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June 22, 2014
Damon Casarez for The New York Times
Send a Letter to the Editor

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table of contents

Betrayal in Charlie Rangel’s Harlem?

Rangel has been the face of the district for four decades. Then an ambitious preacher named Michael Walrond came along. Now they’re fighting over the future of America’s most symbolic black neighborhood.

It’s Official: The Boomerang Kids Won’t Leave

One in five young adults lives with his or her parents. It might be a recessionary blip — or the dawn of a whole new economic age.

  • Audio: The Boomerang Kids in Their Own Words

The Slumdog Millionaire Architect

Hafeez Contractor’s wildly prolific (and flamboyant) architecture has come to define Mumbai. But have his projects helped improve life in the city’s slums?

Richard Linklater’s Leading Boy

The movie “Boyhood” was filmed over the course of a dozen years. Its star, Ellar Coltrane, practically grew up on film.

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