
Ready to take your startup to the next level?

The AgeTech Collaborative™ is looking for world-changing solutions to improve people’s lives as they age. We source AgeTech startups and invite them to our accelerator program, where they’ll receive the tools they need to succeed and bring their game-changing ideas to the people who need them the most. Upon completion of the accelerator program, startups graduate into the AgeTech Collaborative community.

AgeTech Collaborative Startup Accelerator

What you’ll get from our one-of-a-kind 
accelerator program:

Customized Support​

You’ll receive dedicated support from your portfolio manager, who acts as an extension of your team to help you reach your goals. Our staff dives in to understand your business' pain points and strengths so that we can best support the needs of your startup.


You’ll have access to decades of AARP research,  consumer feedback, subject matter experts, growth marketing support such as SEO and value proposition audits, and UX/UI design consultation.


As part of a cohort of promising startups, you’ll meet and network with other founders who understand the challenges of launching a business. You’ll connect to the rest of the ecosystem: leading investors, testbeds, enterprises, and other startups, all united behind our mission of making aging easier for everyone.

Exclusive Events

During the program, our team provides weekly programming customized to the needs of the cohort. Past events have focused on everything from public speaking coaching to learning from industry experts.

What our startups say about the program:

The AgeTech Collaborative keeps us in the know with the latest research insights on effectively and equitably serving our diverse population, and in the loop with the most driven and impactful people in our space. … [The AgeTech Collaborative] has been instrumental in informing our target user personas and product development roadmap.


*AARP 2023 Tech Trends and Adults 50+, Jan 2023

What makes us the premier AgeTech accelerator program?

The AgeTech Collaborative operates at the intersection of technology and longevity, with a deep understanding of both of these dynamic, growing markets. 

What to expect before, during, and after 
your 8-week cohort


Once you’ve participated in a pitch event and had an exploratory call with the accelerator team, you may be invited to enter the next cohort. These 8-week sessions occur four times per year, and are run completely virtually. There is no cost to participate in the program.


We kick off every cohort with a meet and greet with the other startups in the program, giving you a chance to build a community among your fellow founders and make valuable connections.

You’ll also meet with your dedicated portfolio manager to identify your goals and build a tactical plan for the next 8 weeks, including a meeting schedule. Goals can be anything from learning about your target audience’s pain points, to creating effective messaging or developing a product launch strategy.

Weeks 1-8

Each week, you and your team will meet with your portfolio manager and check in on your progress. Between meetings, your portfolio manager will be working on tasks behind the scenes to help you meet your goals.

In addition, our team provides weekly programming aimed at the needs of your cohort, such as Q&A sessions with experts or workshops on marketing and public speaking.


The program wraps up with graduation and an engagement survey. You’ll receive the AgeTech Collaborative Portfolio Company badge, and gain access to the ATC portal.

As part of our ecosystem, you’ll be able to connect directly with investors and VCs, pilot opportunities, and industry leaders through the AgeTech Collaborative portal. You’ll have access to workshops, learning and thought leadership opportunities, and may be invited to join us at conferences like CES, HLTH and the AgeTech Summit. 

How to join the startup accelerator program

1. Apply to a pitch event: First, your startup must apply and be invited to participate in one of our pitch events. We offer a range of opportunities (some virtual, some in person) throughout the year — apply to whichever works best for you.

2. Participate in a pitch event: Once you’ve participated in a pitch event, your startup is eligible for acceptance into the accelerator program.

3. Join an exploratory call: After reviewing the startups who have pitched at our events, our team will invite the most promising candidates for a conversation with us.

4. Complete the final review: If you’re identified as a promising candidate for the accelerator program, our team will review all aspects of your startup to be sure they align with our standards. This vetting process culminates in our invite list.

Featured Startups

Meet the innovative startups leading the way in AgeTech.

What else should I know about the startup accelerator program?

Where and when does the accelerator program take place? Is there a cost to join?

There are four accelerator program cohorts per year, each one including up to 14 startups. Our cohorts are run completely virtually — we’ve found our rhythm and have been successful in building community between startups and our staff, even in a virtual setting.

As a mission-driven organization, we don’t ask for fees or equity to join the program. We amplify startups who are aligned with our mission, therefore your success is our success. 

By participating in the program, will I be able to market my product to AARP members or be able to utilize the AARP brand in marketing my business?

Due to our non-profit status, we are unable to give startups access to the AARP membership base or utilize the AARP brand in marketing your business.

What criteria must startups meet to be eligible for the accelerator program?

Startups should have a product developed that has promise in the market and is viable enough to attract early-adopter customers. We accept startups from any industry, as long as their product has a clear use case for the 50+ age group.

Founders must be working full-time on their venture, or actively working toward a full-time commitment. Once accepted to the accelerator program, startups must be available to participate in up to 2 hours of virtual meetings each week throughout the duration of their 8-week cohort.

Is the program virtual or in-person?

Our cohorts are run completely virtually and have been since day one. We’ve found our rhythm and have been successful in building community between startups and our staff, even in a virtual setting.

What is the time commitment for myself and my team?

At a minimum, startups must be available to participate in up to 2 hours of virtual meetings each week throughout the duration of their 8-week cohort.

Is there an opportunity for investment from AARP?

Yes, there are opportunities for investment from AARP. Investment discussions are held with every startup in the cohort closer to the end of the 8 week program.

If I’ve gone through a different accelerator program, am I eligible to be in the 
AgeTech ecosystem?

Successful graduates of the Mass Challenge AgeTech accelerator program are eligible to join the AgeTech Collaborative ecosystem. TechStars Future of Longevity Accelerator startups may also be eligible, after being vetted by the AgeTech Collaborative team.

Show us how you’re changing the world

Applying to one of the AgeTech Collaborative Pitch Events is the first step towards becoming eligible for the Accelerator Program.