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The 10.30.16 Issue
Jack Davison for The New York Times
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Table of Contents
The Culture Issue

Kesha, Interrupted

Four years ago, she was a global superstar. Then a contract dispute — and her rape claim against her producer — sent her career into the wilderness.

The Culture Issue

A Pilgrimage to the Desert Shrine of Noah Purifoy

Two contemporary artists pay homage to a visionary predecessor at Joshua Tree.

The Culture Issue

Adam Curtis and the Secret History of Everything

In the British filmmaker’s epic documentaries, the world as we know it is pulled back to reveal a complex web of history, technology and power.

The Culture Issue

Why Pop Culture Just Can’t Deal With Black Male Sexuality

On America’s deep and persistent fear of the black penis.

The Culture Issue

The Profound Empathy of Yoko Tawada

Through the stories of polar bears, dogs and other animals, the novelist makes us see “the other” — including ourselves.


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