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The 10.23.16 Issue
Kenji Aoki for The New York Times
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Table of Contents

The Anti-Helicopter Parent’s Plea: Let Kids Play!

A Silicon Valley dad decided to test his theories about parenting by turning his yard into a playground where children can take physical risks without supervision. Not all of his neighbors were thrilled.


Miri Regev’s Culture War

The Israeli minister of culture and sports wants nothing less than an overthrow of the nation’s elite.


Should We See Everything a Cop Sees?

Body cameras have been promoted as a solution to police misconduct. But the strange two-year saga of Seattle shows just how complicated total transparency can be.


Why Isn’t the U.S. Better at Predicting Extreme Weather?

Hurricanes like Matthew have laid bare the dirty secret of the National Weather Service: its technologies and methods are woefully behind the times.


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