We guarantee creator payments

Michael Michael Sanchez

We originally created our Payment Guarantee in 2020 and have proudly shielded creators from the risks of advertiser non-payments and clawbacks from the beginning.

We always pay creators on time, every time — even when an advertiser doesn’t pay us.

In 2019, two major ad tech firms went bankrupt and didn’t pay us for ad impressions worth almost one million dollars. And we covered every cent of that for our creators.

When an ad tech company goes out of business, it’s almost always creators that pay the price.

But not at AdThrive.

We will always pay our creators—no matter what

Yes, this is something we have always done. In that respect, it’s not news.

But in 2020, facing the very real possibility unpaid advertiser dollars would only increase, we decided to fully commit to this so you can have absolute peace of mind and make it official — so official, in fact, that we added it to our Service Agreement.

We guarantee payments for all creators we work with, whether we ultimately get paid or not.

Ad management companies that operate on razor-thin margins aren’t financially prepared to face what’s happening in the world right now. When advertisers don’t pay them, they can’t pay creators and have to withhold revenue or take it back from creators’ pockets.

From the very beginning, we’ve built our business on a sound financial foundation to withstand economic shocks and continue supporting creators.

If advertisers can’t or don’t pay, that’s our problem and not yours.

And we do it with one of the fastest payment cycles in the industry. While other companies delay payments by 60 days or more, we pay on a net-45 schedule, every time.

It doesn’t matter whether an advertiser pays us 60 days later, 90 days later, or 120 days later — we assume the risk that they might not pay, and we pay creators anyway.

Not with Raptive yet?

We want to pay you, too! Our mission is building a creator-first future, and that means supporting content creators as much as we can so that we can be stronger together.

It’s an exciting time to be a creator — and Raptive is the place to be as we expand our offerings and pilot groundbreaking new ways to elevate creators.

Join Raptive and receive this exact same payment guarantee.

We have always believed creators deserve to be paid the absolute most for their incredible content, and no matter what, we are 100% committed to doing just that.