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The 9.11.16 Issue
Nico Young for The New York Times
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Table of Contents
The Education Issue

Inside Santa Monica High

A student photographer documents the timeless rituals of high school.

The Education Issue

For Gay and Transgender Teens, Will It Get Better?

School life can be hell for teenagers who don’t identify as straight. One refuge? The internet.

The Education Issue

An Effective but Exhausting Alternative to High-School Suspensions

When kids get into trouble at school, traditional forms of discipline often lead to more trouble. Is there a more productive way to change behavior?

The Education Issue

The New High-School Outsiders

The class of 2016 in Boise, Idaho, includes refugees who have fled violence and persecution around the world. They’ve found one another, but still long to fit in.

The Education Issue

Fortress of Tedium: What I Learned as a Substitute Teacher.

A novelist’s education in the classroom.

The Education Issue

They Also Have Lessons to Teach

Meet some of the other school figures who help students find their way.


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