Arkham Wiki
Arkham Wiki

Arkham Origins

  • "Welcome to Blackgate. We're just going to do a quick psychiatric evaluation. Bad day, huh? Cops in this city - always beating on the sick and defenseless."
  • "And what do you mean by that?"
  • "Ohhhkaayyy...I'm going to need more specifics. How about we try some word association."
  • "Acceptance."
  • "Look...I'm only doing this to help you. Let's try this again. Acceptance."
  • "So you know Kubler-Ross O.K."
  • "Do you? What about: Family?"
  • "Mmm...hmm...Humility?"
  • "O.K. Obsession?"
  • "I see. Ok. How about Truth?"
  • "Really. Ok. What about: Betrayal?"
  • "O.K. One more. And I need you to be serious for this one."
  • "Fate."
  • "What's changed?"
  • "Is that how you feel?"
  • "So now you see fate differently?"
  • "So you've met someone special?"
  • "Everything?"
  • "It is kind of lonely, isn't it?"
  • "Now you feel like you've someone by your side-to share the journey with you."
  • "And how does that make you feel?"
  • "I-might...actually."
  • "Can you tell me more about how this person makes you feel?"
  • "Yes. Yes I do."
  • "So...may I ask-who is this person?"
  • "Uh....My name's Harleen. Harleen Quinzel."
  • "Oh, I don't have a lot of friends."
  • "I'm just an intern. How the hell would I know?" (Joker's Henchmen)
  • "Just kill me and get it over with." (Joker's Henchmen)
  • "Help! Please! Someone? Anyone?" (Joker's Henchmen)
  • "And to think if someone had asked me this morning, I would have said there ain't no Batman." (Batman)
  • "First the Joker and now this guy? Honestly? Who else is coming my way tonight?" (Batman)
  • "Serves you boys right after what you did to me!" (Joker's Henchmen)
  • "Look who it is... my knight in shining armor." (Batman)
  • "What's it to ya?" (Batman)
  • "Eh, occupational hazard." (Batman)
  • "Look. I know why you're here. He's in the Panopticon. And he's waiting for you." (To Batman about Joker)
  • "Yeah. I'm sure I'll feel a lot safer surrounded by a bunch of cops." (Batman)
  • "Get this over with already. I've had enough for one day." (Batman)

Arkham Origins Multiplayer


  • "Hey captain don't let the heroes get you, it'll make us look bad."
  • "Hey captain don't let the heroes get you, it'll be bad for us, oh and your health."

KO'd by heroes

  • "Mister-J trusted you, and you just lend the heroes the advantage! Maybe your not up to this, maybe this mission needs scrubbin'."

Grenade Package

  • "Here's a fresh batch of grenades from Mr. J. Get 'em while they're hot!"
  • "First one to the ammo crate gets extra grenade boys."


  • "Hah! Bane's Gang is all washed up! They're fresh out of the reinforcements! Finish them!"
  • "Ha! The Bane bullies are on the ropes, finish-em!"
  • "You nearly finished the Bane's Gang off! Don't slack off now!"
  • "Show 'em what for! Joker's on top. Just the way it should be."


  • "You're, you're losing. You're not suppose to lose, it makes my puding all sad and- Stop losing!"
  • "No more reinforcements."

Disadvantage from Heroes

  • "The Heroes have the upper-hand, do something! Kill-em! Kill-em BOTH!"

Super Villain Door

  • "Get ready, boys! The J-Man's coming to sort things IN PERSON! Let him in! Or else."
  • "Quit your ballin' and here's you warning. Here's J-Man, go let him in! Or else!."
  • "Mr. J wants in the fun, you better let him and get in there first or else."

