in Gotham City, believing him a paragon and angry at his untimely death.

Incident Reports[]

Before Arkham Knight Incident[]

Kid Shark attacked Batman on the street. Commissioner Gordon happened to be in the area and joined in the fight, providing enough of a distraction for Batman to brain the kid in the back of the head with a fire hydrant. The GCPD picked him up shortly afterwards.


Kid Shark wore a completely bulletproof suit that left only the top part of his face and his hands exposed. He also had a set of metal teeth like his father.
