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2022 Annual Report

Strength and unity. Those words characterized AARP Foundation in 2022.

Claire Casey, President
AARP Foundation

Claire Casey

Strength and unity. Those words characterized AARP Foundation in 2022. I have been genuinely moved by the sameness of heart that exists within this community of staff, volunteers, donors, and partners. A shared devotion to the work underpinned everything the Foundation accomplished last year.

Our staff wrapped up two years of remote work and connected in person once more. This was nothing new for the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) team, who were back in the community mere weeks after things shut down, working with local partners, and providing in-person service to older jobseekers. For everyone else, however, stepping back into our offices felt like a homecoming.

Some programs continued to build on their established success, as they had done all along; others injected fresh ideas and energy into their offerings to increase their impact.

Our small but mighty legal advocacy team, who had spent two years pursuing their cases remotely, argued before judges in person instead of on Zoom, bringing the voice of older adults back into the nation’s courtrooms.

Our remarkable volunteers rejoined their classrooms, community centers, libraries and more, never missing a beat in the transition back from remote volunteering.

And our generous donors, who unfailingly stood by us all through the pandemic, came through as they always have for the older adults who need their support.

Because of all this, we were able to fight systemic injustice and help older adults seize opportunities to re-enter the workforce, bolster their budgets, give back to their communities, and recover from disasters. No matter when or how we came back, we were united in our purpose: to work even harder to achieve our vision of a country free of poverty where no older person feels vulnerable.

In 2022, we grew stronger. Together.

With gratitude,

Claire Casey, President
AARP Foundation

Read more from Claire

0 vulnerable older adults helped
0 million secured for older adults with low income
0 million in tax refunds and credits

*as compared to 2021

0.00 million donors who helped make our work possible
0 volunteers who supported AARP Foundation initiatives
More than
community-based organizations who partnered with us

Seizing Opportunities

A robust U.S. labor market resulted in more job openings than available workers, and older jobseekers were keen to seize these opportunities. BACK TO WORK 50+ collaborated with more local partners and broadened its online services. Our Senior Community Service Employment Program’s sustained success led the U.S. Department of Labor, which funds the program, to award us two new grants.1 Not only were we able to continue administering SCSEP, but the new grants also allowed us to expand it.

Standing woman teaching seated man
older adults served
through workforce programs — up 11% from 2021

Although both BACK TO WORK 50+ and SCSEP build jobseekers’ skills and confidence, we also saw a need for dedicated training to meet the demands of a labor market where digital skills are no longer optional. That’s why we launched the new Digital Skills Ready@50+™ initiative, which provides digital training classes for people over 50.

By extending the reach and impact of our workforce programs, we helped participants secure jobs and take tangible steps toward financial stability.

0 million in new income — up 14% from 2021


The BACK TO WORK 50+ program closed out its first decade with a new national online program, generating a 30% increase in overall participation by older adults with low income.

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Standing woman with man in wheelchair
0 increase in

In addition to extending its geographic reach, the program delivered job search information and tools to 12,620 people, generating $16.2 million in new income.

0 million in new income

Of the unemployed jobseekers who participated in our coaching programs, 40% landed jobs — and they did it, on average, just 16 weeks after starting the program. That is a significant contrast to the average of 27 weeks that most people 55 and older spend unemployed.2 What’s more, they reported an average wage of $21 an hour, which is about twice the average national minimum wage of $10.67 an hour.3

0 landed jobs

Guided by trained career transition coaches who hosted workshops in person and online, BACK TO WORK 50+ participants built the skills and confidence they needed to compete for high-quality jobs and increase their income in a fast-changing job market.

earning twice the average national minimum wage

Smiling woman looking at computer screen

Digital Skills Ready@50+ Initiative

The Digital Skills Ready@50+™ initiative was created to meet a pressing need: digital skills training for people over 50 who are living with low income so that they have the tools needed to land good jobs that lead to long-term financial stability. The new initiative, launched in 2022, was made possible by a $10 million grant from

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By providing training in the digital essentials, the initiative equips participants with the fundamental skills needed to navigate today’s digital world, including the labor market. It’s delivered mostly through community-based organizations (in-person, virtual, or hybrid) in collaboration with Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) from AARP, which is renowned for its curriculum tailored to older people.

In less than eight months, we partnered with 0 community organizations across eight states, including Arizona, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Texas

During that time our community partners trained 0 participants to use smartphones, Zoom, Microsoft Office, and social media for job searches as well as social connection

Senior Community Service Employment Program

For more than 50 years, AARP Foundation has administered the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), funded primarily by the U.S. Department of Labor. SCSEP matches jobseekers over 55 with local nonprofit and public agencies so they can improve skills and build self-confidence while earning a modest training wage.

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Woman on stage at podium

The decades of success we’ve had with SCSEP have brought the Foundation recognition as a national leader in tackling senior unemployment. And in 2022, our track record led the Department of Labor to award us two new grants that made it possible for us to expand our SCSEP service in Arkansas and North Carolina, resulting in 385 more training opportunities.

Thanks in part to this effort, the program served 10,855 older adults and generated $88.4 million in new income, representing a year-on-year growth of 10% and 14%, respectively.

It’s a win-win — both for the participants, who learn new skills, and for the communities, which benefit from more than 6 million hours’ worth of community service.

Today we run... 0 SCSEP offices in 19 states and Puerto Rico, harnessing the collective strength of 0 nonprofit and government host agencies

Family photo with four people

I was in a dark place, but SCSEP helped save me.

Read about Loretta’s experience

Standing man looking at pie chart

Bolstering Budgets

In 2022, record-high inflation sent prices soaring on necessities like food, fuel, and rent, disproportionately affecting older people with low income. The federal and state governments responded by extending policies and emergency programs to provide extra help, but older adults faced the same barriers that existed before the pandemic: stigma, misconceptions about eligibility, and cumbersome application processes, to name just a few. As a result, participation rates lagged.

AARP Foundation ramped up our efforts to help older adults gain access to public benefits, tax refunds, and credits that would help them bolster their budgets. We ran awareness campaigns to fight stigma and misinformation surrounding the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Medicare Savings Programs (MSP), and we enhanced our technology and service models to reach more people.

0 million in benefits, tax refunds, and credits for vulnerable older adults 0 increase* *as compared to 2021
0 older adults served
0 in benefits received

*as compared to 2021

Tax refunds
and credits
0 older adults served

*as compared to 2021

0 in refunds and credits received

*as compared to 2021

Access to Benefits

Food Security

Having enough money to afford nourishing food gives older adults a much better chance of avoiding serious health issues. And yet, according to recent data from the USDA, only 47% of eligible older adults are enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) as compared to 78% of all people who are eligible.4 Research shows that the complicated application process discourages many older adults from applying for SNAP benefits.5

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Woman handing groceries to man

AARP Foundation circumvents that problem by funding community-based organizations that reach out to people over 50 who are eligible for the program and help them apply. On average, older adults in the communities we serve receive about $153 a month. That’s enough to cover a month’s worth of nutritious groceries, including eggs, dairy products, fruit, and vegetables.

In 2022, we helped 48,906 eligible older adults secure SNAP benefits — more than double the number we helped in 2021. All told, these applicants received $94.4 million in benefits. We also extended grants into 2023 for 14 organizations in states that have the Elderly Simplified Application Project (ESAP) in place, which streamlines the application process for older adults with low income and eases the burdens of reapplying.

0 a month for an older adult, enough to cover a month's worth of groceries

0 million in SNAP benefits secured for 48,906 eligible older adults

Smiling woman

Finally, we joined AARP last year at the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health, the first since the inaugural conference was held in 1969. AARP and AARP Foundation together made a commitment to research older adults’ access to SNAP, which we will use to improve enrollment rates.

Read about our SNAP grantee’s story

Patient with doctor holding iPad

Health Care

According to AARP’s Public Policy Institute, 1 in 10 traditional Medicare beneficiaries spent more than half of their income on health care in 2019.6 This type of cost burden can lead some to not seek the medical care they need.

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In 2022, AARP Foundation funded community-based organizations that help older adults lower their costs by enrolling in Medicare Savings Programs (MSP) and the Part D Low-Income Subsidy (LIS) program (also known as Extra Help). MSP is a government subsidy program that aims to make Medicare more affordable for beneficiaries with low income by helping to pay premiums, deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments — and yet barely half of those eligible for MSP were enrolled in 2019.7 Similarly, just 60% of eligible older adults were enrolled that year in Extra Help, a federal subsidy program that pays for Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage.