Assault on Arkham

  • "Aah, crap, not this again." (The Suicide Squad)
  • "Yahtzee!"
  • "Ooh, I like you, Cowboy. You're loco and me likey your loco-motion." (Deadshot)
  • "Aah!"
  • "In the intensive treatment building, right under the Solitary Confinement Cells. Good times."
  • "Is it me? Can it be me? Dibs!"
  • "I'm fine. We're done. He's a jerk. Whatever." (to Deadshot about Joker)
  • "What them?" (Amanda Waller)
  • "You and me both, cowboy." (Deadshot)
  • "Maybe when we get into Gotham, I can show you around. I know some tight places." (Deadshot)
  • "Hmph."
  • "Ah. You wish. Shake your boomer-wang at the shark guy." (Captain Boomerang)
  • "Ooh, ninja's are awesome!" (Black Spider)
  • "You think that means we're there?" (Alarm blaring)
  • "Whoo!"
  • "Don't worry, I fell on my head."
  • "You're not still mad about that truck, are you, Pengy?" (Penguin)
  • "It feels like you are." (Penguin)
  • "Does it matter that me and Mr. J aren't together anymore?" (Penguin)
  • "Aw, come on!"
  • "Bite me, Boomer." (Captain Boomerang)
  • "Welcome back. Did ya miss me?" (Deadshot)
  • "I got an itch I thought you could help me scratch, cowboy." (Deadshot)
  • "Whoa!" (Deadshot)
  • "Oh. Good start." (Deadshot)
  • "Here's my stop. Wish me luck, Cowboy." (Deadshot)
  • "There's gotta be one here somewhere."
  • "Uh-oh." (sees Batman)
  • "No idea what you're talking about." (Batman)
  • "Ugh!" (hits Batman in the face with doll)
  • "Back off, Bats!" (takes out maces)
  • "I don't know. I swear." (Batman)
  • "Honestly, B-Man, I don't know where Mr. J puts half of his stuff." (Batman)
  • "I just wanted a Chatty Boo-Boo doll before they went on sale tomorrow." (Batman)
  • "Mwah!" (Arkham Asylum Surveillance Camera)
  • "Crazy, huh?" (Arkham Guard)
  • "Huh!" (hears Joker)
  • "Tell him to shut up." (to Deadshot about Joker)
  • "Shut up! Shut up!! SHUT UP!!!" (Joker)
  • "I hate you, you bastard!" (Joker)
  • "I'll kill him! I'll kill him myself for what he's done to me!" (to Deadshot about Joker)
  • "Even better. Pudding." (shoots gun through airhole of the bullet-proof cell to try to kill Joker)
  • "We're finished, you and me. I've got someone new now. Someone better." (to Joker about Deadshot)
  • "That's right. You're not jealous, are ya?" (to Joker about Deadshot)
  • "That's him." (points out Deadshot to Joker)
  • "Hmph. Aah!" (grabbed by Deadshot)
  • "So shut down all the security cams." (Captain Boomerang)
  • "I can do that."
  • "Boys, we got company!" (Deadshot and Captain Boomerang)
  • "Yah...tzee!" (to Deadshot)
  • "Why don't you just calm down, pudding? (Deadshot)
  • "The warden uses his birthday backwards for practically all of his passwords."
  • "I used to work here. Didn't I mention that?" (Deadshot)
  • "As a psychiatrist, silly. And pal, anyone who throws boomerangs has some real issues letting go." (to Captain Boomerang about her previous life)
  • "Et viola." (opens the door to the Property Room)
  • "My acid playing cards. I knew I left them here."
  • "Here's that Batman costume Mr. J used for the train heist."
  • "Aw. I've been looking all over for this! Here's where it went!" (pulls out large purple, green, and red mallet out of crate)
  • "Black Spider just kicked the Bat's ass?"
  • "Where's Frosty?" (Killer Frost)
  • "How do you know she's with the Riddler?" (to Deadshot about Killer Frost)
  • "They're gone!" (Killer Frost and Riddler)
  • "Please don't explode! Please don't explode! Please don't explode!" (nanobomb in her neck)
  • "I'm crazy, but that's just nuts!" (to Deadshot about Killer Frost and King Shark)
  • "Wee!" (spins around in chair)
  • "Ooh!" (Riddler)
  • "Oh, I love electroshock! It's a shiatsu massage for your brain!"
  • "Are you kidding? I feel great!"
  • "Pudding! You're free!" (Joker)
  • "You got it all wrong, baby. I was using them to help you escape. Who else would I break into Arkham for? Nobody, that's who. It'll be just like old times." '(Joker)
  • "It's right here, Mr. J! I was keeping it safe for you the whole... (smacked in the head by the mallet by Joker)
  • "Huh?" (Helicopter alarm blaring)
  • "Holy crap!"
  • "Where's the freaking gas pedal!?"
  • "Sure, he smacks me around sometimes, but you're the one who's always hurting me. Now I'm gonna hurt you!" (Batman)

Batgirl: A Matter of Family

  • "Come on, you meatheads! Get the sidekicks! (To Joker's Henchmen about Batgirl and Robin)
  • "You know something? I see you more as a Batlady than a Batgirl. It's the way you carry yourself."
  • "How about we speed things up!"
  • "Woah! She's a tuffee!"
  • "You're tough! I admire that in a lady!"
  • "HA! SURPRISE! BATGIRL! Didn't think it would be that easy, did ya!?"
  • "All of this for me? I'm touched!"
  • "I've got a few tricks up my sleeve!"
  • "Ding dong, you're gone!"
  • "This little piggy went nighty-night!"
  • "Now, I'm pissed!"
  • "What was that?"
  • "Careful boys! Mistah J says she was trained by two of the toughest crime fighters in Gotham." (To Joker's Henchmen about Batgirl)
  • "Did you hear that? The sound of torn muscles, broken bones and shattered limbs. How romantic! Ain't that right, puddin?"
  • "Oooooh...I HEARD that."
  • "She may just have what it takes."
  • "FYI B-girl! He's got no insurance and will either die from injuries sustained by yours truly or wish he was dead when he receives the bill from Gotham General."
  • "Ohh...that musta hurt..."
  • "You think you're so great don't you with your sneaky little bat-moves?"
  • "...ohhhh... this should be interesting..."
  • "Fill the tank!"
  • "Go, Batgirl! You can do it!"
  • "Ahh...too late...these little piggies are gonna drown cause let's face it, you just ain't BAT material."
  • "Puddin!"
  • "Hey!"
  • "Ow!"
  • "Check me out!"
  • "So you like Bats?"
  • "Bat'er up!"
  • "Stay put will ya!"
  • "Hey Puddin! Watch ME!"
  • "Time for pain!"
  • "Ba-bye!"
  • "Don't move your noggin!"
  • "Ooo... I would duck if I were you!"
  • "Oh yeah!" (If she hits Batgirl or Robin)
  • "Yeeeah, baby!" (If she hits Batgirl or Robin)
  • "See that!" (If she hits Batgirl or Robin)
  • "Woo-hoo!" (If she hits Batgirl or Robin)
  • "Stay away from Mistah J!" (If she hits Batgirl or Robin)
  • "How dare you attack Puddin!" (If she hits Batgirl or Robin)
  • "HA! How ya like that!" (If she hits Batgirl or Robin)
  • "Pathetic!" (If she hits Batgirl or Robin)
  • "Why won't you just die!" (If she hits Batgirl or Robin)
  • "BAM!" (If she hits Batgirl or Robin)
  • "Run Mr. J! Run!"
  • "This isn't over! We'll get you!"
  • "Is it me or you do just keep falling for our tricks?!" (Jack-In-The-Box 4)
  • "Haaah! Aren't we full of surprises!" (Jack-In-The-Box 5)

