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The 5.1.16 Issue
Katy Grannan for The New York Times
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Table of Contents
The Money Issue

Is the U.S. Ready for Post-Middle-Class Politics?

A particular vision of the American dream has shaped elections for decades. What happens when people stop believing in it?

The Money Issue

President Obama Weighs His Economic Legacy

Eight years after the financial crisis, unemployment is at 5 percent, deficits are down and G.D.P. is growing. Why do so many voters feel left behind? The president has a theory.

The Money Issue

Where Did the Government Jobs Go?

Long a ticket to the middle class, especially for African-Americans, they have become increasingly difficult to find.

The Money Issue

What Happened to Worcester?

A central Massachusetts city enabled the author’s ancestors to move into the good life of the middle class. That move is more complicated now.

The Money Issue

TV’s Dwindling Middle Class

Money worries and striving were part of the mainstream sitcom. Now most characters exist in a classless world.


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