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Eddie Burlow first appeared in Rocksteady Game's, Batman: Arkham Asylum in August 2009.


Eddie was a young security guard at Arkham Asylum, one of the many present during The Joker's takeover.

Arkham Asylum Incident[]

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Eddie Burlow trying to get the fuse box to the Decontamination Chamber door open while Batman has his back turned.

Eddie Burlow was one of the many security guards present at Arkham Asylum, when the Joker was recaptured by Batman. Eddie was posted at the Intensive Treatment Center to help guard the Joker during his transferral. While the Joker was being taken through the Holding Cells by an asylum guard and an unidentified doctor, he broke free by using his handcuffs to strangle the guard. The Joker escaped into the Processing Corridor control office, and set loose all the prisoners who were housed in the Holding Cells. Most of the convicts were shipped to Arkham from Blackgate Prison after a mysterious fire had burned it down.

After setting the convicts loose on Batman when the Dark Knight attempted to follow him, the Joker sealed off the Processing Corridor. Eddie Burlow was one of the five security personnel in the vicinity at the time, with him and another, unidentified, guard posted to guard the door leading to the Decontamination Chamber. The Joker made his escape through the area, encountered the first two guards at the corner of the Processing Corridor, and killed them. Joker also left sets of wind-up chattering toy teeth in his wake of destruction.

The Joker killed a third guard at the door to the Patient Pacification Chamber and then attacked Burlow and the other guard at the door to Decontamination. The Joker snuck up on Burlow from behind and knocked him down on the floor, then killed the other guard with him. The Clown Prince of Crime proceeded through the door to the Decontamination Chamber, and set loose all the prisoners who were housed in the cells there. Batman finally came through the area once the Joker allowed him access to the Processing Corridor. Batman found the deceased security guards the Joker had left in his wake and fought off two more escaped prisoners who tried to attack him. Burlow regained consciousness, and called Batman over to the Decontamination Chamber door. Burlow was unable to identify his attacker, and could only ask Batman what had happened. Batman filled it in and explained:, "Joker happened. You're lucky to be alive." Burlow reported that the Joker must have gone into Decontamination because the security door was locked from the inside. Their conversation was interrupted by a request for backup over Burlow's radio. It was Zach Franklin, another guard, who shouted that an inmate, Victor Zsasz, had escaped and was on the loose in the Patient Pacification Chamber. Burlow tried to respond, but the line was down. He pointed Batman to the Lower Corridor, where the Patient Pacification Chamber was located. Burlow offered to come with him, but Batman told the guard that he worked better alone. Burlow agreed to remain behind and tried to get the Decontamination door open.

While Batman left for the Lower Corridor, Burlow examined the door's fuse box. In his frustration, Burlow could do little but strike the box with his fist. Zach Franklin and three other guards awaited Batman in the Patient Pacification Chamber, and told him that Zsasz had killed one guard and taken a second, Mike, hostage. Batman used his stealth skills to sneak up on Zsasz and rescued the hostage.

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Burlow watches his friends die through an observation window in the Decontamination Chamber, but cannot help them.