Arkham Asylum

  • "Yeah, right."
  • "Come on in."
  • "Can ya hear me? Is this thing on? Oh. Hiya, B-Man. Harley Quinn here. How do you like my new uniform? Pretty hot, huh? Oh, I got something to show you... One second, B-man!"
  • "Ta da!" (Shows Batman Warden Sharp tied up and gagged in an office chair)
  • "I'm now subbing for the old man."
  • "Old Sharpie's never been happier!"
  • "In case ya ain't figured it out, today's the Joker's big homecoming, and you're the guest of honor."
  • "Tempting, Bats, but no dice. Now the inmates are running the asylum. Well, technically they're Joker's goons shipped in from Blackgate, but you get the idea. Bye-bye for now!"
  • "Oh no you don't, Mr. B-man, we're in control now!" (Puts up security barrier to stop Batman)
  • "Uh, uh, uh, uh, B-man! Mr. J doesn't want you following us just yet!"
  • "How did you like that, B-man? No way you're following us now. You're trapped down there 'till me and Mr. J are ready for ya. HA HA HA!"
  • "You're some piece of work, Frankie. A girl could fall for someone like you!" (Frank Boles)
  • "Don't worry, sweetie. You know I only have eyes for you." (Joker)
  • "Hey! Scram, Bats! This is my me time!"
  • "Wouldn't you like to know?"
  • "Shut up!" (Commissioner Gordon)
  • "Yiii!"
  • "I'm sorry, puddin'! Don't be angry with me!" (Kisses Joker on monitor)
  • "Sorry, B-man! You'll have to find another way! Buh-bye, now!"
  • "Mr. J won't let anything happen to me, boys. He loves me too much to see me hurt. You guys maybe not so much." (Joker's Henchmen)
  • "Anyone out there see Bat-brain yet? No? Not surprised. He's chicken. Mr. J has won again." (Joker's Henchmen)
  • "You know, you really show color that hair of yours. All that gray makes you look so old." (Commissioner Gordon)
  • "This old man looks like he's gonna pee himself. Someone bring me a bucket!" (To Joker's men while holding Commissioner Gordon hostage)
  • "When Mr. J kills Batman, we're gonna get married. It's gonna be so cool." (Joker's Henchmen)
  • "Mr. J is so going to beat Bat-brain. He doesn't stand a chance." (Joker's Henchmen)
  • "It's going to be so cool, old man. Just wait and see." (Commissioner Gordon)
  • "Say goodnight Commissioner!" (Shoots Gordon if Batman fails to take down Joker's Henchmen without being seen)
  • "Nothing personal, old man!" (Shoots Gordon if Batman fails to take down Joker's Henchmen without being seen)
  • "Poor Dr. Young. Still, you know how Mr. J hates a squealer."
  • "Talkin' about squealers." (Warden Sharp)
  • "That old loony actually thinks he runs this place! Talk about crazy! Well, Bats, places to go! Get him, boys!" (Joker's Henchmen)
  • "If he gets up, know him back down, but not too rough. Mr. J needs him at the party." (To Joker's Henchmen about Batman)
  • "Ummm! Sharpie used a bad word. Mama spank!" (Warden Sharp)
  • "Hey, Bats, you gonna join the party or what?"
  • "You're doing great, Sharpie. Ready for more?" (Warden Sharp)
  • "Stupid Bat. Always bothering Mr. J with your problems. You'll never be as dreamy as him. You're just an ugly, stupid Bat caught in a trap."
  • "Ivy? Gee, you look like crap! Maybe I can sneak ya some shampoo." (Poison Ivy)
  • "Yeah? Well, I really don't have time for this." (Poison Ivy)
  • "I dunno, Red. You're not on Mr. J's party list. Oh well..." (Poison Ivy)
  • "Ah, what the heck. I'll cut you a break!" (Poison Ivy)
  • "She's a good kid." (Poison Ivy)
  • "Surprise!"
  • "Y'know, Bats, I always thought there was a spark between us!"
  • "Well, now there is!" (Activates Patient Pacification System)
  • "I know. I know. You're shocked! Come and get me, Bats. I double dare ya!"
  • "You guys are idiots. There are guns lying everywhere!" (Joker's Henchmen)
  • "Why don't you just go get a gun and shoot the stupid bat?" (Joker's Henchmen)
  • "Whoopsie! Batsy has a boo-boo!" (If Batman gets hit by one of Joker's Henchmen)
  • "Did that hurt, B-man? Hope so!" (If Batman gets hit by one of Joker's Henchmen)
  • "Do you need a hand, Bats?" (If Batman gets hit by one of Joker's Henchmen)
  • "Little hint, boys. Keep away from the fists." (Joker's Henchmen)
  • "Ow! That looks like it hurt."
  • "That's not fair, Bat-brain."
  • "Hey, B-man. Go easy on my boys."
  • "Ooo. You OK down there?" (Joker's Henchmen)
  • "Was that as easy as it looked? Hmmm. Well, it won't be so easy trying to catch me!"
  • "Look who's finally turned up! The Dork Knight himself! How's it hanging, Bats?"
  • "Got a little problem for ya! See those 2 guards over there? I know. Shocking! How ya going to save them?" (Louie Green and other guard)
  • "You gonna leave those two guys hanging around all day?" (Louie Green and other guard)
  • "I'm getting bored, Bats. C'mon. Do something!"
  • "Oooo. Is that Mr. J's toxin I smell? You know, I think it is!"
  • "Wow, that's a nice toy you've got there, Bats. Can I have one?" (Cryptographic Sequencer)
  • "A girl could have hours of fun with one of those." (Cryptographic Sequencer)
  • "Wanna give that thing to me, Bats?" (Cryptographic Sequencer)
  • "Where can I get me one of those?" (Cryptographic Sequencer)
  • "Can I have one of those?" (Cryptographic Sequencer)
  • "Ooo. What's that do, Bats? Can it bring dead guards back to life?" (Explosive Gel)
  • "Another gadget? What does it do? What does it do?" (Explosive Gel)
  • "Ah ah ahh. Old Sharpie won't like you blowing holes around his beautiful asylum." (Explosive Gel)
  • "What's back there? I can't see!" (Chronicle of Arkham)
  • "Isn't Mr. J the coolest guy you know?"
  • "Hey, Bats. What do you say we ditch the funny costumes and run away together? Ha! You wish!"
  • "How 'bout you and me ditch these costumes and run away together, Bats? Nah. Just kidding!"
  • "Listen, between you and me, Mr. J is going to win. You should just give up now."
  • "OWWWWW. You've got to stop doing that to yourself, B-man." (If Batman gets electrocuted)
  • "No fair, that's cheating, Bats. Time to turn up the pressure. 2 minutes and counting."
  • "Great job, Bats. Power's off below old Louie Green! Question is, can you get him down before it comes back on?"
  • "You saved old Louie first, how sweet. You'll make a lovely couple." (Louie Green)
  • "One down, one to go."
  • "Better hurry! Things are heating up!"
  • "Any second now! Power comes back on and you fry!"
  • "Power's coming back on in 3...2...1..."
  • "3...2...1!"
  • "30 seconds, you're running out of time."
  • "Wow, you did that just in time. Pity."
  • "Ohhhh. That was close, B-man."
  • "Just in time, Bats! Just in time."
  • "Time for me to go, Bats. I'll miss you. Not!"
  • "Oh, and now you have only 30 seconds to get out. Bye-bye."
  • "You expecting congratulations? C'mon. Try and catch me."
  • "C'mon, keep up! You getting tired? Let me give you a little help!"
  • "You're right on target, Bat-brain."
  • "That's right, B-man. You're getting closer."
  • "Here he comes, Mr. J!" (Joker)
  • "Get him!" (Joker's Henchmen)
  • "Oooh, that's gotta hurt!" (If Batman gets hit by one of Joker's Henchmen)
  • "Let's turn up the heat! Anyone for fried bat-wings?"
  • "He's done it again. I don't believe it. I'm on my way now." (Joker)
  • "But I tried my best!" (Joker)
  • "No!" (Joker)
  • "Die, you big, ugly Bat!"
  • "Hey! Hands off the merchandise!"
  • "That's my party list!"
  • "You're the detective. You tell me."
  • "Huh?"
  • "You won't find Mr. J, he's in the secret lab in the gardens and... Oh, crap!"
  • "Damn! Well, he'll get me out! You'll see."
  • "Yeah..."
  • "You'll see..."
  • "What are you looking at? Joker's won! You just don't know it yet!"
  • "Mr. J will be back for me later. He's only messin' around."
  • "No fair! No fair! No fair!"
  • "The stupid bat is caught in my trap!"
  • "What? How did you get out of there?"
  • "You were right, Mr. J. Classic martyr case with delusions of grandeur. Coo-coo!" (Third Scarecrow Nightmare)
  • "He don't look so big and scary now, does he, Mr. J?" (Third Scarecrow Nightmare)
  • "Can I keep him, sweetie? Please, please please! I'll feed him and walk him. I promise." (Third Scarecrow Nightmare)
  • "Hey, sweetums!. You'll miss the party!" (Third Scarecrow Nightmare)
  • "Whatever, just be quick! He's not looking too good." (Third Scarecrow Nightmare)
  • "Oh goody. C'mon, Mr. J. We're ready." (Third Scarecrow Nightmare)

