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The Arkham Knight's Militia (usually shortened to just "the Militia") is a private paramilitary force of highly-trained mercenaries using advanced technological equipment under the command of the Arkham Knight, with the mission of capturing or killing Batman.

They serve as the primary henchmen of Batman: Arkham Knight after forcefully invading and occupying the entirety of Gotham City.

Unlike other thugs, the Militia use cutting-edge technology in their war effort, including drone warfare.

Incident Reports[]

Before the Arkham Knight Incident[]

In his quest to kill Batman, the Arkham Knight assembled an army of mercenaries of various origin, trained to defeat Batman - one training site was located in Venezuela. The Arkham Knight convinced Scarecrow to ally with him, who assembled the villains of Gotham and persuaded them to fund the Militia with 3 billion dollars. The Militia developed cutting-edge technology to defeat Batman, including fully-autonomous drone vehicles, optical-camouflage suits, and scanners that can detect signals from Batman's Detective Mode. They also hired Deathstroke as a tactical advisor, training instructor, and battle-casualty replacement for the Arkham Knight, paying him in advance.

Arkham Knight Incident[]

After Scarecrow forces a mass evacuation of Gotham on Halloween, the Arkham Knight begins Operation Savior and his Militia immediately assume control of Gotham, setting up dozens of watchtowers, security checkpoints, and street patrols with squads of soldiers and unmanned drones. They also plant bombs throughout the city, as a deterrent against outside intervention. The Militia leave the rioters alone, not getting in their way.

Despite all of their training and technology, the Militia is utterly devastated by Batman, who deactivates their outposts, captures their lieutenants, and disables their bombs. He eventually defeats the Arkham Knight (revealed to be Jason Todd), casuing him to have a change of heart - the Knight abandons the Militia and becomes Red Hood. Scarecrow then places Deathstroke in charge of the Militia, who forbids the soldiers from leaving Gotham on pain of death. However, Batman defeats the Militia by neutralising their remaining positions and apprehending Deathstroke, allowing the Gotham City Police Department to take back the city from the rioters.