Harley Quinn then appeared on a security screen and informed Batman that she and the Joker were in full control of the asylum and that she had captured the Warden, Quincy Sharp. Batman escaped Patient Pacification through the ventilation system and appeared in a shaft directly above the Processing Corridor and Burlow, just as the guard succeeded in forcing the security door open. Burlow ran to the Decontamination Chamber, only to arrive at an observation window, through which he could see the chamber filling with a mysterious green gas. At least four asylum guards rushed to the window, pounded on it, and silently begged for Burlow to let them out before the gas overcame them. The gas in the area set off a security countermeasure, which detected the toxins and sealed off Decontamination, and trapped and doomed those inside. Burlow watched in horror as at least ten of his colleagues succumbed to the gas. Batman arrived on Burlow's heels, and Eddie asked him what the gas in the chamber was. Batman told him it was Joker Toxin and that anyone caught in the Decontamination would be dead. Burlow watched more guards fall through the window and die slowly and painfully, although he remained hopeful and asked Batman: "Are you gonna get in there and help them, Batman?" His optimism rose when Burlow spotted movement inside the Decontamination Chamber: "I can see people in there! They're still moving!" He also urged Batman to hurry. Batman entered the room via an air duct and found that three security guards and one inmate that had escaped the dense gas by climbing to safety. After he rescued them, Batman struck the ventilation system fuse box inside the Decontamination Chamber with a Batarang, which caused an extraction system to filter the Joker's deadly gas out of the room. Burlow cheered Batman on, and told the masked vigilante that when he found Joker, to punch the villain for him. Burlow further commended Batman for his selfless attempt to save innocent lives, and said: "I saw what you did in there, Batman. You did good." Eddie then found that the door leading back to the Processing Corridor had now been locked back in place. While Batman followed the Joker's trail to the Transfer Loop, Burlow attempted to call for help on his radio. Eddie tried to contact William North, Zach Franklin, Louie Green, and another guard, Bill, but his call failed to go through due to the fact that the Joker had somehow managed to also gain control of all the guards' radios. He refused to give up, however, and continued trying: "Hello? Is anyone there? Officer North, Officer Green! Can you hear me? Bill? Are you there? Hello, Hello! If anyone can respond to this channel, please respond. We are trapped, we need help. Hello, Hello? Someone please respond! Joker has escaped and is on the grounds near the Transfer Loop." There was no reply on Burlow's radio: the Joker had directed most of the security personnel, including Louie Green, to Arkham East.

Burlow subsequently exited the area through Decontamination and found his way out of Intensive Treatment. Shortly afterward, Poison Ivy took control of Arkham Island by using her mutated plants, which grew to powerful and monstrous forms that were enhanced by the experimental drug, Titan. The plants infected Burlow with Ivy's mind controlling spores, and Ivy summoned him to the Botanical Gardens, where she made her lair. Ivy "hired a little extra security" by seducing another guard, William North, with her mind-controlling plant spores and paired him with a zombified Burlow to act as her personal security, and guard the Flooded Corridor in the Gardens. When Batman arrived to stop Poison Ivy from destroying the island, Ivy cleared the Flooded Corridor for him, and then sent out Eddie Burlow and William North to attack him. Batman arrived to find Burlow and North waiting with their backs to him. When Batman tried to approach the two security guards, they turned around, and revealed a cloud of mind controlling plant spores around their heads. Ivy taunted Batman as the two guards prepared to fight for her: "I've got myself a little security, Batman. They'll just die if anything happens to me!" With his mind firmly under Ivy's control, Burlow only paid attention to the task that she had given him: to protect her from the "evil bat." Burlow prepared to lunge for Batman, and shouted: "And we love her!" Faced with no choice, Batman defeated both Burlow and North, and left them senseless on the floor. Batman continued to Ivy's lair in the Elizabeth Arkham Glasshouse, and was forced to contend with more Arkham guards under Ivy's control. Poison Ivy bonded with a Titan-injected plant to battle Batman, who still managed to defeat her. After Ivy's defeat, Burlow was revived in the Flooded Corridor, and sat up and complained of sore minor injuries. With Ivy's spell over them broken, Burlow and North seated themselves on a nearby park bench, where they remained until the Joker's final defeat. Eddie Burlow was among the few guards that survived the Joker's takeover and he returned to his post after the GCPD had retaken control of Arkham Island.

After Arkham Asylum Incident[]

Eddie and most of the staff that survived Joker's takeover got a job in Arkham City.

Arkham City Incident[]

Burlow was one of the guards guarding the Church and Medical Center in Arkham City. When his friend was threatened by The Riddler, he betrayed the rest of the medical team, leading to their kidnapping. He was the first rescued by Batman after he was held at the Solomon Wayne Courthouse, where he gave Batman the Enigma Machine before returning to the relative safety of the church. If Catwoman attempts to knock at the church and demand to be let in, Burlow would apologize and reply that the church was closed.


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An early development picture released that showed Eddie Burlow at the observation window in the Decontamination Chamber.

  • Eddie Burlow was one of the first Arkham staff to be created by Rocksteady Games exclusively for Batman: Arkham Asylum. Burlow was shown during one of the first screenshots released for the game, while it was still in early stages of development. He also appeared in one of the game's first trailers released, and made a brief appearance staring through the window in the Decontamination Chamber as his colleagues inside were felled by the deadly Joker Toxin that filled the room.