Arkham City

  • "Comin' through, B-Man!"
  • "I think you should do what he says. It would be a shame to get blood all over my nice new outfit. What do you think, Bat-brain? Like it? What am I saying, 'course you do. Who wouldn't?"
  • "So, anyway, here's the deal. Mr. J is really not up to a visit right now. He's not feeling himself...Well, actually, he was earlier, but that's not what I meant."
  • "He's not doing so good and that idiot doctor I sent from here didn't help. I've seen more smarts from these bozos."
  • "I've got to run, boys. If he tries anything funny: KILL HIM!"
  • "I promised you some entertainment, right, boys?" (To Joker's Henchmen about Dr. Stacey Baker)
  • "Well, you should have tried harder." (Dr. Stacey Baker)
  • "That useless quack has failed Mr. J. And you know what that means." (Dr. Stacey Baker)
  • "Oh, I think we can do better than that. Get in here, Mister Hammer!" (Dr. Stacey Baker)
  • "Comin', Mr. J!"
  • "Stop!"
  • "Change of plan, take her to the smelting chamber Mr. J wants this one to suffer a little longer!" (Dr. Stacey Baker)
  • "Right then, the rest of you idiots get out of here."
  • "You know what you have to do! Go get the snowman and bring him back him right NOW! He's going to pay for screwing over Mr. J." (To Joker's Henchmen about Mr. Freeze)
  • "I need him back here like yesterday!" (Mr. Freeze)
  • "Well look who didn't get blown to pieces in Mr. J's lovely trap! Don't let him get away again, boys." (To Joker's Henchmen about Batman)
  • "There's no place to hide, B-man. My boys will find you and beat the living crap outta you." (If Batman gets hit by one of Joker's Henchmen)
  • "You need a bandage, Bats?" (If Batman gets hit by one of Joker's Henchmen)
  • "Give him a kick from Mister J!" (If Batman gets hit by one of Joker's Henchmen)
  • "Is all that blood getting in your eyes, B-MAN?" (If Batman gets hit by one of Joker's Henchmen)
  • "If he gets up, I'm gonna knock you boys down. Permanently!" (If Batman gets hit by one of Joker's Henchmen)
  • "What the hell are you doing here? You're supposed to be dead!"
  • "Well there's no way you're getting to Mr. J. We're safe and sound up here. You can just stay down there and burn!"
  • "Oh, Mr. J. it's a miracle. You look, it's not you is it?" (Clayface)
  • "Stop Bat-Brain boys."
  • "Pull yourselves together or I´ll get Mister Hammer to tear you apart."
  • "If you don´t stop him, I will tell Mister J and he will cut off your legs and make you tap dance"
  • "He is making you look stupid. I should be the one making you stupid. HMMM? How about I make you all wear nice little dresses?"
  • "You look scared, boys. I don´t blame ya. He is really spooky"
  • "Lets make this quick boys. Stop BAT-Brain, Now!"
  • "Oh, for the love of Mister J ........ Mister J"
  • "Mister J tells me you are the best guys he has. Come to think of it. He´s sick and a little delusional. I hope for your sake he´s right"
  • "You don't want to let little ol´me down, do you boys?"
  • "You boys will be the ones to stop Batman once and for all. Obviously you´ll be needing my help to do it."
  • "He is making you look stooopid."
  • "How do you think poor Mister J is going to get better if you idiots fail to stop the rodent?"
  • "Uh, uh, Doc! Isn't that information supposed to be confidential?"
  • "Get that door sealed up nice-n tight, boys. We don't want that vermin escaping, do we?"
  • "I want him locked in there, forever!"
  • "Seal the door shut!"
  • "How did you get out of the smelting chamber, B-man? What did you build? Tell me! Tell me!"
  • "You missed me, B-man!"
  • "See what you made me do? Scram, B-man! Comin', Mr. J!"
  • "Too slow, you big, ugly bat!"
  • "What wrong with you, B-man?! You come into Mr. J's home and start smashing it to pieces? Don't you know he's sick!?"
  • "Surprise, B-man! Meet Mister Hammer! He's gonna teach you some manners!"
  • "You deserve every smack in the face you get, Bat-Brain." (If Batman gets hit by one of Joker's Henchmen)
  • "You guys need to make sure you hit him hard this time!" (If Batman gets hit by one of Joker's Henchmen)
  • "Get him on the ground and kick him hard!" (If Batman gets hit by one of Joker's Henchmen)
  • "I Want him dead! Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, understand?" (If Batman gets hit by one of Joker's Henchmen)
  • "Hey Bat-Brain! Don´t ya have somewhere better to be?" (If Batman gets hit by one of Joker's Henchmen)
  • "I hope my boys hurt you real bad." (If Batman gets hit by one of Joker's Henchmen)
  • "No!"
  • "Why, why, why, why, why??!!"
  • "You!" (Batman)
  • "Leave us alone, B-man... just leave me with him..."
  • "This is all your fault!"
  • "You've hounded him for years, beat him to a pulp, and for what?"
  • "Why are you so mean??!!"
  • "Batter up!"
  • "But I want to know who he is, sweetie." (to Joker about Batman)
  • "No problem, sweetie." (Joker)
  • "Well look who it is. What do you want, B-man? Come to stick the knife in some more? Well go on then, I don't care. I'm not telling you nothin'! I'm not even going to you about the crap Joke took from Freeze and locked up in the boiler room."
  • "What are you..."
  • "If you don't stop that, I'm gonna tell Mr. J and he's gonna...Well, he's gonna be mad."
  • "Don't you dare..."
  • "What? Did you have fun beating up a defenseless girl?"
  • "Stop that!"

