Elementor Adds Akismet to Stop the Spread of Spam

Elementor users have a new reason to rejoice: Form spam is a thing of the past! The Elementor Form widget is a great tool to build powerful forms with minimal effort. And when combined with the power of Akismet, you’ll have peace of mind that you’re receiving only legitimate responses, and not wasting time on spam.

That’s why Elementor users will be pleased to hear about the new Akismet integration in Elementor 3.19.

What is Akismet?

Akismet is an AI‑powered anti‑spam technology that blocks spam with 99.99% accuracy. It works in the background, so it doesn’t force site visitors to complete an annoying CAPTCHA. Moreover, Akismet’s cloud technology means that it won’t slow down your site. To date, Akismet is used on more than 100 million websites built on WordPress and beyond.

What is Elementor Forms?

Elementor is a feature‑rich website builder for WordPress. Alongside the flagship drag‑and‑drop editor, Elementor also offers 100+ widgets for extra functionality.
Among these is Elementor Forms, one of many widgets included in the premium version of the plugin. Elementor’s form builder is easy to learn and customizable. But, more than that, it’s convenient — you don’t need to download a different form plugin.

Elementor and Akismet working together

Seeing the potential for a useful collaboration, Elementor began work on integrating Akismet into their tools. While this feature ran in beta back in January, now all Elementor users on version 3.19 and above can enjoy Akismet protection within Elementor Forms.

Enabling Akismet in Elementor Forms just takes a few clicks. Akismet protects forms without the need for inconvenient CAPTCHA elements that slow down your site and drive away visitors.

Note that you can only add spam protection to the Name, URL, Email, and Message fields. This should cover most use cases. Other fields, like the Password or Date selector, don’t require spam protection.

Welcome more Akismet integrations

The goal at Akismet is to rid the web of spam for good, so more integrations are always something to celebrate. Elementor Forms has now been added to the list of supported contact form plugins.

Akismet will continue doing what it does best: cleaning up spam across WordPress and beyond.