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The 11.15.15 Issue
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Table of Contents
The Future Issue

Economists, Biologists and Skrillex on How to Predict the Future

Industry experts weigh in on what they can — and cannot — know about how their fields will change over time.

The Future Issue

You, Only Better

Is “biohacking” just a fad? Or can data-driven diets help us become an improved, happier species?

The Future Issue

The Crispr Quandary

A new gene-editing tool might create an ethical morass — or it might make revising nature seem natural.

The Future Issue

The Dream Life of Driverless Cars

Autonomous vehicles might remain an expensive novelty, or they might utterly transform society. Either way, they have much to teach us about how to look at the cities we live in.

The Future Issue

The Secrets in Greenland’s Ice Sheet

By studying the largest glaciers on earth, scientists hope to determine whether we’ll have time to respond to climate change or whether it’s already too late.

The Future Issue

Choose Your Own Adventure: A Conversation With Jennifer Egan and George Saunders

Two fiction writers known for their mind-bending imaginations discuss the business of envisioning the future.


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