Harley Quinn's Revenge

  • "Shut up you idiots, I'm trying to think here!" (Captured Cops)
  • "Shut your stupid mouth. You're just lucky I need you later." (Captured Cops)
  • "Really? I-don't-think-so." (Captured Cops)
  • "No. I'm in mourning. You may want to remember that." (Captured Cops)
  • "Now, what am I gonna do with you?" (Captured Cops)
  • "What would Mister J do? Cut you into tiny pieces and send you to an orphanage baked in pies? Is that funny? What you think, piggy?" (Captured Cops)
  • "Oh, I don't think you want to talk to me like that. I've got what you call post-traumatic stress, brought on by the violent death of a loved one. My doctor tells me they might trigger uncontrollable bouts of guilt, or acts of extreme random violence. Too bad for him." (Captured Cops)
  • "What?! Are you trying to make me mad? I should kill you for that. I should cut out your tongue for my Joker...Oh, Mister J.... Why did you leave me? Why? What did I do? Why?!" (Begins sobbing)
  • "Anything?"
  • "You'd better. I lost contact with the rest of the guys and I don't like it."
  • 'What?"
  • "Did you just make a move on me?"
  • "I'm a widow. Do you think you can measure up to my Joker. He... He was the best a girl could get... I miss him so much, and you... you think it's OK to move in on his turf?"
  • "Oh, I understand."
  • "Just do what I want and I may forgive you. Fail me and you'll regret it. Oh, Mister J. How did you deal with these idiots?"
  • "Hello? Are you there? What's happening?"
  • "Oh, for the love of... What's wrong with you people? Hello! Whoever you are! I know you're there. You hear me? I know you're there and it's too late."
  • "I don't think so, Bat-brain."
  • "It's dead cop time."
  • "Does it hurt? Too bad! C'mon, boys."
  • "Hurry up, idiots."
  • "Can you hear me down there, Bird-boy?" (Robin)
  • "How does it feel? Do you think he knows he's going to die? I hope so. I want him to know how my Joker felt."
  • "That's why I get to watch it happen from my secret room. You'll never find us. You don't even know that there's a shipyard here. Do you!?"
  • "Um. You should ignore what I said. I was...I was joking. Yeah, that's it. Bye."
  • "Listen up, dumb-asses!"
  • "I want this room kept secure. In fact, I need this room kept secure. I don't care how you do it. Just don't let me down."
  • "Mister. J wouldn't like it if you failed me, would he?"
  • "No he wouldn't. He'd be very upset. He'd probably kill you all. Or break your legs, glue your eyes open, or, make you eat a grenade. Hell, who am I kidding? He'd do something much better. He was Mister J, right? He always knew what to do. I'm just here. Alone. Relying on you idiots. So don't fail me!"
  • "This reminds me of being back at Arkham Asylum. Back...back with...Mister J."
  • "Someone get me new delivery of idiots. These ones are all sleepy!"
  • "Don't worry. This is all part of my plan."
  • "Don't let you guard down, boys. You see anyone acting weird, you blow off their head. Understand?"
  • "We're doing this for Mr. J, boys. So don't let me down."
  • "If anyone comes in my secret base, I want them dead."
  • "This is for you, Mister J."
  • "Keep looking, he's here."
  • "Hey, Robin! You lookin' for Mister Big Bad Bat? Well, you're too late!"
  • "Get over here, you idiots!"
  • "I need help. Now!"
  • "Get off me!" (Robin)
  • "You'll never find it, dumb-ass!"
  • "No! That's mine! Let me go!"
  • "Get me down, Birdbrain!"
  • "I feel dizzy!"
  • "You don't need to worry about them, Bat-brain. They'll be dead soon, oh, and so-will-you!"
  • "Oh! Good luck with that, losers." (Batman and Robin)
  • "I suppose you're feeling pretty pleased with yourself, Bat-brain."
  • "Well don't! It's not over. You can't stop me! I won't let you!"
  • "I've got a surprise for you. Something that would make my Joker proud. I'm here with him now. You man enough to come find us?"
  • "What? Did you think it was gonna be that easy? Well think again, loser! Oh, no! You weren't expecting that, were you?!"
  • "Destroy him, my robots."
  • "This is it! Just you, me and the only thing that can stop this entire place blowing sky high."
  • "This is it, Bat-brain! Just you, me, and the bomb!"
  • "HA! If Mister J could see you now he'd be laughing! Waiting to watch you die!"
  • "Come on then! Try and stop me! I double dare you!"
  • "You're gonna burn for what you did!"
  • "What is it? You think you can just come up and stop me? Well, me and my explosives don't agree!"
  • "This is perfect! You're gonna die in here and I'll be with Mister J forever!"
  • "What's keeping you!? Scared to look me in the eye and tell me you're sorry?! Well, I won't do you no good. It ends here, Bat!"
  • "Mister J wouldn't fall for that, and neither will I"
  • "Like I didn't see that one coming"
  • "You're gonna have to do better than that, dumb-ass!"
  • "What? Do you think I'm that stupid?"
  • "If Mister J could see you now, he'd be laughing! Waiting to watch you die"
  • "Give it up already. No way you'll get me"
  • "Take it, dumb-ass. Won' you...any good."
  • "You should have left me to die! Then I could have been back together...with...Mister J!"
  • "See! It hurts, don't it?!"
  • "Now you know how it feels!"