  • Soldier - rank and file soldiers that have no special abilities or equipment. They use the same tactics and behavior as normal thugs. During combat, they can pick up and use weapons such as baseball bats, pipes, knives, stun batons, riot shields, and assault rifles. They can also attack with throwable objects, such as boxes and chairs. In Predator mode, they can use assault rifles, shotguns, and sniper rifles, and throw grenades if Batman enters an area they cannot follow. They can adapt when ordered to by the Arkham Knight, but can be tricked with the Voice Synthesizer.
    • Tracker - soldiers equipped with a device that is capable of pinpointing Batman's location if Detective Mode is used for too long. A visual warning appears on screen when the soldier is tracking Batman. This tracking device can be rigged to electrocute the soldier if it detects Batman with an upgraded Disruptor.
    • Optic Camouflage Soldier - identical to regular soldiers, but wear special camouflage that renders them undetectable by Detective Mode. Their camouflage can be disabled with an upgrade from the Disruptor.
    • Drone Controller - stationary soldiers remotely piloting airborne Boa Drones. The Drone itself can be blinded with the Remote Hacking Device, making it incapable of detecting Batman for a short time or rigged to explode upon spotting Batman with an upgraded Disruptor. Additionally, the controller can be rigged to explode when the drone detects Batman with the upgraded Disruptor. If Batman is close enough to the controller, Batman can hack into the drone and use it against the Militia - either simply self-destructing or electrocuting up to three nearby enemies before self-destructing.
  • Medic - soldiers in white uniforms that revive other soldiers with defibrillators. Additionally, they can use one of their charges to electrify their fellow soldiers’ suits - Batman will be harmed when striking electrified soldiers until the charge is dispersed with the Batclaw (or if Batman strikes them anyway). Medics will normally only fight as a last resort - for example, when they are out of defilbrillators Their defibrillators can be rigged to backfire on them by an upgraded Disruptor.
  • Combat Expert - enemies armed with swords, behaving identically to League of Assassins ninjas. They are capable of dodging Batman's attacks, and performing both a normal and four-swing blade attack. They also possess a unique attack where they jump onto a wall or nearby ally and then leap down to strike at Batman.
  • Brute - large, armored enemies. They are immune to strikes (except with weapons), and are typically defeated with a Beat Down. Their suits allow them to withstand one Special Combo Takedown before they can be defeated with a second. They also have their own weapons, which are integrated into their suits:
    • Wrist-swords - these allow the Brute to perform a four-swing blade attack. A successful Blade Dodge Takedown has the same effect as using a Special Combo Takedown on them.
    • Electrified gloves - the Brute uses a two-swing punch attack, and cannot be Beaten Down until the gloves are disabled with the REC.
    • Extendable shields - the Brute strikes widely with the shield. They must be hit with an Aerial Attack before following straight into the Beat Down.
  • Mini-Gunner - the Predator equivalent of Brutes, these muscular soldiers wield handheld miniguns. Their miniguns can only be Disrupted temporarily, and Batman cannot double-Disrupt them (as the explosion could kill the soldier). They are immune to Silent Takedowns and Inverted Takedowns, but can be manipulated with the Voice Synthesizer. Attacking them makes Batman automatically start a long beat-down during which he must counter attacks from the Mini-Gunner - four counters are required before the Mini-Gunner is defeated. Alternative takedowns such as Environment Takedowns, Disrupting weapon crates, and Disrupting mines are also effective.
  • Unmanned Drones - hundreds of unmanned drones that patrol the streets of Gotham, typically taking the form of tanks. They are normally defeated using the Batmobile, but can also be Disrupted to explode when attempting to fire. Serpent drones can also be found flying over the islands - they can be landed on and destroyed with Explosive Gel. Destroying all ground drones on an island allows the GCPD to resume vehicle patrols, and destroying all Serpent drones allows for GCPD helicopters to continue patrolling.
    • Sentry Gun - immobile turrets that can rotate 360 degrees and will fire at enemies in their cone of vision. They can be disabled from behind or blinded with the Remote Hacking Device. Alternatively, Batman can force the turret to fire by shooting it with the REC, causing a distraction and knocking it out of its sweeping pattern which Batman can use to get close and disable numerous guns placed in close proximity.
  • Checkpoint Commander - soldiers recognisable by their beige armor. They are in charge of checkpoints, and must have their unconscious bodies looted for the checkpoint remote to take the checkpoint down. They function identically to normal soldiers.
  • Suicide Bomber - a soldier with a suicide vest, which will explode when the wearer is knocked unconscious. Batman only encounters one during the game - he is able to ambush the user from behind and disable the vest.
  • APC Lieutenant - senior soldiers who patrol Gotham in APCs. Batman can engage and chase them with the Batmobile to remove them from the fight. Batman can damage them with Immobilizer missiles or by ramming them. Batman will also have to contend with 2-8 escorts as well, but they will flee when the APC is out of commission.
  • Militia Vehicles - used to transport Militia personnel. The Batmobile can chase and immobilise them.



