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May 25, 2014
James Day for The New York Times. Artwork by Kyle Bean
Send a Letter to the Editor

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table of contents

My No-Soap, No-Shampoo, Bacteria-Rich Hygiene Experiment

What happens when you leave cleanliness up to your microbiome?

Can the Nervous System Be Hacked?

Welcome to the brave new world of bioelectronics: implants that can communicate directly with the nervous system in order to try to fight everything from cancer to the common cold.

A Revolutionary Approach to Treating PTSD

Bessel van der Kolk wants to change the way we heal a traumatized mind — by starting with the body.

The MacGyver Cure for Cancer

To prevent a disease that kills a woman every two minutes in the developing world, start with a headlamp.

Solve the popular variety puzzles from the Sunday magazine at our newly relaunched hub for New York Times crosswords.