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August 10, 2014
Illustration by Matt Dorfman. Rand Paul: Win McNamee/Getty Images.
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table of contents

The Brazilian Bus Magnate Who’s Buying Up All the World’s Vinyl Records

Since he was a child, Zero Freitas has been unable to stop buying records. Now he wants to save every album in existence.

Has the ‘Libertarian Moment’ Finally Arrived?

Rand Paul and the libertarians could win young voters for the G.O.P. — if the party doesn’t shut them down.

Vladimir Putin’s Chess-Master Nemesis

As he vies for the presidency of the governing body of world chess, Garry Kasparov can’t escape his fiercest opponent: the president of Russia.

Solve the popular variety puzzles from the Sunday magazine at our newly relaunched hub for New York Times crosswords.