We helped 3,528 eligible older adults
enroll in health care benefits, saving them
0 a year per beneficiary (about half the total annual health care costs
of the average U.S. adult over 508) for a total savings of
0 million

Assistance With Tax Refunds and Credits

Our free tax preparation services reached 25% more older adults across the country, helping them secure substantial refunds, save significantly on tax preparation costs, and take advantage of 2022’s expanded eligibility for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC).

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Woman with man pointing at laptop

0 million in tax refunds and credits for 693,160
older adults with low income

155,453 people got an additional 0 million from the Earned Income Tax Credit

Two women seated at table, one in wheelchair

Per person, that is an average savings of $271 in tax preparation and e-filing costs, an average of $540 in refunds, and an average of $647 from the EITC.
Altogether, that amount could cover a person’s annual expenses for gas and utilities.9

Two women looking at paper documents

AARP Foundation Tax-Aide

Tax-Aide provides free in-person and virtual tax preparation help to anyone, with a focus on taxpayers who are over 50 and have low to moderate income. In 2022, we renewed our focus on volunteer recruitment, tested a variety of service delivery models, and launched a successful Tax-Aide chatbot to help people make appointments online, identify Tax-Aide sites, and connect with tax specialists when needed.

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Volunteer Dave Martz with blue siding background

As a Tax-Aide volunteer, Dave Martz helps older taxpayers get the credits they deserve.

Read about Dave’s experience

AARP Foundation Property Tax-Aide

Launched in 2019, Property Tax-Aide helps older homeowners and renters with low to moderate income take advantage of property tax refund and credit programs where available.

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Woman watching man review paperwork

More than 20 million people over the age of 50 spend upward of 30% of their income on housing — and half of those spend at least 50%.10 Seniors living on low or fixed incomes are at risk of having to leave their homes because they can no longer afford rising property taxes or increased rent. With Property Tax-Aide's assistance, older adults can lower their housing costs and increase their ability to stay in their homes longer.

In 2022, Property Tax-Aide recruited new volunteers and started its first volunteer-led programming in Washington, D.C., and North Carolina.

We helped 0 taxpayers with low income secure 0 million

Driving Long-Term Change

At AARP Foundation, we’ve long understood that there is no one path to ending senior poverty. Although last year we prioritized the immediate needs of older adults who struggled with the fallout from the pandemic, we also had our eyes on the future. We made a strategic shift in our intergenerational tutoring program to position it for long-term growth. And our legal advocacy team continued to fight for the rights of older adults, especially those without the resources to meet their basic needs, by winning important legal victories that help to pave the way for systemic change.

Woman looking at papers by filing cabinet
Older woman walking down hall with young girl

AARP Foundation Experience Corps

Experience Corps, our intergenerational tutoring program, gives older adults the opportunity to connect with their communities and to guide young students toward a life of economic stability through education. Though the program maintained a virtual option in 2022, making it possible to reach many more children in underserved communities, we also returned to in-person tutoring.

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This allowed us to engage more tutors and students than we could during the pandemic, when schools were closed and tutors worked remotely with one student at a time. In addition, we shifted to a model that will enable us to deliver the program at a lower cost through partner organizations that are already embedded in their communities.

0 active tutors
0 students served

*as compared to 2021

Participating students showed improved social-emotional learning skills across several categories, including overall engagement — the crucial “soft skills“ that set children up for academic success, fulfilling careers, healthy relationships, and responsible civic engagement throughout their lives.

Older woman helping child

Retired clinical social worker Sharon Justis honors her grandmother by helping children improve their reading skills as an Experience Corps volunteer.

Read about Sharon’s experience

Legal Advocacy

AARP Foundation attorneys litigate at the intersection of aging and social justice. In 2022, they defended older adults from a range of abuses and rights violations, taking major steps toward our ongoing goal to bring about systemic change for the benefit of older adults.

Male figure in suit holding balance scale
Seated man on phone working at laptop

A Win for Privacy

Several Yale University employees represented by AARP Foundation and other attorneys reached a settlement with the university in a case charging that Yale had unlawfully penalized employees who chose not to sign up for its wellness program. Participating in the program would have forced them to submit to extensive medical testing and reveal private health information, but employees who opted out were automatically charged $25 a week.

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The settlement included a 0 million payment to cover employees’
attorney fees and other costs

The case was consequential because recent data indicates that some 48 million employees of large firms put their privacy at risk by participating in company wellness programs — whether voluntarily or by company mandate — because participation requires them to reveal personal medical information, often to a third-party vendor administering the program.11 The settlement included Yale’s agreement to no longer charge an opt-out fee for a specified number of years and a payment of $1.29 million to cover employees’ attorney fees and other costs.

Protecting Pensions

It’s estimated that about 1 million people with pensions from religious organizations have no federal protection.12 About 5,000 African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church employees and retirees were stunned to discover that they were among them.

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Seated man and woman filling out paperwork

AARP Foundation attorneys joined a class action lawsuit on behalf of the employees and retirees, alleging that AME leadership and its retirement services department mishandled and lost nearly $90 million in retirement funds and violated the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), which offers federal insurance to protect against the loss of funds. The lawsuit further charged that AME breached its contractual and fiduciary duties by not honoring a promised pension plan for pastors, elders, bishops, and other employees of affiliated colleges and seminaries. Court action is expected later in 2023.

We joined the class action
lawsuit on behalf of
& retirees
who lost nearly 0 million in retirement funds

Nurse assisting older man with walker

Confronting Nursing Facility Understaffing

More than 8 in 10 nursing facilities in the U.S. are experiencing staffing shortages13 — a longtime problem that grew worse during the pandemic. At one chain of nursing facilities, however, residents believed the understaffing was intentional.

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We filed a class action suit against one of the largest nursing facility chains for older adults in Illinois

Represented by AARP Foundation attorneys and others, residents of six facilities in Illinois filed a class action suit against the Alden Group, one of the largest nursing facility chains for older adults in the state. The complaint alleges that Alden systematically understaffs its facilities, leading to dangerous and often grossly unsanitary living conditions for the residents. According to the complaint, Alden saves millions of dollars each year by refusing to hire sufficient staff to comply with legal staffing requirements and intentionally hiding it from regulators. The suit drew major press coverage, raising awareness of a widespread practice that jeopardizes the health and well-being of nursing facility residents.

Closeup of Vietress Bacon in wheelchair

Vietress Bacon ended up in a nursing facility and couldn’t get out — until AARP Foundation helped.

Read about Vietress’s experience

Headshot of Shawn Jones in hardhat

Employee Shawn Jones knew his company forcing him to participate in a wellness program was wrong — so he did something about it.

Read about Shawn’s experience

Kneeling man with hammer and nails

Recovering From Disaster

In the fall of 2022, hurricanes delivered devastating blows to Florida and Puerto Rico. Hurricane Ian was one of the deadliest and costliest storms in U.S. history, leaving many older Floridians to grapple with devastating losses and harsh economic conditions. In Puerto Rico, Hurricane Fiona caused widespread and weeks-long power outages, destroyed bridges and roadways, and left entire communities under water.

AARP Foundation donors came through in a big way. Thanks to their generous support, and matching funds from AARP and AARP Foundation, we distributed $1.1 million in emergency grants to help older adults who lost their homes and their belongings. Through the work of our grantees (listed below), those who were affected are repairing their homes, getting legal assistance, and receiving financial support.

  • Senior Friendship Centers (Florida)
  • Lee County Legal Aid Society (Florida)
  • Legal Aid Service of Collier County (Florida)
  • St. Bernard Project (Florida and Puerto Rico)
  • Ponce Neighborhood Housing (Puerto Rico)
  • Fundación Acceso a la Justicia (Puerto Rico)
in emergency grants
distributed to help those
who lost their homes and belongings

Thank You to Our Donors, Partners, Volunteers, Staff, Board, and Program Participants

Thank you for believing in AARP Foundation's mission and our work to end senior poverty. Your generous support is helping to ensure that vulnerable older adults can secure the essentials.

  • 2022 Corporate and Institutional Supporters ($2,000+)


    Arizona Department of Economic Security

    Bank of America Charitable Foundation

    Barclays Bank Delaware

    Commonwealth Fund


    Family League of Baltimore

    Florida Department of Elder Affairs

    General Motors

    Government of the District of Columbia

    The Hartford

    Internal Revenue Service

    Iowa Department of Administrative Services

    John A. Hartford Foundation

    Lenfest Foundation

    Missouri State Government

    National Association of Retired Sears Employees

    National Caucus and Center on Black Aging, Inc.

