
Rally for Deborah Davis!

Hey, I will stand my ground;
And I won't back down.
- I Won't Back Down,
by Tom Petty and Jeff Lynne*

JOIN DEB DAVIS this Friday on the steps of the U.S. Courthouse in Denver. Deb stood up for the right of all Americans to travel freely without 'papers.' Here's your chance to stand with her this Friday in Denver.

WHAT: Rally for Deb Davis' stand for the Freedom to Travel

WHEN: Friday, the 9th of December at 8:30 AM

WHERE: The steps of the Alfred A. Arraj U.S. Courthouse,
901 19th Street in Denver.

This is a modern building at the corner of 19th and Champa in downtown Denver (not to be confused with the other white-columned federal courthouse building nearby).

Deb Davis will address those assembled and then head into the courthouse to be arraigned at 9:00 AM for the 'crime' of refusing to show ID on the route 100 RTD bus.

The public is welcome to attend Deb's 9:00 AM arraignment before Magistrate Judge Michael Watanabe in Courtroom A-502.

Show Your Support at the Rally

Below are pictures you can download and print big for signs, or small for stickers. You can also change the picture or write on it to make your own sign. You can print on your own printer, or bring a copy to your local copy shop. They can help print the size you need.
To download a picture, click on a sign below. A new window will appear with your picture. Use the "File" menu to save it to your computer.

Below are buttons you can download and print.

Not able to attend the rally?

Write a letter to the editor:
Denver Post: openforum@denverpost.com
Rocky Mountain News: letters@RockyMountainNews.com

Consider funding the case by contributing to...


* Lyrics to I Won't Back Down, Copyright � 1989 Gone Gator Music and EMI-April Music (ASCAP) All Rights Reserved.