Harley Quinn Story Pack

  • "Okay, donut-dunkers! You gonna bring Ivy to me or am I gonna have to get her myself? Have it your way!"
  • "You're fired!"
  • "Whahh!"
  • "Pow!"
  • "Hey copper, you suck!"
  • "Ha, ha!"
  • "Scuze me."
  • "Bam!"
  • "Repeat after me...I will not poke fun at Mr. J."
  • "Quit squawking bird-brain, and remember...I'm only helping you and Scarecrow do this to kill B-Man!" (Penguin)
  • "Crap! I got cops on one end...and a gate on the other..."
  • "Quit your complaining you old lady! I've got a few tricks up my sleeve." (Penguin)
  • "I should get out of the way." (Jack-In-The-Box)
  • "Not interested." (Penguin)
  • "I ain't for sale, Penguin. Can't put a price on me...especially after you tried to kill my Puddin!" (To Penguin about Joker)
  • "No can do, Blubberpot. Quiet ain't in my vocabulary." (Penguin)
  • "Aw, today ain't your day cupcake."
  • "How dare you laugh at Mr. J?"
  • "You're gonna get it!"
  • "That felt good."
  • "Shhh."
  • "Bam! Gotcha!"
  • "All bark, no bite."
  • "Drop your weapons!"
  • "You ain't seen nothin' yet."
  • "Jokes on you, copper!"
  • "That's gotta be a new record in dumb."
  • "Doc Harley prescribes sleepy, sleepy time."
  • "Ohhh, would ya speak in English, please." (Penguin)
  • "Well that's all you had to say in the first place. Sheeshh!" (Penguin)
  • "Red! She's in the basement!" (To Penguin about Poison Ivy)
  • "No we don't want that. That 'bloke' creeps me out." (To Penguin about Scarecrow)
  • "All of this for me? I'm touched."
  • "BAD COP!"
  • "Wow! You're slow!"
  • "Bi-ya!"
  • "Waa-BAM!"
  • "Why donchya munch on a donut!?"
  • "Here, piggy, piggy. Here, piggy, piggy."
  • "Whoa! That was fast of me!"
  • "Oh you coppers are always falling at my feet."
  • "What's going on?" (Elevator stopping)
  • "This is gonna be great!" (Jack-In-The-Box)
  • "Hey Butterpot! What does Scaredy-Crow want with Pammy, anyway?" (To Penguin about Poison Ivy)
  • "Hey! No way I'm helping Batman take out the trash! Let him take out his own damn trash! I want Batman dead!"
  • "Hands behind your back!"
  • "Relax on the donuts lardy."
  • "What were you saying about Joker? Thought so."
  • "Ka-pow!"
  • "And?" (Penguin)
  • "Au contraire, Penguin. It's like Joker always said 'If it ain't complicated, it ain't fun.'"
  • "I know. he was so profound." (To Penguin about Joker)
  • "There's my favorite vegan!" (Poison Ivy)
  • "You should smile more!"
  • "Whoa!"
  • "That's for being impolite."
  • "Pahhh-booh!"
  • "Lovely Jobly."
  • "Whoa. That was intense."
  • "Aw. Nighty, night, sweetems."
  • "Batnight!" (Nightwing)
  • "Heel boy!"
  • "Ciao, baby!"
  • "What do ya think about that, copper?"
  • "Awww, poor you!"
  • "It's illegal to take the law in your own hands. Just saying!"
  • "Soy-ya!"
  • "Harassment!"
  • "Whooo!"
  • "Ha-cha!"
  • "Angry Dragon!"
  • "Sheeesh!"
  • "Ba-Bye, Pig!"
  • "Piss off, please!"
  • "Sha-BAM!"
  • "Shabam!"
  • "Ding-dong! You're gone!"
  • "Ain't you special!?"
  • "Hi! Bye!"
  • "You should mind your business!"
  • "Oh, you're done, pal!"
  • "Back off, Nightrat!"
  • "Now I'm pissed!"
  • "How was that!?"
  • "You've got nothing on me!"
  • "Ha! Uncivilized!"
  • "You're being very pushy, Nightlight. Very pushy."
  • "Beeb-and-BOP!"
  • "Bat-Night!"
  • "Lame-O!"
  • "Now you're done it!"
  • "You're abusing the law, Nightbird!"
  • "Hi-ya!"
  • "You're very tricky Nightbag."
  • "This is for Mistah J!"
  • "You have the right to remain silent!"
  • "Ya!"
  • "Bin-Bong!"
  • "Flying Tiger!"
  • "I got rights!"
  • "Okay buttercup!"
  • "Wait till my lawyer hears about this!"
  • "You got the right to leave me alone!"
  • "Keep your mitts off me!"
  • "Ahh-choo!"
  • "Hey!"
  • "Bam-Bam!"
  • "Missed me!"
  • "Your shoes are untied!"
  • "Say, you got anger issues Nightbug."
  • "You're nothing but a lame-o sidekick!"
  • "Sookyaaah!"
  • "Sook-a!"
  • "Ba-BAM!"
  • "Barbaric!"
  • "Punch! Kick!"
  • "Kick! Punch!"
  • "Okay Nightwing, you're using excessive force."
  • "Check me out!"
  • "Ready for this Night-Guy!"
  • "You're nothing but a lame-o!"
  • "Man, you got head issues!"
  • "Who let a vigilante in the police department?"
  • "Kung-fu YOU!"
  • "Judo POW!"
  • "Bang!"
  • "Aww, nice try!"
  • "That one's for you, Mr. J."
  • "Kung-POW!"
  • "Kung-fu YA!"
  • "Night-Bat!"
  • "Man. Batman did a number on you."
  • "Batman messed up your head, Nightguy."
  • "Wazz-ah!"
  • "Wasaaah!"
  • "You're in a whole lotta trouble young man!"
  • "You're being really pushy!"
  • "Sok-a-la-ho-ya!"
  • "Karate BAM!"
  • "Ivy. Could use help over here!"
  • "Down boy!"
  • "Holeee!"
  • "Stop picking on me!"
  • "Ahh!"
  • "Kam-POW!"
  • "PUHLEEZ!"
  • "Ha!"
  • "Shove it, sir!"
  • "Aren't you adorable!?"
  • "Nightwing!"
  • "Nighty-night!" (Nightwing)
  • "Batman is going down!"
  • "Night-Light!"
  • "Batman doesn't stand a chance!"
  • "Tell Batman he's next!"
  • "OUR work? Sorry Butterpot. Last time I checked squawking and talking ain't work." (Penguin)
  • "Ah ah! Be nice, or no Ivy." (Penguin)
  • "Come on Pammy! Scarecrow wants a word with you." (Poison Ivy)