    NEW Solutions

    North Carolina Division of Aging and Adult Services

    Oklahoma State Government


    Pennsylvania Department of Aging

    Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation

    Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

    SCAN Foundation

    Software People Inc.

    State of Washington

    Steans Family Foundation

    Texas Workforce Commission

    Tides Foundation

    UnitedHealthcare, Inc.

    United States Department of Justice

    United States Department of Labor

  • 2022 Opportunity Builders

    The AARP Foundation Opportunity Builders are generous and committed leaders to our vision and mission. These donors power the work we do with their annual gifts of $1,000 or more.

    These philanthropic gifts from our donors allow us to resource our ambition to serve as a force for change on the most serious issues faced by vulnerable seniors living in poverty.

    We thank the following individuals for their generosity and support of AARP Foundation.

    *Denotes Deceased Donor

    VISIONARY ($25,000+)

    Anonymous (2)

    Charity Alker

    Edward R. & Marilyn Kent

    Elsbeth Kirkpatrick

    GUARDIAN ($15,000-$24,999)

    Anonymous (1)

    Annette Franqui & Seth Werner

    Charles Hartshorne

    Kathleen Johnson

    Nancy Mitchell

    Connie & John Rakoske

    Ronald H. Ringer Foundation

    Libby Sartain

    Deborah Whitesell

    CHAMPION ($10,000-$14,999)

    Anonymous (2)

    Betty Alvares

    Howard Goldberg

    Ralph & Pat Haines

    Kristine Harris & David Rosner

    Bob & Sian Harris

    Kevin Hui

    Lloyd E. & Juanita Johnson

    George Lindemann

    Diane D. Miller

    Paolo Narciso

    Nancy Passanante

    Susan Queja

    Lisa Marsh Ryerson

    Todd & Stephanie Schnick

    Harriett Stambaugh

    Mike Streeter

    Jackie & Glenn Tilton

    Michael Vincent

    Susan Werth & Bernard Silver

    Patricia Wild

    LEADER ($5,000-$9,999)

    Anonymous (5)

    Philip Allen

    Peggy Beckman

    Bob Blancato

    Joan Budden

    Elaine Burke

    Mr. Anthony John Burnell

    Stuart Christenfeld

    Robert Cole

    Joseph & Emily Coughlin

    Jacques Craig

    Ann Daw

    Cathy Disch

    Gregory & Avis Dyson

    Burton Field

    Bob Fox & Andrea Mintz

    Judyth Gaddie

    Marita Gallagher

    Sandra Godin

    William Goings

    Jeanne Hoch

    Betty Hudson

    Jo Ann Jenkins

    Eugene Klaasmeyer

    Robert Knauss

    Matthew Krecic

    Henry & Paula Lederman

    Jane Lesser

    Andrea Lindsay

    Janet Malcolm

    Christine Mandion-Splichal

    Norinne McKinney

    Victoria Milam

    Nancy Morris

    Vickie Perkins

    Daniel Phelan

    Julio Portalatin

    Kollivakkam Raghavan

    Donna M. Rand

    Patricia Reino

    Susan Ritter

    Ritta Rosenberg

    Dennis Rosenthal

    Marilyn & Skip Rosskam

    Gwendolyn Seeliger

    Ranjana Shah

    Nancy Sineni

    Celia Siroskey

    Donald G. Smith, Jr.

    Dr. John & Eileen Stanturf

    Ellen Taaffe

    In Memory Of Beverly M. Talley & In Honor Of Sharman Greber

    John Totten

    Sharon Waterous

    Beth & David Whitehead

    Marcia Williams & Gene Lucero

    Rosemary Williams

    Robert Wilusz

    David Windley

    Ted & Pam Woehrle

    Sandra Yanai

    Susan Zimmerman

    ALLY ($2,500-$4,999)

    Anonymous (12)

    David T. Albee

    Anne Aoki

    Isabel Bader

    The Honorable Patricia Banks

    Hilda Birney

    Seetha Boyadati

    Samuel Breitbart

    Virgina Brey

    Dori Brown

    Belinda Bryant

    David Callard

    Ray Chow

    Gerald Clark

    Matthew Cooper

    Albert Coralluzzo

    Charline Dave

    Steven DelVecchio

    Usha Dhar

    Virginia Downes

    John T. Doyle

    Rob & Betsey Drucker

    Jeffrey D. Dunn

    Curt Eakin

    K. James Ehlen, M.D.

    Elisa Ezor

    Thomas Fusco

    M. Gallagher

    Eberhard Gerlach

    Peter Godlewski

    Franklin & Jenny Guerrero

    Ronald Hensen

    Susan Hjerpe

    Barnell Howe

    Philip Johnson

    John Johnson

    Charlie Jones

    Richard Kaleida

    Edna Kane-Williams

    Anup Khattar

    William Klinchock

    Ralph E. Koldinger

    Ruby Law

    Nancy Leamond

    Kathy Learst

    Peggy A. Lentz

    Janet Lowrey

    Rosanna Marquez

    Marcia Marshall

    Marc McDonald & Katrina Foelsche

    Karen & Brad Mercer

    David Molumby

    Michael Murray

    David Nelson

    Richard Newcomer

    Gloria Perucca

    Nikki Peters

    Camille Phillips

    Brenda Pilzer

    Keith Pippard

    Marie Quintero-Johnson

    Marjory Reid

    Nancy Reuscher

    Pauline Rippel

    William Rivera

    Mr. Ernest Robertson

    Andrew Rodriguez

    Ms. Janice Rose

    Ellen Rosenbaum

    William Schildgen

    Herbert Schreiber

    Heather & Tim Sherman

    Charles & Lesley Small

    David Smith

    Rodney Smith

    James Spensley

    Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Y. Sternberg

    Frank Stock

    Darwin Stuart

    *Frederick Swann

    Wendi Swindler

    John Swinney

    Stanley Tomono

    Ethel Tsausis

    Sandra E. Ulsh

    Stephen Venute

    Susan Werth & Bernard Silver

    Debra Whitman

    Victoria Wiebel

    Charles Wolf

    Weldon Wong

    Kenneth R. Wright

    Hansen Yao

    Mary Zinn

    SUPPORTER ($1,000-$2,499)

    Anonymous (97)

