
Rune Review Rebuttal
2000-11-10 Chet Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5

The Rune Review Rebuttal by Chet

I never received my promised copy of Rune.� Sophisticated professional gamer Erik got his and wouldn't share. � He solved it, then decided to start reviewing it without me.� The result?� He has now blown two reviews.� Just like Rune message board bigwig Mithril says in the above post, I don't need to play Rune to know that Erik is ignorant.� I've done so little actual work in my life that my hands are smooth little knobs like fetus hands, so why should I potentially strain them actually playing the game when I can prove Erik wrong by simply leveraging the opinions of my many online friends?� I will now do just that by utilizing all of the unbelievably positive reviews Rune's been getting to expose Erik as a fraud at everything he does except for being an imbecile.� Erik is wrong, Erik makes ignorant statements, and I won't even have to go very far out of my way to point out all of his logical fallacies. � If I was Erik, I wouldn't want to be me right now.� Note: Quotes from the reviews are in yellow.� You can click on a site's logo to be transported to the site's review of Rune.

Erik's Rebuttal to the Rebuttal



Here's a picture I thought you should see of me and Chet playing Rune.� I'm the one to your right on whom Rune has just acted like a powerful knock-out drop.� Please note that the camera adds ten pounds - to my crotch!!!� Also note that Chet is playing Rune with a Dreamcast controller.� The photo doesn't show it, but the controller isn't hooked up to anything.� That's how Chet plays every game.� He watches the attract mode, fiddles with his "eemcas" controller and squeals.� Kinda makes you wonder if Mortyr's so bad after all.� It is, by the way.

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