Arkham Knight 

  • "That's enough from you." (Henry Adams)
  • "Well looks who´s too late to save the day. How´s going Bat-brain? It´s been a while."
  • "So you do remember me. That´s weird, because you killed the only thing I ever loved, and now I find you have been keeping a whole new generation of Jokers to yourself. I know. Awkward."
  • "Oh, they´re not stable. Maybe you want to take a look in the mirror sometime."
  • "HA! HA! Nice try, Bat-freak!"
  • "If I find out they´re slacking off I´m gonna have Big Al tear their puny limbs off, one by one."
  • "It was that stinkin bat-faced loser!"
  • "Get that chopper down here now! I want more men on the roof and sentry guns covering the entrance!"
  • "Don´t even think about coming back down here until he´s dead! You hear me?!"
  • "How's it going, Bat-brain? Nice place you got here. I think my Joker would have liked it. Kinda place he would've picked."
  • "Are you dumb-asses done yet?
  • "That girl is very important to me, so I'm not going to take any chances. Remember who's in charge in here! When I give you any order, you do it."
  • "What are you standing around for?! Get in there and help those idiots out."
  • "Listen you dumb-asses, Mr. J left me a list of ways to discipline you idiots for screwing up. I haven´t read it yet´cause thinking of him hurts so bad..........BUT I WILL!"
  • "Well, that didn't take long! Next one of you idiots to go down gets to be Big Al´s new punchbag."
  • "Kill him! this was supposed to be the happiest day of my life! Three new Jokers! And you dumb-asses are ruining it!"
  • "I've got three Jokers here idiots! Three! D´ya remember what ONE Joker used to do to you when you screwed up. You don´t? Well you´re about to get triple reminded!"
  • "B-man! Why are you doing this? We just want our Mr. J back! And you dead! But mostly we just want our Mr. J!"
  • "Listen to me! Stop listening to me! That stupid Bat-brained loser is copying my voice somehow. Ignore what I´m saying!"
  • "I don´t know how he´s doin´it, but he´s copying me and I don´t like it!"
  • "I don´t know how he´s doing it, but he´s copying my voice! Ignore what I´m saying but not what I´m saying right now, OK?"
  • "Another one? Really? Work together, dumb-asses!"
  • "You ain´t getting in here, Bat-Brain. These Jokers are mine. It´s what Mister J woulda wanted"
  • "You scared, B-man? You should be! I've got three new jokers here and they all want you dead!"
  • "Where did he go?! Find him before he finds you!"
  • "How hard is it to point that gun between his pointy ears and open fire?!"
  • "You can´t hide forever, B-man. I know you´re out there. We found your Jokers and we´re gonna find you!"
  • "You´re gonna pay for what you did to my puddin, and you you see him in the afterlife, tell him Harley sent ya!!"
  • "What are you dumb-asses waiting for? Shoot him in the heart! No, scratch that, he don´t have a heart! If he did, my puddin would still be around. Shoot him his stupid ugly face!"
  • "Kill him dumb-asses! You don´t wanna know he´s done to this Joker-lady. I ain´t never seen a case of Stockholm Syndrome this bad! Don´t worry sweetheart! I´m a psychiatrist!"
  • "You got a lot of nerve comi´n here, B-Man, I´ve got three new Jokers and a whole army of idiots just waiting for a place of you!"
  • "Look at you all, getting your heads smashed in, your bones broken, your windpipes crushed. My puddin woulda loved this!"
  • "When we´re through with you, they´re gonna be scraping you off this roof with a shovel!"
  • "If there´s one thing my puddin' taught me it's how to motivate you goons. If you numbskulls don´t kill the Bat-brain soon you´ll be playing Russian Roulette with a single-barrel shotgun! Was that good?"
  • "Three left? Looks like I´m running out of idiots."
  • "How many morons does it take to kill a bat? I´m guessin´ it´s more than two. Prove me wrong dumb-asses!"
  • "You´re the only one left, chowderhead! So stop looking so scared and kill that bat-faced loser!"
  • "Do you know what's it´s like to wake up day after day and know you'll never see his beautiful face again? Why would you? Let me tell you it´s been emotional. Of course now, well now I have three new Jokers. Each one perfect in their own right."
  • "I knew no one could replace my Mister J, but I guess I wasn't thinking big enough. I don't know how it happened, but I know why. Mister J sent me a gift from beyond the grave! A wonderful gift just for me! And the best part is they all want to kill you!"
  • "That, dumb-ass , is why you're not paid to think. It´s some kinda Bat-Trick."
  • "Show yourself! B-Man! Unless you ain't got the guts!"
  • "Oh, look who it is! Batman's little helper. Looks like he left you all alone! (Robin)