    Jennifer Ackers

    Burney Acoff

    Alice Akan

    Wendy Albrecht

    Jeff Albright

    Gail & Robert Aldrich

    Mark Aldridge

    Andrea Alexander

    Bryan Allan

    James Allen

    David Alles

    Gary Allison

    James Allyn

    Danny Annon

    Max Appel

    Rosemary Armstrong

    Jeffrey Armstrong

    Virlynn Atkinson-White

    Randy Avakian

    Mary Avery

    Lawrence Axelrod

    Roberta Baade

    Ancil Baird, Jr

    Thomas Baker

    Susan Baker

    Malcolm Balfour

    Margie Ballenger

    Karen Banks

    Barry Barbash

    Elizabeth Bare

    Reuben Bareis

    Martin Barnes

    Diana Barnhart

    Marlene Barrows

    Sandra Bartruff

    Albert Bartz

    Edward Basaraba

    Gerry Basista

    Peter C. Bauerle

    James Beach

    Kathy Beasley

    John Beatty

    Timothy Beck

    Leslie Beckley

    Lupe Bejarano

    Joseph Bensinger

    Ed & Jamie Benson

    Robert Berg

    Michael Beyer

    Judith Bezark

    Virginia Biedron

    Philip Blythe

    Richard Bockoff

    Donald & Jacqueline Bolen

    John Bosso

    Sharon Boucher

    Cynthia Boudreaux

    Robert Bowling

    Marla Boyle

    Alan Brache

    Jim Bradley

    Alan Breakstone

    Robert Breining

    Sheila Breslaw

    Fr. Terence Brinkman

    Dolly Brock

    Irene Brown

    Jane Brown

    Paul Brown

    Priscilla Brown

    Richard Brown

    Barbara Bruce

    Margaret Brucki

    Edward Bruno

    Cathy Buell

    Dorothy Bullitt

    Charles Burgess

    Kathleen Burke

    Rebecca Burns

    Barbara Byrne

    Richard Cabangcla

    Sharon Cabeen

    Janis A. Calton

    Helen Canevari

    Robbie Carlton

    Mark Carrasco

    Richard Carruth

    Tiia Carswell

    Eric Carter

    Woodrow Carter

    William Carter

    Mr. Patrick Carty

    Erin Casey

    Dwight Cass

    Aldo Castrucci

    Helen Cerulli

    James Chamberlain

    Robert Chandler

    Thomas Chapman

    Solomon Chavez

    Michael Cheng

    Charles & Dolores Cheron

    Gloria Chiang

    Joseph Chickey

    Helen Chiemprabha

    Kenneth Chlada

    Nim Yan Choi Scholarship Foundation And Guang Dong Association Usa

    Darrell Christensen

    Arthur Christian

    Louis Chu

    Donald H. Chung

    Tracey Chunn

    Kelly Clark

    Sande Claxton

    Carol Cleave

    Patrick Coffey

    Ellen Cohen

    Fred Colby

    Byron & Joyce Cole

    Yvonne C. Condell

    Mr. Charles Cook

    Leslie Cook

    Gary Cooper

    Margot James Copeland

    Henrietta Cornelius

    William Covington

    Anne Craig

    Kathy Crispell

    Richard Cross

    James Crossland

    Jeanne Crowe

    Susan Crowe

    Thomas Crowell

    Ned Cumle

    Nancy Cunha

    Alenore Cusick

    Gretchen M. Dahlen & Greg Thelen

    Deborah Dalfo

    Paul Damrow

    Richard Dana

    Ralph Darr

    *Robert Dartnall

    Elsie Dascoli

    Clara David

    David H. Davis

    John M. Davis

    Lois De Domenico

    Theresa De Geest

    Lloyd R. & Caroline De Llamas

    Linda Deardeuff

    Cynthia & Phil Deland

    Satish Desai

    Thakor Desai

    Dolores Detrixhe

    Dr. Paul C. Deutsch

    Leland Dexter

    Ronald Dickens

    Michael Dillon

    Allen Dobbins

    Harriet Druskin

    Leslie Dunlap

    George Dutton

    Lois W. Dyk

    Mary Jo Eagen

    John Ebell

    John Eckfeldt

    Ellis Edge

    Katherine Egolf

    Mr. Ehrenfeucht

    Julian Eidson

    Mervin Eisel

    Richard Ekman

    Elizabeth Ellard

    Alan Ellinwood

    Bonnie Elliot

    Satoko Elwood

    Donald Embree

    Alan England

    Jerry Ennis

    Edanna Ericson

    Julius Erlenbach

    Norma Esherick

    Mr. Jose Espinoza

    Jerry Espiritu

    James Feldick

    Ilene Fennoy

    K. Kip Fenton

    Terri Ferguson

    Michael Festa

    Catherine Fiddes

    Daniel Fisher

    W. Douglas Fisher

    Lydia Fisher

    Dean Flint

    Gloriette Fong

    John Forte

    Veronica Fountain

    Alan Fowler

    Donald Friedrich

    Lawrence Friend

    Marcia Fritz

    Diane Froot

    Harry Fruechte

    James Fuentes

    Kristine Fulmer

    Virginia Fulton

    Nedra Funk

    Robert Furman

    Raymond Gallagher

    Susan Gallagher

    Frank Gallo

    Harold Gardner

    Giby Garnier

    Marci Garrison

    Dr. Joshua Garvin, Jr.

