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The 6.07.15 Issue
Cover illustration by Matt Dorfman
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Table of contents

Welcome to the Age of Digital Imperialism

Silicon Valley is spreading a peculiarly American vision of the future. How will the rest of the world respond?

The Agency

From a nondescript office building in St. Petersburg, Russia, an army of well-paid “trolls” has tried to wreak havoc all around the Internet — and in real-life American communities.

What Silicon Valley Can Learn From Seoul

South Korean companies are building software for smartphones that’s chaotic, multifunctional and exciting — everything that American apps aren’t.

Uber’s French Resistance

In cities from New York to New Delhi, the car service Uber has faced threats and bans from regulators but usually comes out on top. Has it met its match in Paris?

Is Translation an Art or a Math Problem?

Google and other tech dreamers think machines can make languages superfluous.

Can the Swiss Watchmaker Survive the Digital Age?

Masters of one of the world’s most revered forms of analog craftsmanship take on the smartwatch.

A Music-Sharing Network for the Unconnected

In Mali’s “digital Bamako” markets, vendors fill old phones with new songs — and jump-start a homegrown musical community.

Making and Unmaking the Digital World

From mining to power to waste, there is a physical footprint in the online experience.


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