Life Organized

Barbara Reich & Life Organized

Barbara Reich of Resourceful Consultants

Professional Organizing

Live the Life You Were Meant to Lead

Eliminate Clutter

Increase Clarity

Decrease Stress

Find Fulfillment

Embrace Happiness


Physical Spaces

 Barbara will assist
you with de-cluttering
and purging, space
planning, closet design,
kitchen organizing,
and more.


Barbara will assess how your time is spent and create an action plan that optimizes efficiency and eliminates non-critical behaviors.


Barbara will organize the data on your computer and phone so you can access what you need, when you need it, efficiently and effectively.

Speaking Engagements

Barbara is available to speak at your events, meetings, & conferences on a wide range of topics or will customize a presentation to fit your needs.


Keep Your Kids From Going Feral During the Holidays

New York Times: Keep Your Kids From Going Feral During the Holidays

How do you ensure that your children enjoy the holiday without you losing your mind? Routines may need to be modified, but having some structure can save your sanity.

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Today Show: Clean or cluttered? What it says about you

Barbara and Psychiatrist Samantha Boardman visit the Today Show to explain that some people have clutter because they can’t make a decision.

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Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal: A Case for Less Clothing

For men with overstuffed closets, now’s the ideal time to purge those garish impulse buys and pointless discount pants—and learn to shop smarter. Here’s how.

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Curbed - Closets

Curbed: The Quest for the Perfect Closet

In this insightful article, Barbara talks to Curbed Magazine about what today’s idealized closets and pantries say about our inner lives.

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