    Elke Geacintov

    Dora Gee

    Barbara Gerlt

    Joanna Giampoli

    Charles Gilbert

    Diane Gill

    Johnnie Glover

    Patricia Gorsky

    Kellie Gowdy

    William Graham

    Anita Gram

    Janelle Gray

    Raymond Green

    Donald Greenberg

    Andrew Greenberg

    Terri Green

    Byron Gregory

    Sandra Greifenstein

    Mr. Allen Griesert

    Beverly Griesert

    Donna Guild

    Joseph Guillory

    Prem Gupta

    Jaime P. & Linda M. Gutierrez

    Charles Gwinn

    Joanne Haberberger

    Changiz Alex Habibvand

    Kendall Hadley

    Robert Hale

    Bruce Hall

    Elise Hall

    Nancy Hall

    Karen Halvorsen

    Charles Hamilton

    Susan Hammell

    Dennis & Sheila Hampton

    Edward Hancock

    Carol Hannah

    John Hannon

    Ward Hannula

    Darlene Hansen

    Janet Hardy

    Richard Hardy

    Mr. Clayton Harper

    Kristine & Jim Harre

    James Harrington

    Richard Harris

    Malloy Harris

    Susan Harrison

    Abdul Hassn

    Lisa Hastings

    Barbara Hathaway

    Nabil Hatoum

    Troy Hawkins

    Mel Hawthorne

    Donna Hawxhurst

    T. Hayes

    Rebecca Hays

    George Hazelton

    William Hazzard

    Nicole Heckman

    Steven Hendrickson

    Ted Henschen

    Dianne Henson

    Greg Hermann

    Ana Hernandez-Schneider

    David Herrell

    Susan Heyman

    Michael Hill

    Debra Hilton

    Bryce Hinsch

    Michi Hirata

    Wayne Hoffman

    Catherine M. Holmes

    Shiou Yun

    Dale Hoover

    Richard Horvath

    Bari Hoskins

    David Hott

    Laurie Houseknecht

    F. Hovde

    Richard Hughes

    Mary Hunkeler

    Robert Hunt

    Leroy Hushak

    Florence Hyink

    Gary Isner

    Ms. Patricia Jackson- Price

    Gary Jamerson

    Peter Jarosewycz

    Michael J. Jeffrey

    Marcia Jeffries

    Barbara Jeffries

    David Jesionowski

    Shirley Jett

    Alleyne Johnson

    Dwight Johnson

    Robert Johnson

    Marjorie Johnson

    John Johnston

    Eleanor Jones

    Paul W. Jones

    Sandra Juarez

    Reema Jweied-Guegel

    George Kambouris

    Pravin Kapadia

    Ronald Karpien

    Margaret Karsjens

    J. Kasper

    Stanley F. Kasper

    Slocum Katrycz

    David K. Katz

    Steven Kearsley

    Gary Keeler

    Elodie Keene

    Michael Keller & Pamela Sousa

    Mary Kelley

    Thoams Kelly

    Mrs. Judith Keltner

    Lawrence Kennedy

    Ardith Kenny

    Larry Kerr

    Judith Kese

    Bobby J. Key

    Michael Keys

    Homai Khanna

    David Khoo

    Dorothy Kidd

    David Kimmel

    Regina Klaatsch

    Richard Klein

    Julianne Knell

    Robert Koch

    David Kocher

    Thomas Koenig

    Sonja Koenig

    Gary Koenig

    Cynthia Koepke

    Janet Kolb

    Atif Kozman

    Miodrag Kukrika

    Arvind Patel

    David & Camiille Kundert

    Roberta Kurtz

    Kenneth Kwidzinski

    Suzanne Labansky

    Patricia Laflin

    Elliot Lainof

    Wayne Laitala

    James B. & Rae A. Lam

    Loren Land

    Ms. Mary Ann Land

    Carol Lang

    Noralita Lapalme

    Nancy Larson

    Lilly Lawrence

    Gregory Leahy

    Margaret Leary

    Marie Ledgerwood

    Foong Lee

    Jane Lee

    George Leedom

    Lori Lefebvre

    Carey Leimbach

    Sandra Leis

    Carolyn Lenington

    Ronald E. Leone

    Helena Lesher

    Nancee Letter

    Bob Levy

    Nancy Liebschutz

    Edward Light

    Timple Lim

    Paula Linder

    Daniel Lips

    Merle Liskey

    Ralph Littreal

    Ronald Litvak

    Fengjung Lo

    Larry London

    Robert Longway

    Janet Looney

    Lori Lopinto

    Doris Love

    Darryl Lovett

    Peter Lowy

    Margaret Lumia

    Julia Lundstrom

    Helen Couclelis

    Mr. Stewart Macaulay

    Eric Macey

    Coral Mack

    Gregory Mackenzie & Anna Mckenzie

    Karen Maddock

    Akiko Maeda

    Mary Mahoney

    Dr. Tyler Mahy

    Sally Maimoni

    Lawrence Marcotte

    Patricia Markowski

    Mary Marques

    C. Randolph Marshall

    Terrylynne Marx

    Wanda Marzouk

    Mei-Ling Mason

    Carl Matney

    Jean Mattson

    Jesse Maxwell

    Myrna May

    Johnnie McBride

    John McClelland

    Barbara McCloud

    Joseph McCormick

    Daniel McGunagle

    Darlene McGurn-Delmore

    Sam McKeel

    Dilcia McLenan-Brent

    Winston McPhie

    Marilyn M. Ritchie

    Gerald S. Medley

    Jed Meese

    Julie Meidinger

    Donald Meinders

    Robert Meissner

    Grace Mellman

    Ted Mencke

    Stanley Meresman

    Marjorie Meyer

    Barb Meyers

    Louis Michel

    Alison Micucci

    Margaret Miller

    Leilani Miller

    Tabor Miller

    Judith Miller

    Johnny Miller

    Faye Miller

    Norman Miller

    Annise Miller

    Sammie Mitchell

    Carol Mitchell

    Douglas Mitchell

    Don Mittelstaedt

    Harley Monson

    Dale Mood

    Kathleen Moody

    Nathaniel Moore

    Al Moreno

    Robert Morris

    Frederick Morris

    Dorothy Moura

    Celia Mueller

    Denise Munoz

    Mary Murphy

    Mark Murray

    Alan Murray

    William Myers

    Neil Myntti

    Vaduvur Narayanan

    Norman Neureiter

    Juan Nevarez

    Charmaine Ngin

    Sharon Nichols

    Marianne Nick

    Tom Nicklawske

    Lillie Nimmer

    Robert Nocek

    Janis Norris

    Daniel Norton

    Unchalee Angie Novey

    Jalila Nur

    Merrill Oaks

    August Ochabauer

    Paul O'Connor

    Shari Oliver

    Beth Olmstead

    Wanda Olsrud

    Timothy Omstead

    Dolores Osborne

    John Osteen

    Rae & Joseph Ott

    Donna P. Owen

    Mr. Kendric Packer

    Donald Page

    William Palamountain

    Dan Pangilinan

    Peter Papasifakis

    Michael Pargee

    Rebecca Parker

    Janak H. Patel

    Kusum Patel

    Jennifer Peed

    P.M. Paul Pellegrino, FDN.

    Yvette Peña

    Nancy Penn

    John Peoples

    Pat Pepe

    Leonard Perry

    Bobby Perry

    Carl Pforzheimer

    Allen Phillips

    Daniel Pinks

    Helen Plante

    Mahesh Podar

    Jack Podoll

    Joseph Pokorny

    John Polk

    *Ann Poll

    Yvonne Pollack

    Lester Poretsky

    Marjorie Powell

    Mac Powell

    Patricia Pratt

    Diane Pratt

    Ethel Price

    Patricia Pusey

    Donald Putning

    *Metta Quabeck

    Marilyn A. Quadros

    Sally Quinby

    Ellen Quinn

    John C. Quist

    Theresa M. Rabel

    Jeffrey Rankin

    Hal Ray

    Regina Reilly

    Louis Rendon

    Howard Reynolds

    A. W. Ridenour

    Christine Ridley

    Anthony Roberts

    Donald Roberts

    John Roberts

    Lawrence Robertson

    Leonard Roberts

    David Robinson

    John Rodger

    Margaret Rogers

    Alexandra Rolde

    Sharon Rose

    John Rose

    Frederick Rosenbauer

    Paul Rothman

    Roland Roy

    Ann Ruchhoft

    Martin Ruple

    Constance Rush

    Bobbie Russell

    John Ryan

    Billie Saether

    Rodolfo Salas

    Joseph A. Salgado

    Salvatore Salorenzo

    Angela Samuel

    Sharon Sanchez

    Robert B. Sanders

    Marie Santos

    Hans Saxer

    Linda Schamber

    Karen Schede

    Elden Scheel

    Kathrin Scheel-Ungerleider

    Robert Scher

    Mark Schillow

    Amy Schmidt

    Erich Schmidtmann

    Mr. Kenneth Schob

    Robert Schrader

    John Schubert

    William Schumacher

    Robert Schwaar

    Maxine Schweitzer

    Ron Settle

    Paul Sexton

    James Shahani

    Douglas Sharp

    David Sharpe

    James Shaw

    Kate Sheeline

    Gopalaiengar Sheshadri

    John Shinnick

    Victoria Shivel

    Derra Shores

    Carol Sigelman

    Stuart Simon

    Henry Singer

    Sher G. Singh

    Donald Sire

    George Skillman

    Stanley Skinner

    Charles Sloan

    Cheryl Smelt

    Cheryl Smith

    Garrett Smith

    James Smith

    Jean S. Smith

    Judith Smith

    Marilyn Smith

    Mr. Means Smith, Sr.

    Mr. Paul Smith

    Thomas Smith

    *Oscar Sneed

    Jon Snyder

    Thomas Sokolnicki

    Rebecca Sorrentino

    Cecilia Soto

    Susanne Sottile

    Isaac Souede

    Dr. Claudette Spalding

    Karen Sparks

    Linda Spears

    Kay Spivey

    Elizabeth Spratt

    Cynthia Stahl

    Elaine Stamile

    Charmelle Staples

    John Steele

    Patricia Steele

    Kristine Steensma

    Steven Steinke

    Joan Stembridge

    Yvette Stokes

    Nicole Stoll

    Donald Strasser

    Stella Strombolis

    John Struthers

    Patricia M. Sullivan

    Jay Sussman

    Greg Swalwell

    George Szocs

    Norbert Szymanski

    David Talcott

    Wayne Tallman

    Judy Tam

    John Taylor

    Susan Tholstrup

    Marva Thomas

    Gordon Thomas

    Hilaire Thomas

    Isabelle Thompson

    Cynthia Thomsen

    Nancy Tidd-Smith

    Kimberly Tobin

    Emily Tobisch

    Patrick Topping

    George Townsend

    Carol Trani

    Terry Trobec

    Irene Trowell-Harris

    Peter Tuohy

    John Turocy

    Erica Ueland

    Paul Umlauf

    John Van Bogart

    Kathleen Van Demark

    Mark Vann

    Katrina Veerhusen

    Anthony Venticinque

    Louis Ventre

    Talmadge Vessels

    Beatrice Vicks

    Kevin Vogeler

    Kim Voigt

    Robert Wagner

    Mary Wais

    Marc Waldor

    Donald Walker

    Sherryl Walsh

    Maria Walton

    Kongmey Wang

    William Warr, Jr.

    David Anthony Watta

    Francine Weaver

    Mrs. Erna Weber-Daniel

    Richard Weeks

    Richard Weiner

    Laura Weller

    Sarah Wells

    Lucille Werlinich

    Christine Westendorf

    Barry Westgate

    Starr Wheeler

    Larry White

    Kevin White

    Margaret Wiederhold

    Linda & Mark Wilford

    Larry Willhite

    Clair D. Williams

    Dale Williams

    Kathy Williams

    Keith Williams

    Rise Williams

    Robert Wilson

    Dr. Daniel M. Winger, D.V.M.

    Stuart Witham

    Roma Wittcoff

    Seth Wohlberg

    Cathy Cromer Wood

    Boe & Carol Workman

    Carolyn Workman

    Kenneth Worley

    Anna Yonemura

    Abdallah Zamaria

    Jacqueline Zwimer

  • 2022 Legacy Society

    The AARP Foundation Legacy Society provides recognition to individuals who include AARP Foundation in their wills or living trusts; name the Foundation as a beneficiary of a retirement plan, commercial annuity, or life insurance plan; or make an irrevocable life income gift, such as a charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust.

    These exceptional gifts perpetuate the legacy of caring established by AARP’s founder, Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus, and allow us to serve as a force for change on the most serious issues faced by vulnerable seniors living in poverty.

    The names listed below are those AARP Foundation Legacy Society members who have confirmed both their gift commitments and their willingness to have their names published. On behalf of AARP Foundation, thank you to those listed below.

