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February 15, 2015
Sterling Franken-Steffen and shot for the cover by Johnny Miller for The New York Times
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table of contents

How One Stupid Tweet Blew Up Justine Sacco’s Life

The unique 21st-century misery of the online shaming victim.

The Stanford Undergraduate and the Mentor

He was supposed to help her break into the tech industry. Instead, they started a relationship. Then came a rape allegation, a lawsuit and an investigation at one of the nation’s top universities.

The Hezbollah Connection

Ten years ago, a truck bomber assassinated the former and likely next prime minister of Lebanon, Rafik Hariri. Can a trial in The Hague deliver any justice for the nation — or the Middle East?

Solve the popular variety puzzles from the Sunday magazine at our newly relaunched hub for New York Times crosswords.