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The Health Issue
Photo illustration by Zachary Scott for The New York Times
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table of contents

Searching for the Fountain of Youth

Down the back roads of strip-mall Florida, I hunted for the legendary reservoir that would keep me forever young.

A Handy Guide to Longer Living Through Science!

Research abounds with studies of longevity that are often rife with contradictions. Here we offer a compilation of the latest claims in science.

Old Masters at the Top of Their Game

After 80, some people don’t retire. They reign.

What if Age Is Nothing but a Mind-Set?

Ellen Langer’s experiments have shown that mental attitudes might reverse some ravages of old age. Now she wants to test that same radical principle on cancer.

Can Video Games Fend Off Mental Decline?

“Brain training” games have become big business, but the research is still unclear about whether they improve your brain over all.

magazine cover
Latest Issue | October 26, 2014

The anti-aging benefits of positive thinking, video games that keep the mind sharp, old masters who won't quit and more.