    *Denotes Deceased Donor

    Anonymous (281)

    Janet Abbott

    Bettye Adams

    David T. Albee

    Demetrius Alexander

    Donna Allain

    Yvonne Allan

    Annie Allen

    Ramona Alston

    Roberta Alten

    Beverly Ambrose

    Phyllis Ames

    Mary Anderson

    Anna Andrews

    Thomas Andrews

    Sandra Antonoff

    Salvatore Aquilina

    Orlando Aragon

    Lorinda Cheng Arashiro

    Dale A. Arceneaux

    Barbara Armstrong

    Donald Arner

    Ward Asquith


    Nancy Atherton

    George Avery

    Christine Avila

    Edward Babinski

    Gerald Bailey

    Bill Ballas

    Robert Ballot

    H. Barbetti

    Janice Bartolotta

    Mary Bartsch

    Ramon Bascochea

    Arlene Basso

    Kathleen Battle

    Victor Bauer

    *The Muriel F. Beasley Living Trust

    Edgar E. Beck, III

    Harold Becker

    Donna Beeson

    Larry Beeson

    Patricia Behan

    Thomas Behmlander

    Clark Bell

    Pamela Bell

    Rebecca Bender

    Marian Benedict

    Sarane Bennett

    Robert Berger

    Betty Berner

    Alyson Berry

    Rosie M. Bethke

    Lorraine Bezanson

    Victoria Biasotti

    Thomas Billups

    Mel Blum

    Mark Bobry

    Ruth Boden

    Charles Boehlke

    Enrique Bolij

    B. Borrevik

    David Bowers

    Jo. M. Gledhill & *Richard L. Bowman

    Trevor Bradbourne

    Milton Bradford

    Shirley Bradley

    Carmen Brango

    Marte Brechtelsbauer

    Charles Brehm

    Marsha Brendlinger

    Carol Bresnahan

    Alan Briggs

    Carmen C. Briggs

    Albert & Diane Brockway

    Edna Broom

    Babette Brown

    Barbara Gene Brown

    Erika Brown

    Judith Brown

    Wilson Brown

    Oscar Lee Brownstein

    Stanley Brucato

    Norman Bryan

    Michelina Buccafusco

    Patricia Buchanan

    Shelley Buckingham

    Marian Bukrinsky

    *The T.P. Buntrock Trust

    Kay Burch

    Connie Burgan

    Marian Burge

    *Leopoldo & Mary E. Buttinelli

    John Buwalda

    Alice Bybee

    Joseph Cagnasso

    Karl Caine

    Jane D. Caminis

    Gloria Campbell

    Sheila Campbell

    Aurora Campillo

    Allen Carman

    David Carpenter

    Michael Carr

    Marciano Carrera

    Stephen Carroll

    Patricia Carson

    Dorothy Case

    Janice Casey

    Linda Castillo

    Betty Cavanagh

    Kalpana Chakraburtty

    Thelma Chandler

    Robert Chaney

    Virgie Childs

    Clara M. Chiu

    Albert Clark

    Donna Clark

    Elizabeth Clark

    Earl Clark

    Caroline Clark

    Floyd F. Cline

    Lorraine Cline

    Dorothy Clunan

    Alan & Elayne Cohen

    James Coleman

    Roy Coleman

    Dr. Charles W. Conaway

    Josephine Conley

    John Coogan

    Effie Cooper

    *The Marvin Copley Trust

    *The Nechama Copley Trust

    Rose Corio

    Richard T. Corvetti

    George Cossar

    William Costello

    Elizabeth Cotton

    Jane Coughlin

    Carol Courtney

    Frank Cowsert

    Grace Crabtree

    Sandy Crain

    Patricia Creasey

    Christine M. Cruz

    June Cummings

    Virginia Cummins

    Mrs. Brigitte Curtis

    Larry Curtiss

    Jeanette Czajka

    Alex Czajkowski

    Florence Dahlen

    Anna Danner

    Anthony Testagrose & Margaret Dau

    Ms. Carol Davis

    Duane Davis

    Gregory Davis

    Leslie Davis

    Peter Davis

    Vera Davis

    Patricia D'Brozda

    Walter Decaen

    Noreen Deckley

    Joseph Deleon

    Anne Delisi

    Mr. James Delly

    Nancy Denney

    William Dennis

    Ronald Dennis

    Roger Deswert

    Michael Devanna

    Marguerite Devore

    Raul Diaz

    Ester Diciccio

    Joan Dickson

    Elaine Dillon

    Dorris Dillon

    *Virginia D'Lamatter

    J. Doby

    Mark Dobyna

    Esther Dogon

    Carol Dohner

    Frank Dooling

    Mabelle Dore

    Myrna Dorsey

    *Eugene V. Doty

    Jean Doud

    Steven Douglas

    Barbara Dove

    Lloyd Dove

    Lena Drago

    Margot Draycott

    Sandra Driscoll

    Rob Drucker

    Juanita Duggleby

    Pamela Dutton

    Joan Duvall

    John Dwyer

    Shree Dyal

    Algernon Eastman

    Ronald Echols

    Lisa Edgington

    David Egan

    Orvetta Elde

    James Elish

    Ron Ellett

    Faye Ellgen

    Nora Eppley

    Dorothy Erben

    Mrs. Janet Van Ermen

    Lillian Evans

    Victor Evdokimoff

    Leroy Even

    John Everson

    Fred J. Fahlen

    Dolores Feci

    Hans Fehlmann

    June Felker

    Ronald Fella

    Elizabeth Feri

    Kenneth Ferrante

    Nicholas Ferrantino

    Linda Ferrill

    Veronica Fields

    Ruth Y. Finch

    Francis Finnegan

    Norma Fisher

    *The Estate of Dr. Robert S. Fitzgerald

    *The Fong Family Revocable Trust

    Aurel Fontaine

    Dorothy Forsberg

    Scott Forster

    Mary Francis

    Stephen T. Franco

    Mary Franklin

    Robert Fraser

    Ronda Fraser

    Gladys Frederick

    Sandra Freeborn

    Cindy Friedl

    Mr. Alvin Fritz

    Carolyn Frueh

    Linda Fullerton

    Robert Fullerton

    Bruce Funk

    Mario G. Garcia

    Bob Gardner

    K. Gardner

    Hattie Garner

    Marlis Garrido

    Joanne Gates

    Alvin Gay

    Carol Geissinger

    Jack George

    Mary Georghiou

    Betty Gerendasy

    Richard Giacobbe

    Lawrence Gibbs

    Charles Gilmore

    Gary Glaab

    Mildred Glass

    Myona L. Glover

    Lorraine Gnecco

    Eleanor Golub

    Juan Gonzalez

    Hillary Goodison-Orr

    Johnetta Goodloe

    William Goodrich

    Irwin Gordon

    Vivian Gordon

    William Gordon

    John Gotwalt

    Dolores Gould

    Raymond Graham

    Judy Grant

    Bill Graves

    *The Harold Gray Trust

    *The Helen W. Gray Trust

    Sharman L. Greber

    Karen Grech

    Albert Greenberg

    Dane Gregor

    Lynette Griffith

    Betty Lou Gross

    Mr. Charles Haas

    Carl Haga

    Donald Hagstrom

    Matthew Haine

    Lillian Hald

    David Hale

    Rita Hale

    Stanley Hall

    Karen Hanratty

    *The Robert & Lawanda Hanson Trust

    Carole Hargaden

    Stephen Harris

    Constance Harris

    Thomas Harvey

    Alyson Harvey-Williams

    Masud Hassan

    Donald Hatala

    Carmen Hatch

    Elizabeth Hay

    Richard Hayes

    Carol Heller

    John Henderson

    Martha Henderson

    Carol A. Henry

    Harriet M. Herb

    Gil Hernandez

    Thomas High

    Julia Hindle

    Don Hinds

    David Hirsch

    Sharon Hodgson

    Linda Jo C. Hoholik

    Betty Hoke

    Albert Holdener

    Nancy Holmes

    Clare Holmgren

    Ida M. Holtsinger

    Bernard Honan

    Dennis Hong

    Arnold Honne

    Dulcy & Richard Hooper

    Louise Hoover

    Judith Horan

    Lily L'opez Horsley

    Jean Hosek

    Arneedia Hoskins

    M. Jane Hotchkiss

    Rosemarie Howard

    James Hugon

    Susan Humphrey

    Bonnie Hunter

    Grace Hunter

    Sherry Hunter

    Tariq Husain

    Sunya Hutchison

    Becky Hyke

    Michael Hynd

    Patricia Hynes

    Loeta Inokuchu

    Paul Insolo

    Kenneth & Sharon Ishida

    *The Estate of Theodore Issacson

    Esther Jaeckel

    Peter Jarosewycz

    Shirley Jefferson

    Jean Jenkins

    Edith Jerkins

    Eloise Jimenez

    *The Alan C. Johnson Charitable Trust

    Delores Johnson

    Joseph Johnson

    Julie Johnson

    Larry E. Johnson

    Sally Johnson

