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Matthew Pillsbury for The New York Times. Prop stylist: Emily Mullin; Globe by Replogle Globes Partners LLC.
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table of contents

Hong Kong’s Umbrella Revolution Isn’t Over Yet

A democracy movement ponders its next move.

‘Out of My Mouth Comes Unimpeachable Manly Truth’

What I learned from watching a week of Russian TV.

‘Why Not Us Women?’

Sgt. Madot Dagbinza of the Congolese Army was killed in an ambush in 2014. She left behind this remarkable photo album.

Meet the Unlikely Airbnb Hosts of Japan

A world-conquering start-up finds itself lost in translation in Tokyo.

The National Front’s Post-Charlie Hebdo Moment

France’s ultranationalist fringe party isn’t so fringe anymore.

‘The Media Doesn’t Care What Happens Here’

Can amateur journalism bring justice to Rio’s favelas?

magazine cover
The Global Issue | February 22, 2015

Dispatches from Brazil, Congo, France, Hong Kong, Japan, a hotel room at the Four Seasons in Manhattan and more.