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The 5.29.16 Issue
Moises Saman/Magnum, for The New York Times
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Table of Contents

Behind the Barricades of Turkey’s Hidden War

A simmering conflict with the Kurds threatens to consume an American ally and inflame an already-unstable region.


Kamala Harris, a ‘Top Cop’ in the Era of Black Lives Matter

As she campaigns to become only the second black woman elected to the U.S. Senate, the California attorney general is trying to chart a middle course on the Democratic Party’s most contentious issue: criminal justice.


Which Rock Star Will Historians of the Future Remember?

The most important musical form of the 20th century will be nearly forgotten one day. People will probably learn about the genre through one figure — but who might that be?


He Survived Ebola. Now He’s Fighting to Keep It From Spreading.

A doctor in Guinea tries to train health workers to halt the transmission of the disease — before it comes roaring back.


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