    Michael Jones

    Alice Jones

    Leonora Jordan

    Margaret Jordan

    Pamela Kane

    Bea Kaufman

    Marion Keen

    Sophia Kellis

    Doris Kelly

    William Kelly

    Charles Kennedy

    Tong Yong (Andrew) Keum

    Abdul Khan

    Byung Ok Kim

    Dorothy Kinderel

    Naomi Kindsvater

    Joann King

    Kenneth King

    Alice Kisner

    Jerry Knast

    Nancy Knutson

    *Sadako Kodama

    Walter Koenig

    Luba Kolozi

    Alfred Korn

    Albert Kovalik

    Francis Krafczyk

    Mr. Richard V. Olson & Mr. Larry J. Kramer

    Loretta Krause

    Ralph Kuon

    Patricia Kupahu

    Robert Kutzen

    L. Lalbott

    James B. & Rae A. Lam

    Carolyn Lamb

    Marilyn Lane

    Steven Lang

    Edward Langdon

    Kathryn Langdon

    James Laux

    Susan Laviolette

    Iray Ledoux

    Barbara Lee

    Curtis & Violet Lee

    Jackson Lee

    Walter Lee

    Arcelina Lee-Vitug

    Alphee Lefebvre

    Judith Lefebvre

    Gerald Leisk

    Judith Lender

    *The Estate of Frank Raymond Leslie

    Peter Levin

    Charles Lewis

    Lan Leyerer

    Wayne Licker

    Rebecca Lieberman

    June Linberg

    Donald Lines

    Barry Lingle

    Gerald Little

    Helen Liu

    Lorraine Livesay

    Ellen M. Lockhoff

    Thomas W. Lockhoff

    Arnold Lockwood

    Dale Long

    L. Lorenzen

    Dave Loucks

    Jeannine Lucas

    Sandra Lucento

    Marcia Williams & Gene Lucero

    P.K. Govind & Sally L. Luckenbach

    Rosalie Lueck

    Martin Lundquist

    Louise Lynch

    Damon Lynch

    Roosevelt Lyons

    Hugh & Marguerite MacDonald

    Gerald Mackey

    Ray Madrid

    Alice Maeder

    *The Estate of Billie R. Mahoney

    Mark Maki

    Marian Mann

    Mary Mann

    Richard Mann

    George Manton

    Rita Marcoccia

    Robert Marker

    Luella Markert

    *Emily Ellen Markgraf

    Donald Marshall

    Mr. Myron Marshall

    *The Estate of Dorothy Jeanette Martin

    Charlotte Martin

    Yolanda Martin

    Linda Marts

    James Masi

    Manuel J. Sr. & Gloria E. Mathew

    Sherri Matteo

    Barbara Matthews

    Donna Mazzone

    Judith McCabe

    Patricia McCalley

    Norma McCaulla

    Janet Mcdaniel

    Florence McGonagle

    Judith McGrath

    Michael McHugh

    Lula Mclemore

    Marcia McMahon

    Karen Mcmillion

    John Mcnulty

    Carl McNulty

    *The Estate of Robert Charles McQuigg

    Patricia Mecca

    Irmgard Medved

    Theresa Mefford

    Phyllis Meise

    Amparo Mejia

    Margaret Melanson

    Julia Mendoza

    *James R. & Alice Di Meolo

    Wynonia Mercer

    *The Alice J. Merrick Trust

    Edgar Meyer

    Larry Meyer

    Rosemarie Michelsen

    Ruth Middleton

    Delores Miller

    John Mills

    Allen & *Linda Minsky

    Mary Belle Minton

    Suzanne Miranda

    Ken Mitchell

    Eula Monroe

    James E. Moore

    Trudy Moore

    Sharon Moran

    L. Morgan

    Betty Mosher

    Boyd J. Mudra

    Margaret Mull

    James Murphy

    Rita Murphy

    Doris Murray

    Patricia Myers

    William M. Myers, Jr.

    Jerry Nantz

    Darlene Nattiel

    James Nelson

    Gary Nelson

    Dorothy Neuhaus

    Dennis Newport

    Marylyn Newsom

    *Ruth Nolte

    Shirley Norkus

    Elizabeth Nugent

    Kathryn Nuzback

    Janet M. Ocasio

    B. O'Donnell

    Leonard E. O'Hara

    Marnay O'Neal

    Anthony & Shirley Onesto

    Edward Pago

    Carol Paine

    Roy Paisley

    Kishore Palaniraja

    Leslie A. Palm

    A. Panarites

    Nancy Panozzo

    Theodora Parker

    Kimberley Passeretti

    Margot Joy Patrick

    Sandra Patton

    Helen Paul

    Frank Peabody

    Howard Pearson

    Michael Pedicone

    Jeanne Phillips & Bill Pendergraft

    Lydia Perez

    Dorothy Perrien

    Ms. Carmen E. Perry

    Tywanna Perry

    Linda Peters

    Michael Peters

    Manitiane Peterson

    Floy Peterson

    Leon N. Phelps, Sr.

    John Phillips

    Grace Pierpont

    John Pile

    Joseph Pinski

    Eleanor Pirozek

    Ann Pleasant

    *The Estate of Robert V. Poley

    Patricia Pollard

    T. Poncetta

    *The Estate of Alfred W. Potter

    Jonathan Potter

    Walter Poulson

    Barbara Powell

    Monique Prather

    Nick Pregent

    Anne Prescott

    Thomas Privett

    Barbara Purtell-Frank

    Helena Qi

    Basil Quilici

    Dr. Krishnan Raman

    Ruben Ramos

    Barbara Randolph

    Kenneth Raudabaugh

    Daniel Rees

    Rita La Reice

    Dennis Reis

    Sheldon Resnikd

    Audrey Reuter

    Patsy Reuter

    Dennis Rhode

    Janet Ribeiro

    Marcus Richardson

    Joyce Riley

    Patrick Riley

    *The Estate of Robert F. Risola

    Elizabeth Ritter

    Patricia Rivers

    Jacquie Roberts

    Dennis Roberts

    *Frank & Maria Robinson

    Benoit Rodrigue

    Richard Rosario

    Wilfred La Rose

    Robin Ross

    Joseph Rosso

    *The Estate of Nathan Roth

    William Rowe

    Tom Roye

    Adelaide Ruffner

    Mary Ann Rumplasch

    Noel Russell

    Ms. Reneé M. Russell

    Ruth Rutheynolds

    Elizabeth Ryan

    George Ryan

    Charlene Sakamoto

    Katherine Salazar

    *The Estate of Edward J. Sale

    Abdus Saleem

    Ralph Salvino

    Joan Salway

    Millie Sampley

    Donna Sanson

    Tomas Santiago

    Carlos Santistevan

    Nancy Savoy

    Robert Schatteles

    Julius Scheidel

    Joseph Schiavo

    Edward Schiffer

    Gertrude Schmidt

    Robert H. & Muriel M. Schmitz

    Suzanne Scholz

    Gail Schoppert

    Ruth Schoppert

    Corinne Schuler

    Thomas Schuller

    Edith Schwartz

    J. Schwartzenberge

    Judith Schy

    Joseph Sclafani

    Barbara Scott

    Preston Scott

    Sara Scott

    Merle Scott

    Joseph R. Selby

    John Selep

    John A. Sena

    Barbara J. Service

    Sandy Service

    Shirley Shaffer

    Bruce Shanks

    Eugene Sharkey

    Jeanne Sharkey

    Louise Shell

    Heather & Tim Sherman

    Flora Shields

    Edward Shore

    Helen Shott

    Bernadine Shotts

    Helene Shubert

    Robert Siddall

    Glen Simmons

    Mary Sinclair

    Sheila Singer

    Sher G. Singh

    William Sipila

    Daniella Siroskey

    Irene Siroskey

    Carl Sisk

    Margaret Skenyon

    Earlene Slattengren

    Gary Smerek

    Bettie Smith

    Carol Smith

    Cleo Smith

    Harold Smith

    Herbert Smith

    Linda Smith

    Sandra Smith

    *Ms. Alice E. Smith-Abaté

    Frank Sonleitner

    Robert Sontag

    Nancy Speidel

    Mikhail Spektor

    Kerry Spence

    Leroy Spinkston

    John Spring

    *The Estate of Margaret Mary Stahelek

    Mary Stahl

    Theodore Stamuli

    Michael Stanfill

    Gene Steger

    *Fred Steinel

    Kathleen Stenersen

    Phyllis Stephenson

    In Memory of Mrs. Beatrice M. Stevens & Sadie R. Stevens

    *The Estate of Peggy P. Stevenson

    Alan Stiel

    Erika Strunk

    Thomas H. Stutzman

    Augustus Swain

    Bernice Swartley

    Harvey Sweitzer

    Sidney Swenson

    Tammy Swick

    Mary Swinger

    Beverly Tadlock

    Garrie Taft

    Jessie Tarrillion

    Drs. Frederick KJ. & Gloria A. Taylor

    Susan Taylor

    Richard Taylor

    James Temple

    In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Thomas, Jr.

