H.R.3261 – Stop Online Piracy Act

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To promote prosperity, creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation by combating the theft of U.S. property, and for other purposes.

Non-Congressional Legal Templates and PDF Documents

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Power of Attorney

A power of attorney is a legal document that outlines the relationship between the principal and agent, often called the attorney-in-fact. Once it is signed, the power of attorney grants the attorney-in-fact the authority to make decisions on behalf of the principal. The links provided below allow you to access the most recent power of attorney forms.

The Most Widely Used Power of Attorney Forms

A power of attorney is a formal document that permits one individual (the agent or proxy) to represent another, known as the principal. This authorization enables the agent to act in the principal’s stead under various conditions. The scope of authority a power of attorney grants can be specific or broad, depending on its type. Choosing a trustworthy individual as your agent is crucial, someone who will not personally gain from the arrangement. Below, you can access the most popular power of attorney forms.

To empower your agent to make medical decisions on your behalf, you should use a Medical Power of Attorney Template. This durable document protects your health interests should you become ill or incapacitated. You can grant your agent broad authority, including the ability to withdraw life-sustaining treatments, or you may specify only certain powers.

If you live in California and need a medical POA, consider using a California Medical Power of Attorney. This document comes with specific rules about appointing an agent. In California, you are prohibited from choosing your supervising health care provider or any employee from the medical facility where you receive treatment as your health care proxy.

A Power of Attorney California form can be used if you require a general POA in California. This form must be completed by an individual of legal age and mentally competent. It allows you to grant your agent a broad range of powers, though you can choose to specify only a few. Besides the principal’s signature, a California POA must be signed by two witnesses or a notary.

If you reside in Texas, it’s advisable to create a Texas Power of Attorney to manage your financial affairs, such as signing documents or handling bill payments, when you’re unable to do so yourself. If you’re uncertain about which powers to grant in a Texas POA, consulting with an attorney can help clarify the scope of authority you are assigning to your agent.

Occasionally, you may need to designate someone to represent you for a specific task or during a limited timeframe. In such instances, a Limited Power of Attorney is appropriate. This document enables you to outline the specific duties of your agent without giving them comprehensive powers. Additionally, you can define the duration for which the power of attorney will remain valid.

State Power of Attorney Forms by Type

Powers of attorney are crucial legal tools that manage financial activities or health care decisions when someone cannot do so themselves. A standard POA becomes invalid if the principal becomes incapacitated (unless it’s a durable POA) or passes away. Additionally, a POA can have a specified expiration date or be revoked at anytime. Finding the right state-specific POA form, not the correct type, can be difficult. To assist you, we have compiled a list of essential state-specific POAs, categorized by type, which you can find below.

Power of Attorney Forms by State

The basic format of a power of attorney typically includes details about yourself, your agent, an alternate agent (if applicable), the governing law, and the date of execution. However, it’s important to note that the signing requirements can differ significantly from state to state. Most often, you’ll need the signatures of two witnesses or a notary public. Therefore, it’s essential to consult local laws and select a POA form specific to your state. For your convenience, state-specific POA forms are available below.

Power of Attorney Types

Depending on your situation, you might need various types of powers of attorney, including general, limited, durable, and springing powers of attorney. We’ve previously discussed durable and limited powers of attorney. Unlike a durable POA, a springing POA activates only when the principal becomes incapacitated, which is why it is commonly used for medical purposes. On the other hand, a general POA is a broad document that grants the agent an extensive range of powers. Regardless of the type of POA you require, appointing a trustworthy person as your agent is crucial.

Sample Power of Attorney:

power of attorney form

Fillable PDF Forms

You can select from our extensive collection of PDF forms, conveniently organized into categories. These documents are customizable and can be prepared quickly. Simply choose the relevant category, complete the form, and your PDF document will be ready to use on any device, with or without internet access.

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) PDF Forms

IRS Form 1310
IRS Form 13614-C
IRS Form 14039
IRS Form 2106
IRS Form 211
IRS Form 2210
IRS Form 2439
IRS Form 2441
IRS Form 2553
IRS Form 3520
IRS Form 3800
IRS Form 3911
IRS Form 3921
IRS Form 3949-A
IRS Form 4136
IRS Form 4137
IRS Form 433-A
IRS Form 433-A (OIC)
IRS Form 433-B
IRS Form 433-D
IRS Form 433-F
IRS Form 4361
IRS Form 4506
IRS Form 4506-T
IRS Form 4506T-EZ
IRS Form 4684
IRS Form 4797
IRS Form 4852
IRS Form 4868
IRS Form 4952
IRS Form 4972
IRS Form 5304-SIMPLE

IRS Form 5305-SEP
IRS Form 5329

IRS Form 5330
IRS Form 5405
IRS Form 5472
IRS Form 5498

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) PDF Forms

CMS Form 1500
CMS L564-R297
Form CMS-1763

Department of State (DS) PDF Forms

DS-11 US Passport Application
Form DS-3053
Form DS-82. US Passport Renewal Application

All Bill Titles

Popular: SOPA as .

Popular: Stop Online Piracy Act as introduced.

Short: Stop Online Piracy Act as introduced.

Official: To promote prosperity, creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation by combating the theft of U.S. property, and for other purposes. as introduced.

Popular: Enforcing and Protecting American Rights Against Sites Intent on Theft and Exploitation Act as introduced.

Popular: E-PARASITE Act as introduced.

Popular: SOPA.

