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July 20, 2014
Bryan Schutmaat for The New York Times
Send a Letter to the Editor

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table of contents

The Weird, Scary and Ingenious Brain of Maria Bamford

America’s most vulnerable comedian jokes about O.C.D., psych wards, even suicide. Somehow it’s all very funny.

  • Video: Maria Bamford Jokes About Becoming Her Mother

The Trials of Graham Spanier, Penn State’s Ousted President

For 16 years, Spanier oversaw the school’s growth from remote outpost of American higher education to top-tier public university. Now he is facing felony charges. How much should anyone pay for a sin of omission?

The Pageant King of Alabama

Would-be beauty queens flock to this lawyer-by-day for lessons on poise, beauty and, above all, doing better in that pesky interview segment.

  • Video: Coaching Sessions With Bill Alverson

Solve the popular variety puzzles from the Sunday magazine at our newly relaunched hub for New York Times crosswords.