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Ashes - 1 Lap Race Loading Screen

Ashes - 1 Lap Race Loading Screen

Ashes - 1 Lap Race is a DLC Batmobile race challenge map that is included in the 2008 Tumbler Batmobile Pack DLC in Batman: Arkham Knight This lap-based race takes place on a film set inspired by the Nolan Batman trilogy.

The default Batmobile is the 2008 Tumbler Batmobile; star requirements are the same regardless of the Batmobile being used.


  • Complete a lap in less than 1:00 for 3 stars
  • Complete a lap in less than 1:10 for 2 stars
  • Complete a lap in less than 1:20 for 1 star

Rival Points[]

  • Complete in under 0:40 to obtain all 20 Rival Points(RP); one RP is earned for every second under 1:00, the 3 star time.

Time Bonuses and Penalties[]

  • The track contains neither bonuses nor penalties.




  • Drifting is recommended to ensure an easier 3 star and to help with obtaining Rival Points.