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June 8, 2014
Send a Letter to the Editor

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table of contents

My Travels With the Curse of Maracanã

An animated storybook about a World Cup game from 64 years ago that still haunts Brazil.

How Jurgen Klinsmann Plans to Make U.S. Soccer Better (and Less American)

The former German star hopes to keep expectations low for the coming World Cup. For now, Klinsmann will take the long view when it comes to soccer success for the United States.

Ronaldo, Neymar and Iniesta in (Superslow) Motion

How three World Cup stars do what they do best.

The Burden of Being Messi

What does the greatest player in the world have to do to make Argentina love him?

This Is What a Cursed Soccer Stadium Looks Like

64 years after the devastating 1950 World Cup, Maracanã stadium will host another final. Can the home team erase the memory of what happened there the last time?

The World Cup Soundtrack

If you want to find the best funk music in Brazil, you’ll need to stray far from the stadiums.

The World Cup Hairdo Hall of Fame

The magazine’s contributing illustrator sees soccer coifs in the scenery.

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