  • The Militia have access to RPG-7 rocket launchers - they use three of them on Poison Ivy's first ancient plant, before the bark had hardened.
    • A conversation mentions that they also attempted to use a flamethrower on the same plant, but failed as its bark had hardened at that point.
  • It is unknown what happened to the Militia Commander and the Militia that weren't in Gotham, following the arrests of both Scarecrow and Deathstroke and the Arkham Knight's redemption.
  • The Militia made Founders Island their base for a good reason: of Central Gotham's three islands, it is the only one not connected to the mainland, providing an additional defense. Port Adams is also where the majority of their drones are assembled, and as it is isolated on a sub-island, nosy rioters can be kept out.
  • All missions involving the Militia are available after Scarecrow attacks the GCPD.
  • After Deathstroke takes command of the Militia, one conversation talks about a unit that attempted to desert. They tried to escape across one of the bridges to the mainland, but Deathstroke was waiting for them on the other side.
  • As Batman beats them in the Most Wanted missions, the leaders respond to the defeats:
    • Arkham Knight starts out confident his army can beat Batman, but after over half of his forces have been taken out, he starts yelling at them for failing to stop Batman.
    • Deathstroke talks to Batman about his past, boasting that he must earn the right to face him by taking out what remains of the Militia.
    • Scarecrow explains how fear affects them, advising them on how to use their heightened sense of awareness to their advantage.
  • In many ways, the Militia are similar to TYGER used by Hugo Strange:
    • They are equipped with the latest military hardware.
    • They've taken over large portions of Gotham at some point.
    • Their leaders share secret knowledge of Batman and use it to instruct their respective groups on how to defeat him.
  • However, they are different in others:
    • The people of Gotham do not show any form of support for this group. In fact, some criminals don't either, with some actually cheering for Batman to "kick their ass".
    • None of their members are hypnotized into serving their leaders. The Arkham Knight and Deathstroke rely on charisma to get them to obey their commands.
    • The TYGER Guards acted a bit more professionally than the Militia and also never become terrified, even if all of their unit is eliminated.
  • A few mention that after the Gotham mission, they plan to leave the militia; one had a new identity and his money ready to go, while another planned to be a soldier of fortune.
  • The Militia know the Arkham Knight's real identity, as one mentions that he was surprised when he saw Jason in his suit and briefly thought it was Batman.
  • Some soldiers are openly homosexual, as evidenced by some conversations they exchange about their significant others:
    • One lied to his about being on a vacation, rather than working.
    • One jokes that Jason screaming at Batman sounded like they were going through a divorce.
  • In one conversation, a generic soldier claims he's a Black Belt in Krav Maga, which is odd as most soldiers are simple reskins of the thugs gameplay-wise, who only possess basic fist-fighting capabilities.
  • At least one of the Militia members originally served under Bane's Militia and was involved in Bane's actions during Batman: Arkham Origins.
    • In addition, some enemy chatter revealed that one of their prior employers was a rebel group in Santa Prisca, Bane's home country, and implied that Gotham was considered to be better largely because of how infamous Santa Prisca's jail was.
  • Despite the tactic being extremely effective against Batman and his no-kill rule, there is only one suicide bomber in the entire game. There are several possible reasons for this:
    • Most soldiers are too afraid to use it.
    • Batman interrupts the briefing where it's introduced, stopping it from hitting the streets.
    • It was still being tested. As it was immediately destroyed, it might have been deemed useless.
    • Deathstroke took over the Militia soon after the vest was revealed, and, as he wanted a "fair" fight with Batman, might have ordered them to not to use them.
  • Most of the Militia are ex-military troops - they sometimes mention how their equipment is better now that they went private, or that they were poorly treated by their respective militaries. Some also mention how they were unable to adapt to civilian life after returning home.
    • One soldier says he was personally recruited by the Arkham Knight - he was in a "bad place", and "headed for a worse one", but the Knight convinced him to join because "he knew what it meant to be betrayed."
  • A militiaman at a Miagani watchtower voices hesitation to work for Scarecrow as "the guy talks like he wants to bring about a freaking apocalypse."
  • Another soldier believed Batman was actually a secret, government-funded agent tasked with handling crime in Gotham so they could avoid the repercussions of law and paperwork.
  • Of all the super criminals working with them, the Militia usually talk about Riddler; directly or indirectly. One tried to take a Riddler Trophy, but got electrocuted by it. Another thought the trophies were part of a pretentious artshow. Another was impressed with the racetrack under Elliot Memorial Hospital and the Riddler Robots, only to be reminded that Nygma doesn't share his technology with anyone.
  • The Millita is the most well-equipped faction in the entire Arkhamverse, followed in that regard by the TYGER Guards.