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The Voyages Issue
Photo illustration by David Benjamin Sherry
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table of Contents

Larry Ellison Bought an Island in Hawaii. Now What?

How the tech billionaire came to own 87,000 acres, three hotels, a wastewater-treatment plant, a cemetery and 380 cats.

The Woman Who Walked 10,000 Miles (No Exaggeration) in Three Years

For Sarah Marquis, a very long hike — like one she took from Siberia through the Gobi Desert, China and eventually Australia — can become a voyage of discovery.

The Peculiar Soul of Georgia

A journey through the state, featuring Jimmy Carter, Civil War re-enactors and newborn Cabbage Patch Kids.

Hunting for the Source of the World’s Most Beguiling Folk Music

A moving song by a Greek violinist led the writer to a hillside village across the ocean.

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