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The Education Issue
Artwork by Todd St. John. Photo illustration by Craig Cutler.
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Table of Contents
The Education Issue

What Is the Point of College?

Is it supposed to train students, or transform them? Can these two perspectives be reconciled?

The Education Issue

Is College Tuition Really Too High?

The answer depends on what you mean by college.

The Education Issue

A Prescription for More Black Doctors

How does tiny Xavier University in New Orleans manage to send more African-American students to medical school than any other college in the country?

The Education Issue

If You Build It, They Will Come ... Won’t They?

The University of Cincinnati is trying to raise its profile through a risky (but increasingly common) investment: expensive architecture.

The Education Issue

The Return of the Sex Wars

The decades-old intellectual debate simmering beneath the current conversation over sexual assault on campus.

The Education Issue

Why We Should Fear University, Inc.

Against the corporate taming of the American college.


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