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Arkham Wiki

Officer McQueen is one of three kidnapping victims taken by the Mad Hatter in an attempt to break Batman during the events of Halloween.


During the events of Scarecrow's attack on Gotham City on Halloween night, McQueen was on patrol when her squad car's siren started to malfunction, forcing her to pull over. Not long after, however, she was knocked out by the Mad Hatter (who had been responsible for modifying her squad car's siren as well as the sirens of Officer Katz and Sergeant Lory to implement a hypnotic tune).

McQueen was then locked up inside the trunk of her own car while wearing a mask mirroring the Queen of Hearts/Red Queen from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Further complicating the matter, the trunk was also rigged with explosives to ensure Batman couldn't rescue her easily. Mad Hatter then had her car placed at the island lighthouse near Chinatown, after defacing the vehicle with statements from the book.

Batman ultimately managed to disarm the explosives and rescue McQueen, who was confused and frightened about the ordeal. She wondered what happened to her before Batman reassured her that she was safe. She was then brought back to the GCPD, where she was sitting in the corner with Officer Katz due to the trauma of what they had to endure. She also expressed disgust about Jervis Tetch remarking that she can't even look at him after what he did to her.



  • Her name is an allusion to The Queen of Hearts.
  • She Is Voiced by Jules De Jongh.