    David Thompson

    Karen Thorburn

    Andrew Thorburn

    Eva Thorne

    Donna Thrall

    Celia Tingley

    Patricia L. Tolbert

    James Tomaszek

    Thomas Tomkiewicz

    Kin-Ichi Toyama

    Richard Tresselt

    Judith Triche

    Wayne Trier

    *The Jessie Walker Revocable Trust

    Barbara Turner

    Don Turner

    Mark Tweedy

    M. Tyau

    Dianna Uchida

    *Grace Unrath

    Raymond Uttaro

    Guy Valenti

    Linda Valentino

    Susan Valletta

    Mildred Vance

    Ralph Vanderhei

    Dennis VanderSchaaf

    Ms. Gay Vanouwerkerk

    Roy Vaughn

    Samuel Velez

    Ben Verde

    Cynthia Verdell

    Sharon R. Villano

    John Votaw

    Alice Walker

    *The Laura I. Walker Trust

    Philipp Wall

    Verna Walters

    Peter Walton

    Susan Wang

    Barbara Ward

    Billy Ward

    Virginia E. Washington

    Percy Watson

    James Weaver

    Tonjia Webb

    Michael Webster

    David Weindorf

    Doris Weindorf

    William Wells

    Drake Wells

    James Wepplo

    Joseph Wersching

    Nancy Wesselman

    Johnnie West-Farrar

    *The Hilda R. White Living Trust

    Thomas White

    Beth & David Whitehead

    Kimberly Wilbanks

    Raymond Wildes

    Donna Williams

    Dorothy Williams

    Huora L. Williams

    Nora Williams

    Odessa Williams

    Preston Williams

    Ellen Wilson

    Helen Wilson

    Rose Wilson

    Arnester Winans

    Virginia Wisse

    Clyde Witherspoon

    Sandra Witters

    Gary Wolf

    Thiam Wong

    *The Estate of Hilda O. Wood

    Richard Woodmancy

    David Wylie

    Elizabeth Wylie

    Ruby York

    A. Zaver

    Thomas Zimmerman

    Zlata Ziskind

  • This summary of financial information has been extracted from the AARP Foundation audited financial statements for the years ending December 31, 2022, and December 2021, and on which an independent public accounting firm expressed an unmodified opinion.

  • Financial Position

    As of December 31, 2022, and December 31, 2021 (in thousands)

    ASSETS 2022 2021
    Cash and cash equivalents 9,563 12,118
    Contributions receivable, net 413 353
    Grants receivable 12,810 10,328
    Prepaid expenses and other assets 1,258 1,017
    Investments 618,527 656,865
    Charitable gift annuity investments 4,805 5,928
    Program-related investments, net 4,825 5,113
    Property and equipment, net 10,452 12,009
    Total Assets 662,653 703,731
    Accounts payable and accrued expenses 25,987 25,467
    Due to affiliates 6,062 1,879
    Charitable gift annuities payable 3,185 3,319
    Bonds payable 25,000 25,000
    Total Liabilities 60,234 55,665
    Net assets without donor restrictions:
    Undesignated 57,135 58,720
    Board-designated quasi-endowment 27,570 28,070
    Board-designated operating reserves 62,407 64,256
    Total net assets without donor restrictions: 147,112 151,046
    Net assets with donor restrictions 455,307 497,020
    Total Net Assets 602,419 648,066
    Total Liabilities and Net Assets 662,653 703,731
  • Statements of Activities

    For the years ended December 31, 2022 and December 31, 2021 (in thousands)

    Grant revenue 108,172 95,294
    Contributions 61,710 65,833
    In-kind contributions 54,346 49,158
    Investment income designated for operations 25,835 22,027
    Other 6,840 2,065
    Total Operating Revenue 256,903 234,377
    Program Services:
    Workforce Programs 124,700 107,760
    Tax and Credits Programs 20,103 16,430
    Experience Corps 9,749 11,631
    Impact areas and other programs 31,798 32,029
    Legal Advocacy 6,363 6,608
    Total Program Services 192,713 174,458
    Supporting Services
    Fundraising 27,479 28,328
    Management and general 23,868 22,366
    Total Supporting Services 51,347 50,694
    Total Expenses 244,060 225,152
    Changes in Net Assets From Operations 12,843 9,225
    Investments (loss) return in excess of amounts designated for operations (58,264) 57,137
    Changes in value of charitable gift annuities (226) (188)
    Change in Net Assets (45,647) 66,174
    Net Assets, Beginning of Year 648,066 581,892
    Net Assets, End of Year 602,419 648,066
  • Sources and Uses of Funds

    AARP Foundation receives funding from multiple sources, including public support, grants, and AARP. Seventy-nine cents of every dollar the Foundation spends goes to our important programs and services to improve the quality of life for vulnerable older adults in communities across the country.

    Revenue by Category




    Grant Revenue


    In-Kind Contributions


    Investment Income and Other

    Functional Expenses






    Management and General

  • 2022 AARP Foundation Board of Directors

    Libby Sartain, Chair

    Diane D. Miller, Vice Chair

    Hon. Patricia Banks

    Robert Blancato

    Margot James Copeland

    Ann G. Daw

    Gregory J. Dyson

    Betty J. Hudson

    Susan Werth

  • 2022 AARP Foundation Executive Leadership

    Claire Casey, President 2023

    Emily Allen, Interim President 2022, Senior Vice President, Foundation Programs

    William Alvarado Rivera, Senior Vice President, Foundation Litigation

    Patricia D. Shannon, Chief Financial Officer and SVP, Strategy, Innovation, Evaluation, Finance, Grants, Operations, Technology and Research

    David Whitehead, Senior Vice President & Chief Development Officer


1 AARP Foundation SCSEP is funded by a $46,889,529 grant from the U.S. Department of Labor. This funding provides 90% of the support for SCSEP, with AARP Foundation matching 10%.

2 Schramm, J. (2023). (rep.). Employment Data Digest (table 2). AARP Public Policy Institute. Retrieved July 19, 2023, from

3 Statista Research Department. (2023, January 10). Minimum wage by state U.S. 2023. Statista. [Internal analysis of dataset.]

4 Vigil, A. (2022). Trends in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Participation Rates: Fiscal Year 2016 to Fiscal Year 2020. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, Office of Policy Support. Retrieved July 19, 2023, from

5 Lampkin, C. (2022). (rep.). Food Security Focus: Experiences with the SNAP program — AARP Survey of Adults Ages 50 and Older regarding SNAP (pp. 3–4). Washington, DC: AARP Research. Retrieved July 19, 2023, from

6 Noel-Miller, C. (2023). Beneficiaries in Traditional Medicare: Out-of-Pocket Spending for Health Care (p. 6). AARP Public Policy Institute. Retrieved July 19, 2023, from

7 National Council on Aging. (2022, September 3). Take-Up Rates in Medicare Savings Programs and the Part D Low-Income Subsidy (issue brief). Retrieved July 19, 2023, from

8 Bureau of Labor Statistics,   U.S. Census Bureau (2022). Consumer Expenditure Survey (CES) Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS), 2021 [Data set]. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved February 5, 2023, from

9 Bureau of Labor Statistics,   U.S. Census Bureau (2022). Consumer Expenditure Survey (CES) Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS), 2021 [Data set]. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved February 5, 2023, from

10 Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University. (2019, October 9). Housing America’s Older Adults 2019.

11 Pollitz, K.,   Rae, M. (2020, June 9). Trends in Workplace Wellness Programs and Evolving Federal Standards. KFF.

12 Arnold, C. (2019, October 3). “‘Why Is There Nothing Left?’ Pension Funds Failing at Catholic Hospitals.” Morning Edition broadcast. NPR. Retrieved July 19, 2023, from

13 American Health Care Association. (2023). State of the Nursing Home Industry: Survey of 524 nursing home providers highlights persistent staffing and economic crisis. Retrieved July 19, 2023, from