Bill’s Views

Today: 125

Past Seven Days: 513

All-Time: 489,470

Official Bill Text

Comment on about 0 Pages











Lamar Smith

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Added November 03, 2011


House Committee on the Judiciary

House Committee on Judiciary – Intellectual Property, Competition and the Internet

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U.S. Sentencing Commission

Data via Congressional Research Service

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OpenCongress Summary

This bill would establish a system for taking down websites that the Justice Department determines to be dedicated to copyright infringment. The DoJ or the copyright owner would be able to commence a legal action against any site they deem to have “only limited purpose or use other than infringement,” and the DoJ would be allowed to demand that search engines, social networking sites and domain name services block access to the targeted site. It would also make unauthorized web streaming of copyrighted content a felony with a possible penalty up to five years in prison. This bill combines two separate Senate bills — S.968 and S.978 — into one big House bill.

OpenCongress bill summaries are written by OpenCongress editors and are entirely independent of Congress and the federal government. For the summary provided by Congress itself, via the Congressional Research Service, see the “Official Summary” below.

Official Summary

Stop Online Piracy Act – Authorizes the Attorney General (AG) to seek a court order against a U.S.-directed foreign Internet site committing or facilitating online piracy to require the owner, operator, or domain name registrant, or the site or domain name itself if such persons are unable to be found, to cease and desist further activities constituting specified intellectual property offenses under the federal criminal code including criminal copyright infringement, unauthorized fixation and trafficking of sound recordings or videos of live musical performances, the recording of exhibited motion pictures, or trafficking in counterfeit labels, goods, or services. Sets forth an additional two-step process that allows an intellectual property right holder harmed by a U.S.-directed site dedicated to infringement, or a site promoted or used for infringement under certain circumstances, to first provide a written notification identifying the site to related payment network providers and Internet advertising services requiring such entities to forward the notification and suspend their services to such an identified site unless the site’s owner, operator, or domain name registrant, upon receiving the forwarded notification, provides a counter notification explaining that it is not dedicated to engaging in specified violations. Authorizes the right holder to then commence an action for limited injunctive relief against the owner, operator, or domain name registrant, or against the site or domain name itself if such persons are unable to be found, if:

(1) such a counter notification is provided (and, if it is a foreign site, includes consent to U.S. jurisdiction to adjudicate whether the site is dedicated to such violations), or

(2) a payment network provider or Internet advertising service fails to suspend its services in the absence of such a counter notification. Requires online service providers, Internet search engines, payment network providers, and Internet advertising services, upon receiving a copy of a court order relating to an AG action, to carry out certain preventative measures including withholding services from an infringing site or preventing users located in the United States from accessing the infringing site. Requires payment network providers and Internet advertising services, upon receiving a copy of such an order relating to a right holder’s action, to carry out similar preventative measures. Provides immunity from liability for service providers, payment network providers, Internet advertising services, advertisers, Internet search engines, domain name registries, or domain name registrars that take actions required by this Act or otherwise voluntarily block access to or end financial affiliation with such sites. Permits such entities to stop or refuse services to certain sites that endanger public health by distributing prescription medication that is adulterated, misbranded, or without a valid prescription. Expands the offense of criminal copyright infringement to include public performances of:

(1) copyrighted work by digital transmission, and

(2) work intended for commercial dissemination by making it available on a computer network. Expands the criminal offenses of trafficking in inherently dangerous goods or services to include:

(1) counterfeit drugs; and

(2) goods or services falsely identified as meeting military standards or intended for use in a national security, law enforcement, or critical infrastructure application. Increases the penalties for:

(1) specified trade secret offenses intended to benefit a foreign government, instrumentality, or agent; and

(2) various other intellectual property offenses as amended by this Act. Directs the U.S. Sentencing Commission to review, and if appropriate, amend related Federal Sentencing Guidelines. Requires the Secretary of State and Secretary of Commerce to appoint at least one intellectual property attache to be assigned to the U.S. embassy or diplomatic mission in a country in each geographic region covered by a Department of State regional bureau.

Organizations Supporting H.R.3261

National Association of Broadcasters

Copyright Alliance

American Federation of Television & Radio Artists

International Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Employees

National Songwriters Association

Association of American Publishers

…and 377 more. See all.

Organizations Opposing H.R.3261

Brookings Institute

Freedom House

Human Rights First

Human Rights Watch


New America Foundation’s Open Technology Initiative

…and 161 more. See all.

Latest Letters to Congress

H.R.3261 Stop Online Piracy Act

gage8707 February 24, 2015

I am writing as your constituent in the 2nd Congressional district of Indiana. I oppose H.R.3261 – Stop Online Piracy Act, and am tracking it using OpenCongress.org, the free public resource website for government transparency and accountability.


Dustin Mark

H.R.3261 Stop Online Piracy Act

edwardbeyer March 16, 2014

I am writing as your constituent in the 23rd Congressional district of Texas. I oppose H.R.3261 – Stop Online Piracy Act, and am tracking it using OpenCongress.org, the free public resource website for government transparency and accountability.

While having a method to protect the rights of a person’s intellectual property is a good thing, H.R.3261 allows for far to broad an ability to impose sanctions upon websites on to little evidence. Allowing this bill to pass would simply destroy the …

H.R.3261 Stop Online Piracy Act

iamjmph01 March 14, 2014

I am writing as your constituent in the 14th Congressional district of Texas. I oppose H.R.3261 – Stop Online Piracy Act, and am tracking it using OpenCongress.org, the free public resource website for government transparency and accountability.


Darin Ehrhart

Related Bills

  1. 968: PIPA

Introduced Jan 23, 2012


  1. 1228: Combating Military Counterfeits Act of 2011

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Interest group positions: Maplight-trans

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“we will never be ready for internet censorship. this bill is overly bro…”


“can anyone explain the difference between burning books and taking down …”



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OpenCongress’ data was updated about 5 hours ago.

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