

The 2.19.17 Issue


  1. Feature

    Will Obamacare Really Go Under the Knife?

    Republicans spent almost seven years waging a battle to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Finally, they are set up for victory — or a new kind of disappointment.


    CreditPhoto illustration by Craig Cutler for The New York Times. Prop styling by Noemi Bonazzi.
  2. Feature

    The Age of Rudeness

    As the social contract frays, what does it mean to be polite?


    CreditPhoto illustration by Cristiana Couceiro
  3. Feature

    The Compost King of New York

    What happens to food scraps after the city takes them? Soon a large fraction will wind up on Long Island, where Charles Vigliotti hopes to turn them into profit.


    Charles Vigliotti at his compost facility in Yaphank, N.Y.
    CreditGrant Cornett for The New York Times
  4. Feature

    The Dirty Projectors Go Solo

    The band created one of indie rock’s most indelible sounds, built around the collaboration of David Longstreth and Amber Coffman. Now he’s reinventing their music without her.


    David Longstreth in his studio earlier this month.
    CreditGraeme Mitchell for The New York Times
  1. Is the ‘Anthropocene’ Epoch a Condemnation of Human Interference — or a Call for More?

    When some climate scientists began saying we’d entered a new epoch, they meant to draw attention to human effects on climate. Now, to their dismay, it’s become a tech call to arms for more disruption.


    CreditIllustration by Javier Jaén
    First Words
  2. Should Athletes Stick to Sports?

    How the current moment has changed the pressures on players, coaches and other to speak out or be silent.


    CreditPhoto illustration by Matt Dorfman
    On Sports
  3. What’s a Liberal to Do When His Spouse Is a Trump Zealot?

    The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on navigating political differences in a marriage and how to handle relatives’ anti-Arab prejudice.


    CreditIllustration by Tomi Um
    The Ethicist
  4. Letter of Recommendation: Presidential Biographies

    These books don’t tell you that everything is going to be O.K. but rather that nothing was ever really O.K. to begin with.


    Books from the author’s library.
    CreditCait Oppermann for The New York Times
    Letter of Recommendation
  5. Why Was This 3-Year-Old So Irritable, and What Was Wrong With Her Eye?

    A mother’s good-night kiss has unexpected consequences.


    CreditIllustration by Andreas Samuelsson
  1. The Cat Named Morphine

    Allaying suspicions on the Ukrainian front, with some unexpected assistance.


    CreditIllustration by Melinda Josie
  2. In Praise of the Prune

    A frangipane tart that showcases the pleasures of the dried fruit.


    CreditGentl and Hyers for The New York Times
  3. Marilyn Minter Finds Art in the Female Form

    The visual artist on her explicit aesthetic, activism in art and supporting younger feminists.

     Interview by

    Marilyn Minter
    CreditAndrew T. Warman for The New York Times
  4. How to Discover a Species

    Go to poorly sampled places. Look in museums too.


    CreditIllustration by Radio
  5. Repetition Works for the Moon

    Selected by Matthew Zapruder.


    CreditIllustration by R.O. Blechman
