Arkham Wiki
Arkham Wiki

The high security henchmen are a variation of henchmen seen throughout all of arkham asylum.

Incident report[]

Arkham asylum incident

The high security henchmen are the craziest and most dangerous of Jokers gang during the events of arkham asylum. They were present throughout the entirety of the first game and commonly wore either red jumpsuits or were shirtless and filled with tattoos. They also nearly always had masks similarly to hannable lecters and presumably wore them for the same reason.


In combat these thugs wield duel knives and have an uncounterable multi-attack which is comprised of three slashes that have some tracking to batman. Each individual slice deals as much damage as a punch and as such they can build up damage and are great for ending Batman's combo. They are impervious to punches and non combo powered baterangs. Everything else effects them normally. It should be noted that they can be punched when getting up off the floor

In predator they are the same as other henchmen although they usually carry shotguns. It should be noted that they are not the only enemies which carry shotguns