  • "Oh, think you´re funny, huh?!"
  • "Open the gate!"
  • "For real this time!"
  • "If you think you´re taking him back to the cells, think again!"
  • "He´s got the Joker in him, they all have. That means they´re mine! I´m taking 'em!"
  • "Batman took Mr. J away from me once already, he ain't gonna do it again!"
  • "You hear that Batman?! I know you're out there!"
  • "How about that, you're a trigger pull away from gettin' ya little, birdy brains blown out and your boss don't care one bit!"
  • "Ain´t that right B-man!"
  • "Joker always said the Bat was mean, didn't care about no one but himself. Not like Mr. J."
  • "He looked after me, loved me with all his heart."
  • "He would'a never abandoned me."
  • "Not like that big coward who's out there hiding!"
  • "I'm talking to you Batman!"
  • "Show ya face or Robin here gets it, right between the eyes!"
  • "You hearing this Batman?!"
  • "I've had enough! I´m counting to three, If you don´t get out here by the time I finish, Bird-brain here gets it!"
  • "Okay, I'm starting.....One."
  • "In case you didn't hear it, I've started. I´m on "One" already!"
  • "Okay......Two!"
  • "Better hurry up, Batman. I´m halfway. The Boy Wonder's about to get a real bad headache!"
  • "This is it! Three!"
  • "Time's up! Say goodbye to the bird, B-man!"
  • "Bet you thought that was it, huh?"
  • "Nah, I couldn't blow ya head off, not yet."
  • "I wanna savor the moment a little longer. Like Mr. J did."
  • "Did the B-man ever tell you about Jason Todd?"
  • "I´m guessing not. That's his guilty little secret."
  • "J said it was special. Said it was his finest work."
  • "You know, it's funny, seems Batman's got a habit of leaving Robins to die."
  • "Looks like history's repeating itself, kid!"
  • "BAM.........HAHAHAHAHA" (shoots Robin)
  • "You won't get away with this!"
  • "We'll stop you!"
  • "Don't matter where you put'em, I´ll bust my Jokers out again!"
  • "You won´t keep me away from Mr.J!"
  • "Don´t think you've won, Batman!"
  • "I'm gonna pull your lungs outta your nose."
  • "You think you're so clever, don´t ya?"
  • "Put me down, Bat-Freak!"
  • "Oh, no, no!, no!"
  • "What are you doing?" (Henry Adams)
  • "No, no, no! Not again!"
  • "Wasn't enough to kill my one and only, huh? You had to go and get the rest of ém killed too!"
  • "You ain't him! I don´t believe it! If that was really Mister J in there you woulda killed those knock-offs yourself!"
  • "You think you´re smarter than me dontcha, Bat?! Well I got it all figured out. You were jealous of me ´n´my J that's why you killed him ISN'T IT?! Well, I hope you´re happy now. You got what you wanted."
  • "Leave me alone, MURDERER!"
  • "See What? Scarecrow snatch the little bird-faced loser you´d left locked in a cell? HA! Yeah, I saw it. It was pretty funny, I gotta say."
  • "The Commissioner? Yeah, I think so. Kinda hard to tell with all those bruises on his face. Someone did a real number on him. Mister J woulda been proud."
  • "I wish I coulda had a drop of J´s blood before they burnt him to a crisp."
  • "I still can´t believe they´re gone. I mean, they had nothing on the original but there was a little o´ Mister J in all of 'em."
  • "You shoulda seen the look on bird-boy´s face when they took him."

Harley´s Speech

Batman: Arkham City

"Listen up, dumb-asses and listen carefully. As you know, Mr. J is...he's...he's not himself, and the last thing he needs is any so-called superhero coming in here and stopping his recuperation. That's where you come in, morons. You need to protect the Steel Mill, protect it with your life, because if you fail, I'll make sure your miserable lives don't mean zip. You get it? Good!"

Harley´s Messages

Batman: Arkham City

"Listen, if anyone asks about Mistah' J, tell them he's fine. No, don't tell them anything. Well, tell them that you're not going to talk about it, and then shoot them in the face. OK?"

"Keep this to yourself, but I think Batman may be here. If you see him, kill him!"

“If you don’t stop pressing that button, I’ll … I’ll tell my Joker and he will be sooooo angry.”

“What?! I’m busy!”

"Hello? Is this thing on?"

Harley Quinn's Revenge

  • "Leave me alone! Do you hear? Leave me alone!"
  • "Hey, dumb-ass! Yes, you! I want to be left alone. I'm working on a plan, and I need to make sure that it's the best plan in the world and I can't do it with you bothering me."
  • "I hope you enjoy pressing that button, dumb-ass. Now you made my list. It's a long list of all the people who pissed off me and Mistah' J. And... and now he's gone... It's up to me to make you pay!"
  • "Don't let your guard down boys! See anybody acting weird, you blow off their heads!"
  • "Are you guys just plain stupid? I said do not disturb."