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Johnny K was a member of Joker's Gang.

Incident Reports[]

Arkham City Incident[]

Johnny K and several other inmates were dispatched by the Joker to Arkham City's subway, to hunt the rest of Penguin's thugs. Penguin's henchmen were killed by Joker's thugs. Johnny K and some other henchmen went to Wonder City's destroyed streets and Wonder Tower's foundations. A thug asks the armored thug what happened to Johnny K. The armored thug answers that Johnny K was sliced by Assassins, working for Ra's al Ghul.


  • Johnny K is mentioned by Joker's thugs in the Medical Facility within Arkham Asylum outside the X-Ray room where Dr. Young was being held captive.
  • Johnny K is again mentioned in a conversation of Joker's thugs in the destroyed streets during the hunt for Ra's al Ghul's blood.