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June 13, 2024 – Members of the Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists (ACTRA) and the board of the Association of Canadian Advertisers (ACA) have ratified a one-year renewal of the National Commercial Agreement (NCA) which will be in effect from June 12, 2024, to May 31, 2025.
“Our advertising agency members who hire ACTRA performers to produce our commercials will be able do so without disruption,” said Judy Davey, Vice President of Media Policy and Marketing Capabilities at the ACA. “Our ACA advertisers recognize the value ACTRA performers bring to every commercial production. I am pleased our Board has ratified the NCA renewal.”

“I am pleased ACTRA members have voted to ratify the one-year National Commercial Agreement renewal,” said Marie Kelly, ACTRA National Executive Director and Chief Negotiator. “This has been a challenging two years for ACTRA members because of the lockout by ICA agencies. This renewal fosters stability for our members and includes an unprecedented five per cent general pay increase across the board for ACTRA performers.”
The NCA establishes the terms and conditions for on-and-off-camera performers engaged in English-language commercial production. Click here to read the agreement.

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