Are you the next 2000 AD Art Star? Enter now!

2000 AD Art Stars is back! The competition that could catapult your work into the pages of the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic returns to mark the end of 2000 AD’s 45th anniversary celebrations.

Some of the biggest artists in comic books got their big start at the legendary, award-winning comic book and 2000 AD Art Stars is your chance to follow in their footsteps, get your work into those pages, AND get paid for it.

A special occasion demands a special challenge – so for this round of 2000 AD Art Stars, would-be art droids are being challenged to write and draw…

The ultimate one-page Judge Dredd story!

It will require a mastery of compressed visual storytelling, fitting a complete story with beginning, middle, and end into a single page while also demonstrating your artistic skills. The story must feature Judge Dredd, but the setting and story are up to you.

The winner – chosen by the editorial team at 2000 AD – will be published in a future edition of the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic. Plus they’ll be paid for their work! Meanwhile, two runners-up will receive zarjaz 2000 AD graphic novels.

A hotbed of some of the most innovative and inspiring comic book art in the world, from Jock and Simon Bisley to Brian Bolland, Kevin O’Neill and Charlie Adlard 2000 AD has been launchpad for some of the biggest artists in comics, with legendary work on series such as Judge Dredd, Sláine, Nemesis the Warlock, and many, many more – and 2000 AD Art Stars gives you the chance to join them!

The deadline for entries is 30 April 2023

Send your entry by email to

You can follow the competition as we feature selected entries on 2000 AD’s social media at:

Please read the terms and conditions below fully and carefully before submitting your entry – and good luck!

Terms and Conditions:

  • Entries must be sent by 9pm GMT on date of stated deadline.
  • Entries must be in JPG, TIFF or PNG format – PDF and GIF files will not be accepted.
  • Entries must be at A4 dimensions (210x297mm) and in portrait orientation.
  • Entries must be at 300dpi resolution.
  • Entrants may letter their own strip, but the winning entry will be re-lettered by a professional upon publication in 2000 AD.
  • Entries will be judged by editorial staff at 2000 AD.
  • The judges’ decision is final and we will not enter into discussion regarding entries.
  • Entries that do not fit the theme will not be considered.
  • Entries must be the work of a single creator – we will not accept entries produced by separate writers and artists.
  • Entries that include the use of licensed characters from outside of those owned by Rebellion/2000 AD will not be considered.
  • Entries that include nudity or sexualised, racist, sexist, and/or transphobic imagery will not be considered.
  • Entries must not bear any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead – i.e. no celebrity likenesses.
  • Entries that employ AI-generated art, in part or whole, will be automatically disqualified.
  • A maximum of TWO entries per person will be permitted. In the event of more than two being sent, only the first two will be considered by the judges.
  • The winning entry will be published in a forthcoming edition of 2000 AD, the date to be decided by editorial.
  • In order for their entry to be published in 2000 AD and to receive payment, the winner must sign a standard contract with Rebellion.
  • Entries may be selected to feature on 2000 AD’s social media accounts with named credit.
  • PLEASE NOTE: WE CANNOT GUARANTEE THAT YOUR ENTRY WILL BE FEATURED ON OUR SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS. Those featured are chosen at random. All entries will be shared in a post on Facebook after the closing date.
  • We ask you to understand the following:
    • We cannot guarantee we will share every single entry
    • Being featured/not featured on our social media does not affect your chances of winning
    • Our email and social media accounts are not monitored 24/7
    • We will not enter into correspondence regarding entries, if there is a problem with your entry then we will contact you
    • Please do not take what we do and do not share personally.
  • Non-winning entries will not be used by 2000 AD and will be deleted from Rebellion’s servers as soon as a winner is chosen (selected images will remain on social media but can be removed upon request). Non-winning entries remain the property of artists but copyright of characters remains with Rebellion.
  • Entries will not be considered from artists currently or having previously worked in the comic book industry, as adjudicated by 2000 AD. This includes any current or previous paid work for a publisher of comic books, either in print or digital, but excludes unpaid ‘small press’ work and personal projects funded wholly through crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter. You may be asked to verify your eligibility before your entry can be considered.
  • Please respect the droids – spam or aggressive/threatening emails or messages will result in any entry being removed from the competition and the sender banned from future competitions.
  • All characters are ™ Rebellion 2000 AD Ltd, © Rebellion 2000 AD Ltd, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

When emailing your entry, you should receive an automated reply confirming receipt – please check your email provider’s spam folder if it does not arrive within 24 hours.