Arkham Wiki
Arkham Wiki
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Jerry was a guard at Arkham Asylum. He was only seen unconscious in the Intensive Treatment. His fellow guard said he had dragged Jerry in the security room, powered up the gate, and passed out but woke up by the time Batman had arrived.

Incident Reports[]

Before Arkham Asylum Incident[]

When Arkham Asylum was reopened by Quincy Sharp, he hired Jerry. Jerry started working there as a security guard and got friend with another guard.

Arkham Asylum Incident[]

Jerry was on duty when the Joker was brought back to Arkham Asylum after the Jokerescaped custody. He was patrolling Intensive treatment area with other guards the Joker knocked him out and killed the the other guards one of the guards survived the encounter and dragged Jerry to a nearby guard station and unlock the security gate from prevent to be noticed. After Batman defeated the Titan Henchman. His friend unlock the gate and when Batman asked about Jerry he said that he should be fine.

After Arkham Asylum Incident[]

Jerry and his friend survived the events on Arkham Island and returned to his normal duties after GCPD Officers took control of Arkham Asylum and Joker was taken to custody before it was closed down by Mayor Warden Sharp.


  • Jerry is one of the few Arkham Asylum guards whose named is said by his colleagues.
  • Jerry appears on Joker combat maps along with several other guards.