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The Innovations Issue
Photo illustration by Sam Kaplan for The New York Times. Source image: Bell Aerosystems.
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table of contents
From The Magazine

Welcome to the Failure Age!

In this economy, losers will be the biggest winners.

A Brief History of Failure

From the longbow to the Dvorak keyboard, the road to innovation is paved with failed designs and forgotten artifacts.

Virtual Reality Fails Its Way to Success

For decades, V.R. was a complete flop. But now with the nausea-free Oculus Rift, it may be a total win.

Why Are So Few Blockbuster Drugs Invented Today?

Our high-tech process of pharmaceutical research is broken — and the solution might be old-fashioned trial and error.

Solve the popular variety puzzles from the Sunday magazine at our newly relaunched hub for New York Times crosswords.