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Arkham Wiki

Arkham Origins[]

  • "Hmph. An empty promise from a fallen king. I know about the Joker."
  • "I killed you. And in a few more minutes, your body will realize it."
  • "Heh... That's it. Use your strength. With every effort you hasten your end."
  • "Is that the best you can do?"
  • "You are not gonna like what comes next."
  • "I will pick you apart, piece by piece."
  • "My venom will break your mind, and then I will break what's left of you."
  • "I must admit, you are a lot more amusing than most of my victims."
  • "I love watching this part."
  • "You think that will help you?"
  • "Tell me, Batman. How will you defeat the phantoms of your mind?"
  • "You are slow, Batman."
  • "Yes. Keep trying."
  • "You are trying so hard!"
  • "You can't stop me."
  • "I see you falter."
  • "I expected no less from a flying rodent."
  • "You are fighting phantoms!"
  • "This is a fight you can't punch your way out of."
  • "Your brain cells are dying. Soon enough, so will the rest of you."
  • "You should save your strength."
  • "My venom needs more time."
  • "Not so fast."
  • "I will twist you apart."
  • "What is it you are doing, Batman?"
  • "You hit nothing but air."
  • "Still some fight left in you, uh?"
  • "I'll tear your throat out!"
  • "Right here, cabron!"
  • "I like to watch my victims struggle."
  • "Pace yourself. We still have lots of time to play."
  • "You should be dead!"
  • "Are you struggling?"
  • "Pendejo!"
  • "Time to finish you off."
  • "Hey, pendejo!"
  • "No, Batman."
  • "No."
  • "You think your toys can save you?"
  • "Do you trust your eyes, Batman?"
  • "I'm gonna going to get out of this, and when I do- you're dead!"
  • "I like to bite."
  • "Watch me!"
  • "Your strength, your skill, means nothing. Nothing."
  • "This is the mighty Bat?"
  • "There are worse ways to die, no?"
  • "Are you still aware?"
  • "I am here!"
  • "It won't be long now."
  • "You should save your strength."
  • "AH, the poison grows strong!"
  • "Batman! You look confused."
  • "The thrill for me is watching you squirm."
  • "Keep trying!"
  • "No more chances!"
  • "You attack shadows, Batman!"
  • "Now I strike!"
  • "Your efforts only help the poison spread. Keep fighting."
  • "Soon, Batman. It will all end soon."
  • "If you could only see yourself."
  • "Try again."
  • "Argh! No!"
  • "I'm over here, Batman."
  • "The body cannot survive without the brain. Necroptosis, Batman. Look it up."
  • "Still looking for a way out, Batman? This is all in your mind!"
  • "I am impressed you've lasted this long, but you cannot resist the venom forever."
  • "I'll tear your neck out"
  • "Oh, you still want to play? I will indulge you a few moments longer."
  • "You still resist?"
  • "Another taste?"
  • "You think you're cured? My poison, is still in your veins and it will remain there as long you live - which won't be very long."
  • "You think these ties will hold me?"
  • "I know where he is - the Joker."
  • "He's called the meeting. All the assassins will be there. When you set me free, I'll tell you where."
  • "Wait! I can tell you the location."
  • "What are you doing!? Set me free, Pendejo! Argh!"
  • "I'm going to get out of this, and when I do-you're dead!"
  • "You can't just leave me here!"
  • "Let me out, you Pendejo!"
  • "Ay, carajo!"
  • "No!"

Game Over Lines[]

  • "Lo siento, Batman. Pero mi veneno es la muerte. Now, sleep. (Hisses) Ha!"
  • "Now that you've been dealt with, I've got a prize to collect."
  • "I bet you never expected the end to come like this. (Giggles)"