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The 11.8.15 Issue
Lynsey Addario for The New York Times
Send a Letter to the Editor

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Table of Contents

The Displaced: Introduction

Nearly 60 million people are currently displaced from their homes by war and persecution — more than at any time since World War II. Half are children. This multimedia journey in text, photographs and virtual reality tells the stories of three of them.

The Displaced: Hana

At 12, she has lived one-quarter of her life in a debilitating state of suspension as a Syrian refugee in Lebanon.

The Displaced: Chuol

At 9, without his parents, he was forced to flee to the swamps.

The Displaced: Oleg

At 11, he is living in the ruins of his former life.

Editor’s Letter

Virtual Reality: A New Way to Tell Stories

Until now, virtual reality has been seen mostly as a revolutionary new platform for video games. But it has the potential to transform journalism as well.

NYT VR: How to Experience a New Form of Storytelling From The Times

Today, The New York Times takes a step into virtual reality. Here’s what you need to know to use it.

How to Help

A list of organizations that provide aid to refugee children like Hana, Oleg and Chuol.


Steve Deace and the Power of Conservative Media

When the radio host speaks for angry Republicans in Iowa — and beyond — the 2016 candidates have no choice but to listen.


Mary Gaitskill and the Life Unseen

In her new novel,­ the author — known for depicting violent sex and lonely people — delves into the most frightening subject of all: real connection.


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