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Oddworld: Soulstorm Character Portraits - Glukkon 02

That stare is quite unsettling!

We’re continuing our series of character portraits with this handsome looking gentleman. If you’ve been following the daily portrait posts, you’ll know that we’re not naming the Glukkons just yet. It’s quite interesting to hear what people can ascertain about the character of these Glukkons just from their portraits. For example, this guy is dressed very smartly but also in quite a fussy way, with his double collar and the delicate ribbon and chain that supports his medallion.

That attention to detail in his personal appearance, in conjunction with his piercing stare, makes this Glukkon one we would definitely think twice about disobeying!

You can get his wallpapers by clicking the appropriate link below.

3840×2160 (4k, Desktop)
2560×1440 (1440p, Desktop)
1920×1080 (HD, Desktop)
1080×1920 (Portrait, Smartphone)
820×462 (Facebook profile picture)
1500×500 (Twitter header image)

Come back tomorrow for a look at our third and final Mudokon character portrait, Toby. On Monday we’ll have another unnamed Glukkon before finishing this little series of blog posts with a look at Molluck on Tuesday. If you have missed any of the previous posts in this series, please follow this link for a list of them. While you’re here, why not check out the first video footage of Soulstorm that we showed recently at EGX in the UK.

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