Black in Latin America

Premiered April 2011

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. uncovers Latin America's African roots in this four-part series.

FromHenry Louis Gates, Jr.Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

Premiered April 2011

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. uncovers Latin America's African roots in this four-part series.

FromHenry Louis Gates, Jr.Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

Funding for BLACK IN LATIN AMERICA is provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Public Television Stations and Viewers Like You. Additional funding is provided by the Ford Foundation, Richard Gilder, and Alphonse Fletcher.

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Explore Our Shared Histories

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Series

Explore Our Shared Histories

Stream more from Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. through iconic series like Making Black America, Finding Your Roots, and The Black Church. Discover the ancestry of diverse, influential people and delve into the rich history and culture of Black America.

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